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Results for "Louis Zini"

1 - 11 of 11 Records

Louis Felice Zini - 1908 to 1993

Birth: 23 Aug 1908 St. Louis, Minnesota, USAbirth0

Death: 14 Oct 1993 Eveleth, Saint Louis, Minnesota, USAdeath0


Father: Joseph David Zini

Mother: Alesjandrina "Alice" Brida

Louis Zini - 1921 to 1935

Birth: 30 Sep 1921 Alton, Illbirth1

Death: 25 Feb 1935 Wood River, Madison, Illinoisdeath1


Father: Louis Zini

Mother: Angela Bicego

Louis O ZINI - 1926 to 1975

Birth: 29 Apr 1926 Peckville, Lackawanna, Pennsylvania, USAbirth2

Death: 8 Mar 1975


Father: Igino Zini

Mother: Zelinda Zini

Louis Felice Zini

Birth: Not Available Val de Sol, Trento, Trentino-Alto Adige, Austria (Italy

Death: 14 Oct 1993 Eveleth, St Louis, Minnesota, USAdeath3


Father: Louis Felice Zini

Mother: Not Available

Louis Frank Zini - 1911 to 1989

Birth: 10/03/1911 Chicago, Cook, Illinois, USAbirth4

Death: 04/18/1989 Las Vegas, Clark, Nevada, USAdeath4


Father: Not Available

Mother: Ferdinanda Zini

Louis Zini - 1856 to 1917

Birth: Mar 1856 Italybirth5

Death: 29 Dec 1917 Oak Forest, Bremen Twp, Cook, Illinoisdeath5


Father: Louis Zini

Mother: Not Available

Louis Zini - 1882 to 1963

Birth: abt 1882 Italybirth6

Death: 4 Nov 1963


Father: Alberto Zini

Mother: Not Available

Louis Zini - 1885 to 1921

Birth: 15 May 1885 Brogliano, Provincia di Vicenza, Veneto, Italy

Death: 9 Oct 1921 Alton, Madison, Illdeath7


Father: Not Available

Mother: Not Available

Louis Zini - 1898

Birth: abt 1898 Italybirth8

Death: Not Available


Father: Not Available

Mother: Not Available

Louis Zini - 1864

Birth: abt 1864 Italybirth9

Death: Not Available


Father: Not Available

Mother: Not Available

Louis Zini

Birth: Not Available

Death: Not Available


Father: Not Available

Mother: Not Available

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