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Results for "Letty Darrow"

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Betty Jane Barrow - 1930 to 1992

Birth: August 15, 1930 Louisville, Jefferson, Kentuckybirth0

Death: September 17, 1992 Loveland, Clermont, Ohiodeath0


Father: James Barrow

Mother: Virginia Mae Robertson

Betty Barrow - 1880 to 1953

Birth: 3 Jul 1880 Leatherwood, Henry, Virginia, USAbirth1

Death: 1 Nov 1953 Callands, Pittsylvania, Virginia, USAdeath1


Father: George David Barrow

Mother: Matilda Susan Eanes

Betty Jean Barrow - 1929 to 2009

Birth: 22 Dec 1929 Detroitbirth2

Death: 06/02/2009 Kentucky, USAdeath2


Father: Elmer James Barrow

Mother: Lenora Grable

Betty E Barlow - 1929 to 2014

Birth: 1929 Queensbury, Warren County, New York, United States of Americabirth3

Death: 06 Nov 2014 Saratoga, New York, USAdeath3


Father: Stanley Chase Barlow

Mother: Margaret Haskins

Betty E Barlow - 1929 to 2014

Birth: 1929 Queensbury, Warren County, New York, United States of Americabirth4

Death: 06 Nov 2014 Saratoga, New York, USAdeath4


Father: Stanley Chase Barlow

Mother: Margaret Haskins

Betty Jean Barrow - 1929 to 2009

Birth: 22 Dec 1929 Detroitbirth5

Death: 06/02/2009 Kentucky, USAdeath5


Father: Elmer James Barrow

Mother: Lenora Grable

Betty J Barrow - 1928 to 2011

Birth: 7 Mar 1928 Indianabirth6

Death: 4 Aug 2011 Bloomington, Monroe, Indianadeath6


Father: John Thomas Barrow

Mother: Vessie Mae Hazel

Lett Edmond BARROW - 1899 to 1978

Birth: 06 Nov 1899 Kentucky, USAbirth7

Death: 3 March 1978 Christian, Kentuckydeath7


Father: Marion Edward BARROW

Mother: Laura Mathis

Betty Jean Barrow - 1925 to 2004

Birth: 14 Jul 1925 Illinoisbirth8

Death: 27 Jun 2004 Ankeny, Polk, Iowa, USAdeath8


Father: Earl Barrow

Mother: Marguerite C Haubeid Hanbed Haubeil

Betty Ann Barrow - 1931 to 2006

Birth: 24 Jul 1931 Calhoun Henr, Missouribirth9

Death: 12 Oct 2006 Harrisonville, Cass, Missourideath9


Father: Lewis A Barrow

Mother: Ruth L

Betty Jean FARROW - 1934 to 1983

Birth: 25 Jul 1934 Dallas, Texasbirth10

Death: 21 Sep 1983 Dallas, Texasdeath10




Betty Jean Darrow - 1924 to 1978

Birth: 27 December 1924 Leslie, Ingham County, Michigan, USAbirth11

Death: 4 November 1978 Lansing, Ingham County, Michigan, USAdeath11


Father: Clare Willard Darrow

Mother: Gladys Alma Jones

Betty Jean Darrow - 1924 to 1978

Birth: 27 December 1924 Leslie, Ingham County, Michigan, USAbirth12

Death: 4 November 1978 Lansing, Ingham County, Michigan, USAdeath12


Father: Clare Willard Darrow

Mother: Gladys Alma Jones

Betty BARROW - 1862 to 1922

Birth: abt 1862 Marton Pold, Lancaster, Englandbirth13

Death: 1922 Fylde, Lancashire, Englanddeath13


Father: Robert Barrow

Mother: Mary Braithwaite

BETTY LOUISE BARLOW - 1924 to 2011

Birth: 6 July 1924 Iowa, United Statesbirth14

Death: 4 March 2011 Pasadena, Los Angeles, California, United Statesdeath14


Father: Fred Stephen Barlow

Mother: Marie L Albertus

Betty L Darrow - 1930 to 2008

Birth: 30 May 1930 New York, USAbirth15

Death: 18 Jan 2008 Cold Brook, Herkimer, New York, USAdeath15


Father: Roy Edward Darrow

Mother: Edna L Seifried

Betty Lou Barlow - 1925 to 1979

Birth: 1925 Boonville, Logan County, Arkansasbirth16

Death: Feb 1979 West Frankfort, Franklin County, Illinois,death16


Father: Justin A Barlow

Mother: Mayme Alene Barker

Betty Barlow - 1824 to 1887

Birth: 1824 Kersley, Lancashire, Englandbirth17

Death: Apr 1887 Bolton, Lancashire, United Kingdomdeath17


Father: Titus Barlow

Mother: Catherine Eckersley

Betty Jean Farrow - 1935 to 1997

Birth: 5 Feb 1935 Kansas, United Statesbirth18

Death: 7 Jul 1997 Clay Center, Clay, Kansas, United Statesdeath18


Father: Otto Glen Farrow

Mother: Velma Rose Angelo

Betty Jean Farrow - 1935 to 1997

Birth: 5 Feb 1935 Kansas, United Statesbirth19

Death: 7 Jul 1997 Clay Center, Clay, Kansas, United Statesdeath19


Father: Otto Glen Farrow

Mother: Velma Rose Angelo

Betty Barlow - 1838 to 1910

Birth: abt 1838 Facit, Lancashire, Englandbirth20

Death: January 1910 Bury, Lancashiredeath20


Father: James Barlow

Mother: Mary Hoyle

Betty Farrow - 1887 to 1975

Birth: 12 Apr 1887 Royton, Lancashire, Englandbirth21

Death: 26 Feb 1975 Stafford connecticut USAdeath21


Father: John Farrow

Mother: Sarah Mills

Betty Barrow - 1756 to 1822

Birth: 1756 Kegworth, Leicestershire, Englandbirth22

Death: Dec 1822 Ticknall, Derbyshire, Englanddeath22


Father: George Barrow

Mother: Mary Crane

Betty Lee BARLOW - 1918 to 1999

Birth: 1 Nov 1918 Clarkdale, Yavapai County, Arizona, United States of Americabirth23

Death: 30 Mar 1999 Lewiston, Nez Perce County, Idaho, United States of Americadeath23


Father: Joseph Ames Barlow

Mother: Zora Lillian Loveless

Betty (Elizabeth) Barlow - 1768 to 1865

Birth: 1768 Prestwich, Lancashirebirth24

Death: 11 Jan 1865 Cliff Cottage, Higher Broughton, Lancashire, Englanddeath24


Father: Richard Barlow

Mother: Isabel Siddall

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