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Results for "Marie Talbot"

1 - 25 of 1,520 Records

Marie Palmire Talbot - 1860 to 1945

Birth: 17 July 1860 Assumption, Louisiana, USAbirth0

Death: 24 Dec 1945 Vermilion Parish, Louisiana, USAdeath0


Father: Louis Basile Talbot

Mother: Marie Louise Blanchard

Marie Palmire Talbot - 1860 to 1945

Birth: 17 July 1860 Assumption, Louisiana, USAbirth1

Death: 24 Dec 1945 Vermilion Parish, Louisiana, USAdeath1


Father: Louis Basile Talbot

Mother: Marie Louise Blanchard

Marie May Talbot - 1926 to 2004

Birth: 28 January 1926 Pa.birth2

Death: 4 October 2004 Quakertown, Richland Twp., Bucks Co., Pa.death2


Father: Robert William Talbot

Mother: Cora May Lebo

Marie Talbot - 1896 to 1963

Birth: Mar 1896 Massachusettsbirth3

Death: 25 Jul 1963 Salem, Essex, Massachusetts, United Statesdeath3


Father: Edmond Talbot

Mother: Anna Harrison

Marie Talbot - 1900 to 1993

Birth: 22 Jun 1900 Bennington, Vermontbirth4

Death: 02/14/1993 Oakland County, Michigan, USAdeath4


Father: Joseph W Talbot


Marie Talbot - 1910 to 2001

Birth: 22 Mar 1910 New Hampshire, USAbirth5

Death: 26 April 2001 Portsmouth, Rockingham County, New Hampshire, United States of Americadeath5


Father: Napoleon Talbot

Mother: Roseanna Jolicoeur (Hart)

Marie E Talbot - 1913 to 2001

Birth: 13 Jan 1913 Omaha, Nebraskabirth6

Death: 8 Mar 2001 Council Bluffs IAdeath6


Father: Gardner W Talbot

Mother: Elena Carlsen

Marie Alma Talbot - 1888 to 1977

Birth: 18 Jan 1888 Fall River, Bristol, Massachusetts, USAbirth7

Death: 19 Mar 1977 Framingham, Middlesex, Massachusetts, USAdeath7


Father: Edmond Talbot

Mother: Emma Picard

Marie Talbot - 1844 to 1907

Birth: abt 1844 Nova Scotiabirth8

Death: Mar 27, 1907 Hamilton, Essex, Massachusetts, USAdeath8


Father: Cyrus Jerome Talbot

Mother: Marie Anne Petitpas

Marie Talbot - 1887 to 1976

Birth: abt 1887 Canada Frenchbirth9

Death: 28 Jan 1976 Fall River, Massachusettsdeath9


Father: Charles-Édouard-Georges Talbot Gervais

Mother: Loüise-Célina Vidal Labonté

Marie Talbot - 1887 to 1970

Birth: 1887 Canada Frenchbirth10

Death: 1970 Southbridge, Massachusettsdeath10


Father: Nelson Talbot

Mother: Priscilla Louise Labonte

Marie Talbot - 1877 to 1928

Birth: Nov 1877 Canadabirth11

Death: 1928 Ludlow, Massachusetts, USAdeath11


Father: Auguste Joseph Talbot

Mother: Delvina Fournier

Marie Talbot - 1699 to 1767

Birth: 11 May 1699 Montmagny, Quebec, Canadabirth12

Death: 20 Nov 1767 St-Pierre-de-la-Rivière-du-Sud, Montmagny, Quebec, Canadadeath12


Father: Jean Jacques Talbot dit Gervais

Mother: Marie Charlotte Sommereux

Marie Anne TALBOT - 1866 to 1954

Birth: 19 MAR 1866 St-Paul-de-Montminy (Chaudière-Appalaches), , , Qc, Can, birth13

Death: 24 Janvier 1954 Montmagny L`Islet Québec Canadadeath13


Father: Anselme Talbot

Mother: Marie Anne GOURGUE

Marie Cecile Talbot - 1887 to 1946

Birth: 17 Jun 1887 Ste Cecile du Bic, Rimouski, Quebec, Canadabirth14

Death: 1946/05/16 Trois-Pistoles, Rivière-du-Loup, QC, CAN death14


Father: Odilon Talbot

Mother: Marie Leda Dube

Marie Emma Talbot - 1850 to 1926

Birth: Nov 1850 Berthier-en-Bas, Québecbirth15

Death: 1926 St-Pierre-de-la-Rivière-du-Sud, Québecdeath15


Father: Jean Baptiste TALBOT

Mother: Ursule Guillemette

Marie Emma Talbot - 1850 to 1926

Birth: Nov 1850 Berthier-en-Bas, Québecbirth16

Death: 1926 St-Pierre-de-la-Rivière-du-Sud, Québecdeath16


Father: Jean Baptiste TALBOT

Mother: Ursule Guillemette

Marie Cecile Talbot - 1887 to 1946

Birth: 17 Jun 1887 Ste Cecile du Bic, Rimouski, Quebec, Canadabirth17

Death: 1946/05/16 Trois-Pistoles, Rivière-du-Loup, QC, CAN death17


Father: Odilon Talbot

Mother: Marie Leda Dube

Marie Modeste Talbot - 1787 to 1832

Birth: 22 Sep 1787 Montmagny, , Quebec, Canadabirth18

Death: 1832 Saint-Vallier, Bellechasse, Quebec, Canadadeath18


Father: Jean Baptiste Talbot dit Gervais

Mother: Marie (Bolduc) Pelletier

Marie Louise Talbot - 1758 to 1831

Birth: 4 Oct 1758 St. Pierre du Nord, Île St. Jean, Acadie; birth19

Death: 18 Jul 1831 Bordeaux, Gironde, Aquitaine, Francedeath19


Father: Louis Charles Talbot

Mother: Marie-Françoise Talbot

Marie Talbot - 1897 to 1970

Birth: 17 SEP 1897 Les Basques, St-Jean-de-Dieu , Bas St-Laurent, Québec, Canadabirth20

Death: 22 JAN 1970 Rivière-du-Loup, St-Cyprien , Bas St-Laurent, Québec, Canadadeath20


Father: Joseph Talbot

Mother: M. Elise Ouellet

Marie Therese Talbot - 1736 to 1769

Birth: 13 September 1736 Montmagny, Montmagny, Quebecbirth21

Death: 9 Jul 1769 Ste Anne de la Pocatiere, Quebec, Canadadeath21


Father: Simon Talbot dit Gervais

Mother: Marie Thérèse Allaire Dallaire

Marie F. Talbot - 1931 to 2021

Birth: 20 Jan 1931 Lawrence, Essex County, Massachusetts, United States of Americabirth22

Death: 25 Jan 2021 Newtown, Fairfield County, Connecticut, United States of Americadeath22


Father: Bernard Laurence Barrett

Mother: Angelina Demers

Marie Catherine Talbot - 1868 to 1950

Birth: 21 Aug 1868 St Paul de Montminy, Montmagny, Quebecbirth23

Death: 5 Janvier 1950 St Marcel Comté L`Islet Québec Canadadeath23


Father: Anselme Talbot

Mother: Marie Anne GOURGUE

Marie Amanda TALBOT - 1907 to 1995

Birth: 19 May 1907 Beauce, Quebec, Canadabirth24

Death: 1995 Californiadeath24


Father: Sylvestre TALBOT

Mother: Marie Aimée HÉBERT

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