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Results for "Maria Weibel"

1 - 25 of 293 Records
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Maria Ursula WEIBEL

Birth: 15 MAR 1693 Colmar

Death: 25 DEC 1768 Heilbronn


Father: Nicolaus Weibel

Mother: Ursula Sitterin Weibel

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Maria Ursula WEIBEL

Birth: 15 MAR 1693 Colmar

Death: 25 DEC 1768 Heilbronn


Father: Nicolaus Weibel

Mother: Ursula Sitterin Weibel

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Maria Weibel

Birth: 1860 Eschenbach, Switzerland

Death: 1923 Lucerne, Luzern, Switzerland


Father: Johann Baptist Weibel

Mother: Katherina Halter

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Birth: 29 Sep 1738 Singen, Baden, Germany

Death: 08 Aug 1800 Singen, Baden, Germany




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Birth: 29 Sep 1738 Singen, Baden, Germany

Death: 08 Aug 1800 Singen, Baden, Germany




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Maria Weibel

Birth: 1670 Muehleberg, Bern, Switzerland

Death: 21 DEC 1723


Father: Hans Casper WEIBEL

Mother: Elsbeth BALMER

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Maria Anna Weibel

Birth: 30 May 1844 Wohlen, Bern, Schweiz

Death: Not Available Canton Bern, Switzerland


Father: Bendicht Weibel

Mother: Elisabeth Gaumann

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Maria Anna Weibel

Birth: 14 Nov 1755 Hockenheim, Rhein-Neckar-Kreis, Baden-Württemberg, Deutschland

Death: 1 Jun 1798 Hockenheim, Rhein-Neckar-Kreis, Baden-Württemberg, Deutschland


Father: Leopoldo Weibel

Mother: Annae Margarethae

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Maria Eva Weibel

Birth: 1750 Greenwich, Berks, Pennsylvania, United States

Death: 22 Dec 1827 Chongqing, Chongqing Shiqu, Chongqing, China


Father: Valentine Johan Weibel

Mother: Anna Maria Eck (Egg)

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Maria Weibel

Birth: 25 Mar 1818 Schuepfen, Bern, Switzerland

Death: 31 May 1880 Louisville, Jefferson, Kentucky, United States


Father: Benedict Weibel

Mother: Anna Baumgartner

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Maria Weibel

Birth: 01 May 1846 lützelsachsen

Death: Not Available


Father: Friedrich Weibel

Mother: Susanna Dreykluft

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Maria Theresa Weibel

Birth: 20 Jan 1781 Goshenhoppen, Berks, Pennsylvania, United States

Death: 1832 Taneytown, Carroll, Maryland, United States


Father: Joseph Weibel

Mother: Maria Margaret Ohrendorf

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Maria Weibel

Birth: 13 Jan 1861 Schupfen,Bern,Switzerland

Death: 24 Feb 1908


Father: Gottlieb Rudolf Weibel

Mother: Wilhelmine Auguste Adam

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Maria Eva Weibel

Birth: 1766 Goshenhoppen (Bally), Berks, PA, USA

Death: 1810 Goshenhoppen, Berks, Pennsylvania, USA


Father: Valentine Johan Weibel

Mother: Anna Maria Eck (Egg)

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Maria Margaretha Weibel

Birth: 28 FEB 1784 Neubrunn

Death: 13 MAR 1784 Neubrunn


Father: Laurentius Weibel

Mother: Anna Margaretha Fiederling

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Maria Weibel

Birth: 16 Feb 1873 Meriden, CT

Death: 22 July 1873 Meriden, CT


Father: Frederick Weibel


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Maria Magdalena Weibel

Birth: 1864 Hochstell

Death: 27 Feb 1889 Rappolstweiler, France


Father: Anton Weibel

Mother: Eva Stinmetz Stinmetz

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Maria Weibel

Birth: 11 NOV 1879 , Bootzheim, 67, Bas Rhin, ,

Death: 4 DEC 1879 , Bootzheim, 67, Bas Rhin, ,


Father: François Antoine Weibel

Mother: Madeleine Rohr

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Maria Eva Weibel

Birth: 03 Mar 1757 Goshenhoppen, Berks, Pennsylvania, United States

Death: 1810 Goshenhoppen, Berks, Pennsylvania, United States


Father: Valentine Johan Weibel

Mother: Anna Maria Eck

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Maria Weibel

Birth: 9 Mai 1849 Oberssasheim

Death: Not Available


Father: Georg Weibel

Mother: Marie Anne Cleler

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Maria Weibel

Birth: 16 Nov 1854 New Breisach

Death: Not Available


Father: Philippe Jacob Weibel

Mother: Luise Hauser Hauser

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Maria Rosina Weibel

Birth: 09 Apr 1822 Heuchlingen, , ,

Death: Not Available


Father: Kaspar Weibel

Mother: Barbara Spranz

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Maria Eva Weibel

Birth: 20 Mar 1866 Katholisch, Hettenleidelheim, Pfalz, Bavaria

Death: Not Available


Father: Conradi Weibel

Mother: Margarethae Maltri

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Maria Margaretha WEIBEL

Birth: 07 DEC 1694 Wintersbourg, Lorraine, France

Death: 28 DEC 1776 Schalbach, Lorraine, France


Father: Weibel

Mother: Not Available

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