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Results for "Maria Velasquez"

1 - 25 of 7,091 Records

Maria Francisquita Velasquez - 1854 to 1946

Birth: abt 1854 New Mexicobirth0

Death: 23 May 1946 Wagon Mound, Mora County, New Mexicodeath0


Father: Matias Velasques

Mother: Maria Gregoria Martinez

Maria Isaac Velasquez - 1848 to 1938

Birth: 3 Jun 1848 San Cristobal, San Luis Potosi, Mexicobirth1

Death: 24 Jan 1938 Somerville, Burleson, Texas, USAdeath1


Father: Francisco Velasquez

Mother: Maria Librada Gomez

Maria Velasquez - 1880 to 1959

Birth: 9 Oct 1880 Questa, Taos, New Mexicobirth2

Death: 19 Dec 1959 Questa, Taos, New Mexicodeath2


Father: Antonio Elias Velasquez

Mother: Maria Benigna Laforet

Maria Lucinda Velasquez - 1884 to 1979

Birth: 11 Jul 1884 San Antonio del Rio Colorado (Questa), Taos, New Mexicobirth3

Death: 1 May 1979 Denver, Denver, Colorado, United States of Americadeath3


Father: Antonio Elias Velasquez

Mother: Maria Benigna Laforet

Maria Lucinda Velasquez - 1884 to 1979

Birth: 11 Jul 1884 San Antonio del Rio Colorado (Questa), Taos, New Mexicobirth4

Death: 1 May 1979 Denver, Denver, Colorado, United States of Americadeath4


Father: Antonio Elias Velasquez

Mother: Maria Benigna Laforet

Maria Amada Velasquez - 1889 to 1913

Birth: 31Mar1889 Conejos, Colorado, USAbirth5

Death: 1913 San, , Colorado, USAdeath5


Father: Jose Norberto Velasquez

Mother: Maria Julianita Lobato

Maria Solezad Velasquez - 1925 to 1979

Birth: 21 Oct 1925 Hondo, Medina, Texas, USAbirth6

Death: 1 Aug 1979 Port Clinton, Ottawa, Ohio, USAdeath6


Father: Tomas Velasquez

Mother: Soledad E Gonzales

Maria Velasquez - 1911 to 2010

Birth: 26 Jan 1911 Mexicobirth7

Death: 29 June 2010 Liberal, Kansas, USAdeath7


Father: Pascual Ramon Velazquez

Mother: Florencia Ortiz

Maria Guadalupe Velasquez - 1910 to 1995

Birth: 16 Jan 1910 Queretaro, Queretaro, Mexicobirth8

Death: 11 Dec 1995 Glendora, Los Angeles, Californiadeath8


Father: Manuel VELAZQUEZ

Mother: Maria SALAZAR

Maria Josepha Velasquez - 1792 to 1851

Birth: 9 JUN 1792 Frijoles,N.M. (Abiquiu), New Mexicobirth9

Death: 05 Nov 1851 San Lorenzo de Picuris, New Mexicodeath9


Father: Diego Antonio Velasquez

Mother: Maria Manuela Grande

Maria C Velasquez - 1921 to 2010

Birth: 14 February 1921 Los Angeles, Los Angeles, California, USAbirth10

Death: 10 Dec 2010 Chino Hills, San Bernardino, Californiadeath10


Father: José Maria Velazquez Salgado

Mother: Belen Salazar

Maria Rosario Velasquez - 1871 to 1931

Birth: abt 1871 New Mexicobirth11

Death: 6 June 1931 Albuquergue,Bernalillo County, New Mexico, USAdeath11


Father: Ramon Velasquez

Mother: Maria Candelaria Baca

Maria Contreras Velasquez - 1916 to 2004

Birth: 26 Jul 1916 San Pedro CO, Mexicobirth12

Death: 2 June 2004 Saline County, Kansas, USAdeath12


Father: Maximo Contreras

Mother: Genoveva Vasquez

Maria Consuelo Velasquez - 1920 to 1999

Birth: 4 Sep 1920 Laredo, Webb County, Texas, USAbirth13

Death: 18 Aug 1999 Carrizo Springs, Dimmit County, Texas, USAdeath13



Mother: Elena Velasquez

Maria Julianita VELASQUEZ - 1909 to 2010

Birth: 09 Jun 1909 Saguache, CObirth14

Death: 2/18/2010 California, USAdeath14


Father: Juan C Velasquez Lovato

Mother: Maria Elena Garcia

Maria Ramos Velasquez - 1915 to 1986

Birth: 09 May 1915 Wilmington, Los Angeles, California, USAbirth15

Death: 1986 Wilmington, Los Angeles, California, USAdeath15


Father: Felipe Sotelo

Mother: Santos R Sotelo

Maria Encarnacion Velasquez - 1782 to 1845

Birth: 08 Apr 1782 Chama, Rio Arriba, New Mexico, USAbirth16

Death: 26 May 1845 La Questa, San Miguel, New Mexico, USAdeath16


Father: Juan Esteban Velasquez

Mother: Juana Teresa Apodaca

Maria Velasquez - 1929 to 1986

Birth: 10 Jan 1929 San Antonio, Bexar, Texasbirth17

Death: 03 Oct 1986 San Antonio, Bexar, Texasdeath17


Father: Pedro Velasquez

Mother: Concepción Erresuriz

Maria Velasquez - 1944 to 1904

Birth: 3 Feb 1944 Eagle Pass, Maverick, Texas, USAbirth18

Death: 7/9/04 Muleshoe, Bailey, Texas, USAdeath18


Father: Librado Velasquez

Mother: Juanita Velasquez

Maria Velasquez - 1755 to 1832

Birth: Abt. 1755 San Fernando de Taos, New Mexicobirth19

Death: 2 May 1832 San Fernando de Taos, New Mexicodeath19


Father: Jose Velasquez Vazquez

Mother: Maria Eusebia Espinosa

Maria Encarnacion Velasquez - 1782 to 1845

Birth: 08 Apr 1782 Chama, Rio Arriba, New Mexico, USAbirth20

Death: 26 May 1845 La Questa, San Miguel, New Mexico, USAdeath20


Father: Juan Esteban Velasquez

Mother: Juana Teresa Apodaca

Maria Encarnacion Velasquez - 1782 to 1845

Birth: 08 Apr 1782 Chama, Rio Arriba, New Mexico, USAbirth21

Death: 26 May 1845 La Questa, San Miguel, New Mexico, USAdeath21


Father: Juan Esteban Velasquez

Mother: Juana Teresa Apodaca

Maria Manuela Velasquez - 1852 to 1933

Birth: 1852 Santiago Papasquiaro, Durango, Méxicobirth22

Death: 25 Ene 1933 Durango, Mexicodeath22


Father: Andrés Velásquez

Mother: Maria Contreras

Maria Antonia Velasquez - 1880 to 1935

Birth: Abt 1880 Antioquia, Colombiabirth23

Death: Jun 1935 Bello, Antioquia, Colombiadeath23


Father: Jose Maria Velasquez

Mother: Jacoba Velásquez Saldarriaga

Maria Velasquez - 1929 to 1986

Birth: 10 Jan 1929 San Antonio, Bexar, Texasbirth24

Death: 03 Oct 1986 San Antonio, Bexar, Texasdeath24


Father: Pedro Velasquez

Mother: Concepción Erresuriz

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