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Results for "Louis Jacquot"

1 - 25 of 235 Records

Louis Jacquot - 1904 to 1980

Birth: 01 Nov 1904 Wellington, Benton, Washington, USAbirth0

Death: 30 Aug 1980 Waitsburg Washington USAdeath0


Father: Peter Jacquot

Mother: Emily Rubens

Louis JACQUOT - 1710 to 1764

Birth: vers 1710/1715 Lorraine, Francebirth1

Death: 22 Aug 1764 Pierre la Treiche, , Meurthe et Moselle, Francenewdeath1


Father: Nicolas Jacquot (Jacquet, Jaques, Jaquest, Jaquiss)

Mother: Elisabeth MAURICE

Louis Jacquot - 1904 to 1980

Birth: 01 Nov 1904 Wellington, Benton, Washington, USAbirth2

Death: 30 Aug 1980 Waitsburg Washington USAdeath2


Father: Peter Jacquot

Mother: Emily Rubens

Louis Jacquot - 1713 to 1795

Birth: 21 Fév 1713 sailly, Haute-Marnebirth3

Death: 29 Nov 1795 Ecot la combe haure Marne, death3


Father: François Jacquot

Mother: Françoise Belgrand

Louis Eugène JACQUOT - 1839 to 1887

Birth: 5 MAR 1839 Gérardmer, Lorraine, Francebirth4

Death: 3 MAR 1887 Gérardmer, Lorraine, Francedeath4


Father: Jean Dominique JACQUOT

Mother: Marie Anne VIRY

Louis Aimé Jacquot - 1824 to 1867

Birth: 1824 Suresnes (Seine)birth5

Death: 3 Mai 1867 Francedeath5


Father: Louis Davier Jacquot

Mother: Catherine Charlier

Louis Jacquot - 1828 to 1895

Birth: 1828 Breuze Meurthe

Death: 3 Mai 1895 Paris, Francedeath6


Father: François Jacquot

Mother: Catherine Chiebout

Louis Pierre JACQUOT - 1792 to 1855

Birth: 10 DEC 1792 Verrières, 51610, Marne, Champagne-Ardenne, France, birth7

Death: 25 APR 1855 Verrières, 51610, Marne, Champagne-Ardenne, France, death7


Father: Louis JACQUOT

Mother: Marie, Jeanne THIERY

Louis Justin JACQUOT - 1884 to 1947

Birth: 3 OCT 1884 Sommedieue,55320,Meuse,Lorraine,FRANCE,birth8

Death: 15 DEC 1947 Chaumont-sur-Aire,55260,Meuse,Lorraine,FRANCE,death8


Father: Antoine JACQUOT

Mother: Marie Emélie CLAUDE

Louis Jacquot - 1871

Birth: 21 Jan 1871 Farmington, Polk, Wisconsinbirth9

Death: Not Available Wisconsindeath9


Father: Louis Gaston Jacquot

Mother: Marie Eugénie Jacquot

Louis Hyppolite JACQUOT - 1828 to 1905

Birth: 18 OCT 1828 Verrières, 51610, Marne, Champagne-Ardenne, France, birth10

Death: 21 APR 1905 Verrières, 51610, Marne, Champagne-Ardenne, France, death10


Father: Louis Pierre JACQUOT

Mother: Marie Magdeleine PHILIPPE

Louis Henri Jacquot - 1883 to 1915

Birth: 1 MAY 1883 Brazey-en-Plaine, Côte-d'Or, Bourgogne, Francebirth11

Death: 1915


Father: François Paul Jacquot

Mother: Pierrette Robert

Louis Del JACQUOT - 1822 to 1897

Birth: 16 MAR 1822 Cleurie le Palton,88120,Vosges,Lorraine,FRANCE,birth12

Death: AFT 1897


Father: Jean Baptiste JACQUOT

Mother: Marie Rose MARIN

Louis Henri JACQUOT - 1879 to 1914

Birth: 5 AUG 1879 Sommedieue,55320,Meuse,Lorraine,FRANCE,birth13

Death: 19 SEP 1914 Sommedieue,55320,Meuse,Lorraine,FRANCE,death13


Father: Jean Baptiste JACQUOT

Mother: Clara Anne PETIT

Louis JACQUOT - 1788 to 1855

Birth: 4 MAR 1788 Senones, Lorraine, Francebirth14

Death: 9 OCT 1855 Senones, Lorraine, Francedeath14


Father: Antoine JACQUOT

Mother: Jeanne Mathieu BOUCLAINVILLE

Louis-Adolphe JACQUOT - 1785 to 1885

Birth: 20 MAY 1785 Sommedieue,55320,Meuse,Lorraine,FRANCEbirth15

Death: 16 FEB 1885 Sommedieue,55320,Meuse,Lorraine,FRANCEdeath15


Father: Dominique JACQUOT

Mother: Marguerite Cavare

Louis JACQUOT - 1766 to 1850

Birth: 14 APR 1766 Verrières, 51610, Marne, Champagne-Ardenne, Francebirth16

Death: 18 JUL 1850 Verrières, 51610, Marne, Champagne-Ardenne, Francedeath16


Father: Claude JACQUOT

Mother: Marie VIEUX

Louis Joseph Jacquot - 1890 to 1963

Birth: 11 Aug 1890 Brunswick, Chariton, Missouri, USAbirth17

Death: 27 February 1963 Moberly, Randolph County, Missouri, United States of Americadeath17


Father: Joseph Felix Jacquot

Mother: Clara Mueller

Louis Jacquot - 1857

Birth: 23 Mars 1857 Paris, Francebirth18

Death: Not Available


Father: François Jacquot

Mother: Anne Constance Jorand

Louis Auguste JACQUOT - 1835

Birth: 02 NOV 1835 Rantechaux,25,Fbirth19

Death: Not Available


Father: Constantin JACQUOT

Mother: Marie Charlotte PHILIPPE

Louis François Jacquot - 1872 to 1948

Birth: 29 Mar 1872 Alsace, Germanybirth20

Death: 28 Jun 1948 Coquitlam, British Columbia, Canadadeath20


Father: Joseph Sabotier Jacquot

Mother: Rosalie Tisserande Ancel

Louis JACQUOT - 1843

Birth: 10 Octobre 1843 Manhoué, Francebirth21

Death: Not Available


Father: François JACQUOT

Mother: Marie PIERSON

Louis Jacquot - 1891 to 1891

Birth: 4 October 1891 St. Germain, Haute Saone, Francebirth22

Death: 25 October 1891 St. Germain, Haute Saone, Francedeath22


Father: Marie Jacquot

Mother: Marie Levrey

Louis Jacquot - 1874 to 1874

Birth: 20 Déc 1874 Saint Martinbirth23

Death: 30 Janv 1874 Soissons, Soissons, Aisne, Francedeath23


Father: Eugène Jacquet

Mother: Victorine Ménin

Louis Marcel JACQUOT - 1905 to 1908

Birth: 12 avril 1905 Bellefontaine , Vosges, Lorraine, Francebirth24

Death: 5 mars 1908 Bellefontaine , Vosges, Lorraine, Francedeath24


Father: Marie JACQUOT

Mother: Marie Libaire JEANPIERRE

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