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Results for "Leonel Labrecque"

1 - 25 of 42 Records
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Lionel Joseph Labreche - 1898 to 1971

Birth: 1 Dec 1898 Fall River, Bristol, Massachusetts, United States of Americabirth0

Death: 28 Aug 1971 Lowell, Middlesex, Massachusetts, United States of Americadeath0


Father: Jean Dugas dit LaBreche

Mother: Vitaline Stella Jasmin

Lionel J Larocque - 1910 to 1982

Birth: November 10 1910 Montreal Quebecbirth1

Death: 10 Sep 1982 Wareham, Plymouth, Massachusetts, United States of Americadeath1


Father: Emmanuel Larocque

Mother: Rose Anna Langlois

Lionel Daniel Larocque - 1925 to 1983

Birth: 21 July 1925 Ste-Cécile-de-Masham, Québecbirth2

Death: 09 Feb 1983 Hull, Gatineau, Quebec, Canadadeath2


Father: Abraham Larocque

Mother: Marie Bertrand

Lionel Daniel Larocque - 1925 to 1983

Birth: 21 July 1925 Ste-Cécile-de-Masham, Québecbirth3

Death: 09 Feb 1983 Hull, Gatineau, Quebec, Canadadeath3


Father: Abraham Larocque

Mother: Marie Bertrand

Lionel J Larocque - 1920 to 2002

Birth: 6 Mar 1920 Rhode Islandbirth4

Death: 5 Dec 2002 Northampton, Hampshire, Massachusetts, USAdeath4


Father: George J Larocque

Mother: Margaret Messier

Lionel J Larocque - 1920 to 2002

Birth: 6 Mar 1920 Rhode Islandbirth5

Death: 5 Dec 2002 Northampton, Hampshire, Massachusetts, USAdeath5


Father: George J Larocque

Mother: Margaret Messier

Leonil LAROCQUE - 1903 to 1975

Birth: 09 May 1903 Notre Dame de la Paix,Quebec,Canadabirth6

Death: 27 Dec 1975 Gatineau, Quebec, Canadadeath6


Father: Joseph LAROCQUE

Mother: Albina Cardinal

Lionel William LAROCQUE - 1918 to 1969

Birth: abt 1918 Eastview Vanier, Ontariobirth7

Death: 1969 Hull, Gatineau, Quebec, Canadadeath7


Father: Stanislas Larocque

Mother: Elizabeth Helen Delaney

Lionel William LAROCQUE - 1918 to 1969

Birth: abt 1918 Eastview Vanier, Ontariobirth8

Death: 1969 Hull, Gatineau, Quebec, Canadadeath8


Father: Stanislas Larocque

Mother: Elizabeth Helen Delaney

Lionel Francois LaRocque - 1903 to 1958

Birth: 17 September 1903 Putnam, Windham, Connecticut, USAbirth9

Death: 26 April 1958 Putnam, Windham, Connecticut, USAdeath9


Father: Alexander F X Larocque

Mother: Elia Gelina Langelier

Lionel LaBrecque - 1917 to 1979

Birth: 1917 Ontariobirth10

Death: 1979 Ottawa Ontario Canadadeath10


Father: Jean-Baptiste LABRECQUE

Mother: angelina roy

Lionel Labrecque - 1917 to 2001

Birth: 1 Déc 1917 Lyster (Ste-Anastasie-de-Nelson), Québecbirth11

Death: 6 JUN 2001 Lyster Qcdeath11


Father: Pierre Labrecque

Mother: Emerina Lambert

Lionel Fernand Larocque - 1927 to 1978

Birth: 17 Apr 1927 Ontario, Canadabirth12

Death: 3 Sep 1978 Braintree, Orange, Vermont, USAdeath12


Father: Macaire Larocque

Mother: Marie Anna Charrette

Lionel Labrecque - 1915 to 1980

Birth: 27 APR 1915 Timmins, Ontario, Canadabirth13

Death: 13 MAR 1980 Coteau-Landing, Soulangesdeath13


Father: Ernest Labrecque

Mother: Adelia Cloutier

Lionel Joseph Larocque - 1919 to 2002

Birth: 16 May 1919 Field Ontariobirth14

Death: 01 Jul 2002 Stonecliffe, Renfrew, Ontario, Canadadeath14


Father: Joseph Hormidas Larocque

Mother: Rosalie Labelle

Lionel LaRocque - 1937 to 2014

Birth: 29 Jul 1937 Illinois, USAbirth15

Death: 16 Jan 2014 Fort Lauderdale, Broward County, Florida, USAdeath15


Father: Edward Andrew Larocque

Mother: Marie Rose Yvonne Pitre

Léonel LABRECQUE - 1921 to 2004

Birth: 13 FEB 1921 St-Herménégilde, comté de Stanstead, Québec, Canadabirth16

Death: 11 JUN 2004 Littleton, New Hampshire, États-Unis d'Amérique


Father: Philias Labrecque

Mother: Eva Dionne

Lionel Ronald Labreche - 1928 to 2006

Birth: May 31 1928 Stafford Springs, Tolland, Connecticut, USAbirth17

Death: 23 Mar 2006 Naples, Collier, Floridadeath17


Father: William John Labreche

Mother: Marie Marguerite Armandine Perras

Lionel LAROCQUE - 1905 to 1966

Birth: Jun 1905 Ontario, Canadabirth18

Death: 03 May 1966 Rockland, Prescott, Ontario, Canadadeath18


Father: Joseph LAROCQUE


Lionel Labrecque - 1933 to 1938

Birth: 1933 Biddeford, York, Maine, USAbirth19

Death: 02 May 1938 Biddeford, York, Maine, USAdeath19


Father: Cleophas Labrecque

Mother: Mathilda Gaudreau

Lionel Labreche

Birth: Not Available Quebec, Canadabirth20

Death: Not Available Longueuil, Chambly, Quebec, Canadadeath20


Father: Louis Dollard Labreche

Mother: Zéphrina HÉBERT


Birth: Not Available Quebec, Canadabirth21

Death: 1994 Montréal, Montréal (Urban Agglomeration), Quebec, Canadadeath21


Father: Joseph Omer LAROCQUE

Mother: Viola Sarorque

Lionel Léo Labrecque - 1931 to 2007

Birth: 24 AUG 1931 Durham, Drummondbirth22

Death: 02 DEC 2007 Ottawa, comté de Carleton, Ontario, Canadadeath22


Father: Adrien Labrecque

Mother: Not Available

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