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Results for "Magdalena Zimmerman"

1 - 25 of 346 Records

Magdalena Zimmerman - 1806 to 1880

Birth: 25 May 1806 PENNSYLVANIAbirth0

Death: 20 Aug 1880 Chili, Miami County, Indiana, USAdeath0


Father: Johann George Miller

Mother: Magdalena Keÿser

Magdalena Zimmerman - 1895 to 1983

Birth: 28 OCT 1895 , Lancaster, Pennsylvania, United Statesbirth1

Death: 21 May 1983 Lancaster, Pennsylvania, United Statesdeath1


Father: Aaron M Zimmerman

Mother: Magdalena Martin Zimmerman

Magdalena Zimmerman - 1838 to 1912

Birth: 20 May 1838 Ragersville, Tuscarawas, Ohio, United Statesbirth2

Death: 10/24/1912 Ragersville, Tuscarawas, OH, USAdeath2


Father: Daniel T. Zimmerman

Mother: Susanna Buehler

Magdalena Zimmerman - 1691 to 1727

Birth: 25 Mar 1691 Niederhausen, Emmendingen, Baden-Wuerttemberg, Germanybirth3

Death: 3 Feb 1727 Niederhausen, Emmendingen, Baden-Wuerttemberg, Germanydeath3


Father: Christian Zimmerman

Mother: Anna Magdalena Pflueger

Magdalena M. Zimmerman - 1880 to 1904

Birth: 3 JUN 1880 s 2 Eintrag

Death: 9 OCT 1904 Ephrata Twp., Lancaster, Pennsylvania (USA)death4


Father: Samuel Martin Zimmerman

Mother: Lydia W Martin

Magdalena Zimmerman - 1870 to 1952

Birth: Jun 1870 New Yorkbirth5

Death: 16 July 1952 Buffalo, Erie County, New York, USAdeath5


Father: Louis Zimmerman

Mother: Margaret "Maggie" George

Magdalena Zimmerman - 1901 to 1987

Birth: 30 Jul 1901 Pennsylvania, United Statesbirth6

Death: 06 Apr 1987 Lancaster County, Pennsylvaniadeath6


Father: Wayne S Zimmerman

Mother: Catherine Shirk Weaver

Magdalena Zimmerman - 1901 to 1987

Birth: 30 Jul 1901 Pennsylvania, United Statesbirth7

Death: 06 Apr 1987 Lancaster County, Pennsylvaniadeath7


Father: Wayne S Zimmerman

Mother: Catherine Shirk Weaver

Magdalena Zimmerman - 1848 to 1902

Birth: 26 Jun 1848 Buffalo, Erie, New York, USAbirth8

Death: 29 Aug 1902 Buffalo, Erie, New Yorkdeath8


Father: Valentin "Michael" Zimmerman

Mother: Anne Ast

Magdalena Martin Zimmerman - 1765 to 1842

Birth: 24 March 1765 Earl, Lancaster, Pennsylvania, USAbirth9

Death: 21 November 1842 Earl, Lancaster, Pennsylvania, USAdeath9


Father: Christian Zimmerman

Mother: Barbara Martin

Magdalena Zimmerman - 1881 to 1954

Birth: July 17, 1881 New Brunswick, New Jerseybirth10

Death: 1954 New Brunswick, Middlesex, New Jersey, USAdeath10


Father: Martin Joseph Zimmermann

Mother: Barbara Geuckler (Geigler)

Magdalena Martin Zimmerman - 1765 to 1842

Birth: 24 March 1765 Earl, Lancaster, Pennsylvania, USAbirth11

Death: 21 November 1842 Earl, Lancaster, Pennsylvania, USAdeath11


Father: Christian Zimmerman

Mother: Barbara Martin

magdalena lydia zimmerman - 1827 to 1897

Birth: 9 October 1827 Heath, Licking Co., Ohio, USAbirth12

Death: 1897


Father: Capt. Zimmerman

Mother: Elizabeth Margaret WHITELEATHER "Weissleder"

Magdalena Zimmerman - 1829 to 1909

Birth: 5 October 1829 Bernbach, , ,birth13

Death: 3 May 1909 Livingston County, Illinois, USAdeath13


Father: Adam Friederich Zimmermann

Mother: Friederike Eberhardine Kull

Magdalena Zimmerman - 1790 to 1851

Birth: 27 FEB 1790 Baldenweger Hof, Niederemmendingen, Baden, Germanybirth14

Death: 12 FEB 1851 Muellheim, Baden, Germanydeath14


Father: Johann Jakob Zimmermann

Mother: Anna Maria Konig

Magdalena Zimmerman - 1812 to 1888

Birth: 1812 Baden, Wilmot Twp., Waterloo Co., Ontario, "canada".birth15

Death: 09 Apr 1888 Baden, Ontario, canadadeath15


Father: Jacob Zimmerman

Mother: Elizabeth Bacherin Becking

Magdalena Zimmerman - 1766 to 1848

Birth: 14 May 1766 New York, United Statesbirth16

Death: 01 APR 1848 Shelby, Orleans, New York, USAdeath16


Father: George Zimmerman

Mother: Anna Elizabeth Klock

Magdalena Zimmerman - 1865 to 1955

Birth: 21 Dec 1865 Johannestal Pri Odessa, Ukrainebirth17

Death: 16 April 1955 Bismarck, Burleigh, North Dakota, United Statesdeath17


Father: Johannes ZIMMERMAN

Mother: Katharina Hanett

Magdalena Zimmerman - 1865 to 1955

Birth: 21 Dec 1865 Johannestal Pri Odessa, Ukrainebirth18

Death: 16 April 1955 Bismarck, Burleigh, North Dakota, United Statesdeath18


Father: Johannes ZIMMERMAN

Mother: Katharina Hanett

Magdalena Zimmerman - 1732 to 1814

Birth: 25 February 1732 Ewattingen, Waldshut, Baden-Württemberg, Germanybirth19

Death: 1814


Father: Clemens Zimmerman

Mother: Ephrosina Heuessler

Magdalena Zimmerman - 1835 to 1912

Birth: 1835 Switzerlandbirth20

Death: 1912 Seneca Falls, Seneca, New York, USAdeath20


Father: Samuel Schneider (Snyder)

Mother: Anna Steger

Magdalena Zimmerman - 1779 to 1854

Birth: Bet. 1779–1780 Manheim, Herkimer, New Yorkbirth21

Death: 23 Aug 1854 Little Falls, Herkimer County, New Yorkdeath21


Father: Jacob Lawrence TIMMERMAN

Mother: Anna Elizabeth

Magdalena G Zimmerman - 1871 to 1951

Birth: 11/14/1871 Germanybirth22

Death: 22 Feb 1951


Father: Jas Zimmerman

Mother: May Derricks

Magdalena Zimmerman - 1648 to 1724

Birth: 1648 Niederschoenbrunn, Heidelburg, Badenbirth23

Death: 17 AUG 1724 Schoenbrunn, Germanydeath23


Father: Johann Heinrich Zimmermann

Mother: Mrs Zimmerman

Magdalena Zimmerman - 1880 to 1940

Birth: abt 1880 Oedheim, Heilbronn, Baden-Württemberg, Germanybirth24

Death: 03 FEB 1940 Oedheim, Württembergdeath24


Father: Franz Karl Zimmermann

Mother: Maria Anna Körner

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