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Results for "Lester Pack"

1 - 19 of 19 Records

Lester Pack - 1910 to 1973

Birth: 24 Apr 1910 Patrick County, Virginiabirth0

Death: 17 Jun 1973 Danbury, Stokes, North Carolinadeath0


Father: Andrew Pack

Mother: Martha Pack

Lester William Pack - 1923 to 2004

Birth: 17 Oct 1923 Dalton, Georgiabirth1

Death: 24 AUG 2004 Dalton, Georgia, USAdeath1


Father: Henry Keister Pack

Mother: Lela Clercey Stone

Lester William Pack - 1923 to 2004

Birth: 17 Oct 1923 Dalton, Georgiabirth2

Death: 24 AUG 2004 Dalton, Georgia, USAdeath2


Father: Henry Keister Pack

Mother: Lela Clercey Stone

Lester Pack - 1916 to 1973

Birth: 24 April 1916 Patrick County, Virginia, United States of Americabirth3

Death: 17 June 1973 Danbury, Stokes County, North Carolina, United States of Americadeath3


Father: Andrew Pack

Mother: Martha Pack

Lester Pack - 1901 to 1902

Birth: 1901 Kansasbirth4

Death: 1902 Kansasdeath4


Father: Charles Price Pack

Mother: Edith Emma Bodley Pack

Lester Pack - 1901 to 1902

Birth: 1901 Kansasbirth5

Death: 1902 Kansasdeath5


Father: Charles Price Pack

Mother: Edith Emma Bodley Pack

Lester Wayne "Duke" Pack - 1913 to 1963

Birth: 11 Oct 1913 Coryell, Texas, USAbirth6

Death: 31 Oct 1963 Merkel, Taylor, Texas, USAdeath6


Father: Benjamin Boin Pack

Mother: Zilla Arizona Chambers

Lester Z. Pack - 1923 to 1997

Birth: 23 January 1923 Patrick County, Virginia, United States of Americabirth7

Death: 19 January 1997 Tucson, Pima County, Arizona, United States of Americadeath7


Father: Jefferson Pack

Mother: Annie L. Johnson

Lester Pack - 1899 to 1968

Birth: 29 August 1899 Boons Lick, Howard, Missouri, United Statesbirth8

Death: July 1968 De Kalb, Buchanan, Missouri, United Statesdeath8


Father: James A. Pack

Mother: Amanda L. Spires

Lester Alston Pack - 1892 to 1961

Birth: 29 Apr 1892 Van Buren, Arkansas, USAbirth9

Death: Mar 1961


Father: Enoch Alston Pack

Mother: Mary E "Mollie" Whitworth

Lester Lee Pack - 1910 to 1949

Birth: 1 February 1910 Texasbirth10

Death: 13 Mar 1949 Haxtun, Phillips, Colorado, USAdeath10


Father: Walter Lewis Pack

Mother: Elta M Mock

Lester Leon Pack - 1960 to 1960

Birth: 18 January 1960 Streeter, Summers County, West Virginia, USAbirth11

Death: 12 February 1960 Bluefield, Mercer County, West Virginia, USAdeath11


Father: Donald Oran Pack

Mother: Myrtle Ellen Lilly

Lester Pack - 1897 to 1967

Birth: 9 Mar 1897 Meade County, Kentucky, USAbirth12

Death: 22 Jun 1967 Pleasure Ridge Park, Jefferson, Kentucky, USAdeath12


Father: Bee C Pack

Mother: Nora Bell Givans

Lester Lee Pack - 1899 to 1968

Birth: 29 August 1899 Howard County, Missouri, United States of Americabirth13

Death: 2 July 1968 Leavenworth, Leavenworth County, Kansas, United States of Americadeath13


Father: James A. Pack

Mother: Amanda L. Spires

Lester D. Pack - 1934 to 1994

Birth: 3 Mar 1934 Arkansasbirth14

Death: 11 May 1994


Father: Lester Alston Pack

Mother: Myrtle Lee Lancaster

Lester Pack

Birth: Not Available

Death: Not Available Morrison, Warren, Tennessee, USAdeath15


Father: O. D. Pack

Mother: Loetta Mai Sparkman

Lester Pack - 1906

Birth: 1906 Cherokee Nation West, Indian Territorybirth16

Death: Not Available


Father: Isaac Pack

Mother: Laura Bell Whitmire

Lester Pack - 1906

Birth: abt 1906 Oklahomabirth17

Death: Not Available


Father: Not Available

Mother: Laura Bell Whitmire

Lester Alston Pack

Birth: Not Available

Death: Not Available


Father: Not Available

Mother: Not Available

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