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Results for "Levonia (morgan)"

1 - 25 of 37 Records
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Leonia Morgan - 1867 to 1953

Birth: 27 SEP 1867 Carroll, Tennessee, USAbirth0

Death: 30 AUG 1953 Bemis, Madison, Tennesseedeath0


Father: Albert G. Morgan

Mother: Rachel Pernervie Shaver

Leonia Morgan - 1867 to 1953

Birth: 27 SEP 1867 Carroll, Tennessee, USAbirth1

Death: 30 AUG 1953 Bemis, Madison, Tennesseedeath1


Father: Albert G. Morgan

Mother: Rachel Pernervie Shaver

Levinia Morgan - 1889 to 1970

Birth: abt 1889 Widnes, Lancashire, Englandbirth2

Death: Jul 1970 Widnes, Lancashire, Englanddeath2


Father: James MORGAN

Mother: Lavinia Esther Dickins

Levenia Mary Morgan - 1886 to 1976

Birth: 15 Sep 1886 Molong, New South Wales, Australiabirth3

Death: 15 Feb 1976 Maroubra, New South Wales, Australiadeath3


Father: John Stanley

Mother: Emma Mary Holland

Livonia May Morgan - 1892 to 1941

Birth: 24 Feb 1892 Putnam County, Missouribirth4

Death: 04 July 1941 Valley, Douglas County, Nebraska, USAdeath4


Father: Thomas Obediah Morgan

Mother: Hettie Elizabeth Anderson

Cedonia May Barker Morgan - 1882 to 1982

Birth: 1 Jun 1882 Texasbirth5

Death: 10 Oct 1982 Lockhart, Caldwell, Texas, United Statesdeath5


Father: Emery C Barker

Mother: Leah Humphries

Levinia Carolyn Morgan - 1857 to 1909

Birth: 29 December 1857 Dayton, Tennesseebirth6

Death: 17 Jan 1909 Dayton, Rhea, Tennesseedeath6


Father: Elias Henry Morgan

Mother: Tennessee P Pickett

Levonia "Cricket" Morgan - 1934 to 2011

Birth: 9 Sept. 1934 Gerty, Hughes, Oklahomabirth7

Death: 18 Nov 2011 Oklahoma City, Oklahomadeath7


Father: Jessie Earl Morgan

Mother: Ethel Ann Moore

Levenia Morgan - 1918 to 1970

Birth: 28 Apr 1918 Indianabirth8

Death: 23 Jan 1970 Sullivan, Sullivan, Indiana, USAdeath8


Father: Hugh Burk

Mother: Cora Smith

Levonia Morgan - 1934 to 2011

Birth: 09 Sep 1934 Gerty, Hughes, Oklahomabirth9

Death: 18 Nov 2011 Oklahoma City, Oklahoma, Oklahoma, USAdeath9


Father: Jessie Earl Morgan

Mother: Ethel Ann Moore

Leonia Morgan - 1871

Birth: 1871 mississippibirth10

Death: Not Available


Father: Jim Barker

Mother: Susan Barker

Cleronia Jr Morgan - 1955 to 2000

Birth: 10 Dec 1955 Galveston, Galveston, Texas, USAbirth11

Death: 22 Jun 2000 Dallas, Collin, Texas, United Statesdeath11


Father: Cleronia Morgan


Leonia Morgan - 1902

Birth: abt 1902 Oklahomabirth12

Death: Not Available


Father: Jack Morgan

Mother: Willa Morgan

Levinia Tegwen Morgan - 1910

Birth: abt 1910 Cwmavon, Glamorgan, Walesbirth13

Death: Not Available


Father: William Morgan

Mother: Hannah Morgan

Lavonia M Morgan - 1889

Birth: abt 1889 Deptford, Kent, Englandbirth14

Death: Not Available


Father: John Morgan

Mother: Mary Ann Morgans

Begonia Elliott Morgan - 1764

Birth: 19 AUG 1764 Beverly, Essex, Mass, Usabirth15

Death: Not Available


Father: Capt William Morgan

Mother: Abigail Elliott

LiVonia Morgan

Birth: Private

Death: Not Available


Father: Clarence Morgan

Mother: Elizabeth L. Anderson

LiVonia Morgan

Birth: Private

Death: Not Available


Father: Clarence Morgan

Mother: Elizabeth L. Anderson

Levinia T Morgan - 1853

Birth: 1853 Mason, Kentuckybirth18

Death: Not Available


Father: John Houston Morgan

Mother: Elizabeth Linville

Livonia Morgan - 1870

Birth: Abt. Apr 1870 Illinoisbirth19

Death: Not Available


Father: Irving Morgan

Mother: Not Available

Levinia Morgan - 1874

Birth: abt 1874 Walesbirth20

Death: Not Available USAdeath20


Father: Not Available

Mother: Not Available

Leonia Morgan - 1903 to 1962

Birth: abt 1903 Kentuckybirth21

Death: 28 June 1962 Saint Johns, Florida, United Statesdeath21


Father: Not Available

Mother: Not Available

Levonia Morgan - 1881

Birth: abt 1881 Floridabirth22

Death: Not Available


Father: Not Available

Mother: Not Available

Levenia Morgan - 1842 to 1898

Birth: 1842

Death: 26 Dec 1898 Saint Catherine, Jamaicadeath23


Father: Not Available

Mother: Not Available

Lavonia Morgan - 1880 to 1958

Birth: abt 1880 Kentuckybirth24

Death: 1958


Father: Not Available

Mother: Not Available

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