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Results for "Linnea Danielsson"

1 - 10 of 10 Records

Linnea Danielsson - 1895 to 1973

Birth: 1895 Hamrånge sn. (X)birth0

Death: 19 APR 1973 S Stapeltrogsgatan 13, 80224 Gävle, Heliga Trefaldighet fs, Uppsala ländeath0


Father: Pontus Albin Danielsson

Mother: Lovisa Vilhelmina Douhan

Linnea Ottilia Danielsson - 1905

Birth: 9 Mar 1905 Trolleflod, Tjällmo, Östergötland, Sverigebirth1

Death: Not Available


Father: Karl Edvard Danielsson

Mother: Emilia Ottilia Karlsson

Linnea Ottilia Danielsson - 1905

Birth: 9 Mar 1905 Trolleflod, Tjällmo, Östergötland, Sverigebirth2

Death: Not Available


Father: Karl Edvard Danielsson

Mother: Emilia Ottilia Karlsson

Linnea Ellida Danielsson - 1893

Birth: 13 Okt 1893 Gävle, Gävleborg, Sverigebirth3

Death: Not Available


Father: Kymmer Olof Danielsson

Mother: Anna "Lund-Anna" Jonsdotter

Linnea Kristina Danielsson - 1900 to 1991

Birth: 18 Feb 1900 Göteborgs Masthugget, Västra Götaland, Sverige

Death: 2 maj 1991 Backa Göteborg kn


Father: Josef Danielsson

Mother: Johanna Wilhelmina Dahlström

Linnea Eugenia Ottilia Danielsson - 1901 to 1903

Birth: 11 FEB 1901 Ingatorp, Jönköpings län, Smålandbirth5

Death: 1 FEB 1903 Ingatorp, Jönköpings län, Smålanddeath5


Father: Oskar Elof Danielsson

Mother: Selma Ottilia Johansdotter

Linnea Kristina Danielsson - 1896 to 1967

Birth: 7 mars 1896 Fridafors, Almundsryd, Kronobergbirth6

Death: 7 juni 1967 Bjellernäs, Almundsryd, Kronobergdeath6


Father: Johan Danielsson

Mother: Bernhardina Carlsdotter Palm

LINNEA Kristina Danielsson - 1913 to 1998

Birth: 18 OCT 1913

Death: 5 DEC 1998


Father: Pilt Frans Conrad Danielsson

Mother: Hulda Vilhelmina Danielsson (Andersson)

Linnea Danielsson

Birth: Not Available

Death: Not Available


Father: Not Available

Mother: Not Available

Linnea Danielsson - 1893

Birth: 13 oktober 1893 Gävle, Gävleborg, Swedenbirth9

Death: Not Available


Father: Not Available

Mother: Not Available

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