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Results for "Lessie Lambert"

1 - 17 of 17 Records

Lessie Fay Lambert - 1929 to 2010

Birth: 22 August 1929 Calvin, Hughes, Oklahoma, USAbirth0

Death: 25 December 2010 Tulsa, Tulsa, Oklahoma, USAdeath0


Father: Robert Newton Lambert

Mother: Onor Louise Tripp

Lessie Fay Lambert - 1929 to 2010

Birth: 22 August 1929 Calvin, Hughes, Oklahoma, USAbirth1

Death: 25 December 2010 Tulsa, Tulsa, Oklahoma, USAdeath1


Father: Robert Newton Lambert

Mother: Onor Louise Tripp

Lessie Fay Lambert - 1929 to 2010

Birth: 22 August 1929 Calvin, Hughes, Oklahoma, USAbirth2

Death: 25 December 2010 Tulsa, Tulsa, Oklahoma, USAdeath2


Father: Robert Newton Lambert

Mother: Onor Louise Tripp

Lessie Leona LAMBERT - 1900 to 1994

Birth: 23 Mar 1900 Nacogdoches County, Texas, USAbirth3

Death: 1 Apr 1994 Leesburg, Camp, Texas, USAdeath3


Father: Samuel Thomas Lambert

Mother: Susie Anna Farrell

Lessie A Lambert - 1901 to 1972

Birth: 22 Apr 1901 North Carolina, United Statesbirth4

Death: 19 Feb 1972 Montgomery, North Carolina, USAdeath4


Father: Jesse Lewis Lambert

Mother: Mattie Jane Brown

Lessie M. Lambert - 1911 to 1968

Birth: 23 Apr 1911 Stanly Co, NCbirth5

Death: 4 Nov 1968 Concord, Cabarrus, North Carolinadeath5


Father: Travis Crawford Lambert

Mother: Mary Ella Huneycutt

Lessie Lambert - 1899 to 1982

Birth: abt 1899 South Carolinabirth6

Death: Apr 1982


Father: Joe A Lambert

Mother: Ada Lambert

Lessie C Lambert - 1892 to 1900

Birth: Dec 1892 Texasbirth7

Death: 1900


Father: Jesse H. Lamberth

Mother: Elizabeth M. Smith

Lessie Mae Lambert - 1893 to 1967

Birth: 17 Aug 1893 Johnston, North Carolina, United Statesbirth8

Death: 22 August 1967 Durham County, North Carolina, USAdeath8


Father: Zenetius N. Lambert

Mother: Sarah Jane Byrd

Lessie Mae Lambert - 1902 to 1961

Birth: abt 1902 North Carolinabirth9

Death: 8 Sep 1961


Father: Charley Edgar Lambert

Mother: Margaret Lackey

Lessie B Lambert - 1902 to 1980

Birth: abt 1902 or 1904 Virginia, USAbirth10

Death: 1980


Father: Henry J Lambert

Mother: Sarah Ann Lampert

Lessie M. Lambert - 1911

Birth: 1911 Stanly Co, NCbirth11

Death: Not Available


Father: Travis Crawford Lambert

Mother: Mary Ella Huneycutt

Lessie R. Lambert - 1893

Birth: 1893

Death: Not Available


Father: James P. Lambert

Mother: Mary Katherine Skelton

Lessie Lambert - 1899

Birth: 1899 South Carolinabirth13

Death: Not Available


Father: Joe A Lambert

Mother: Not Available

lessie Lambert - 1933 to 2006

Birth: 1933 Georgia, USAbirth14

Death: 2006


Father: Not Available

Mother: Not Available

Lessie Lambert

Birth: Not Available

Death: Not Available


Father: Not Available

Mother: Not Available

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