Results for "Maria Qvant"
MARIA Qvant - 1879 to 1952
Birth: 6 APR 1879 Stora Köpinge, Sverige
Death: 22 FEB 1952 L:a Köpinge 14:44, Stora Köpinge, Sverige
Father: NILS Qvant
Mother: Ingeborg Nilsdotter
MARIA Qvant - 1879 to 1952
Birth: 6 APR 1879 Stora Köpinge, Sverige
Death: 22 FEB 1952 L:a Köpinge 14:44, Stora Köpinge, Sverige
Father: NILS Qvant
Mother: Ingeborg Nilsdotter
Maria Qvant - 1861
Birth: 21 JUL 1861 Vä, Kristianstad, Sverige
Death: Not Available
Father: Jeppa Persson Qvant
Mother: Hanna Johnsdotter