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Results for "Leonarde Daudier"

1 - 12 of 12 Records
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Léonarde DAUDIER - 1715 to 1745

Birth: 17 MAY 1715 Brinon-sur-Beuvron, 58041, Nièvre, Bourgogne, France, birth0

Death: BEF 1745


Father: Méry DAUDIER

Mother: Jeanne FITY

Leonard Causier - 1904 to 1936

Birth: July 1904 Kings Norton, Warwickshire, Englandbirth1

Death: Dec 1936 Birmingham, Warwickshire, Englanddeath1


Father: William Causier

Mother: Eliza Fleet

Bernarde GAUDIER - 1602

Birth: 4 FEB 1602 Samoëns,74340,Haute-Savoie,Rhône-Alpes,FRANCE,birth2

Death: Not Available


Father: Jean GAUDIER

Mother: Jaquemeta CURTON

Leonard Henry Dardier - 1893 to 1915

Birth: 1893 Kensington, London, Englandbirth3

Death: 4 October 1915


Father: Samuel Dardier

Mother: Nora Kathleen Jones

Bernarde GAUDIER - 1576

Birth: 13 JAN 1576 Samoëns,74340,Haute-Savoie,Rhône-Alpes,FRANCE,birth4

Death: Not Available


Father: Bernard GAUDIER

Mother: Coline DECOSTA

Leonard BAUDIERE - 1756 to 1756

Birth: 20 JAN 1756 Mesves-sur-Loire,58400,Nièvre,Bourgogne,FRANCEbirth5

Death: 3 FEB 1756 Mesves-sur-Loire,58400,Nièvre,Bourgogne,FRANCEdeath5


Father: Pierre BAUDIERE

Mother: Marie REVERDY

Léonarde GAUDIER - 1744 to 1794

Birth: 30 JAN 1744 Vareilles, Limousin, Francebirth6

Death: AFT 1794


Father: Not Available

Mother: Not Available

Bernarde GAUDIER - 1664 to 1720

Birth: 24 AUG 1664 Samoëns,74340,Haute-Savoie,Rhône-Alpes,FRANCEbirth7

Death: 9 APR 1720 Samoëns,74340,Haute-Savoie,Rhône-Alpes,FRANCEdeath7


Father: Not Available

Mother: Not Available

Bernarde BOUDIER - 1691 to 1726

Birth: 15 AUG 1691 Guéhébert, 50210, Manche, Basse-Normandie, Francebirth8

Death: BEF 1726 Guéhébert, 50210, Manche, Basse-Normandie, Francedeath8


Father: Not Available

Mother: Not Available

Bernarde GAUDIER - 1615

Birth: EST 1615

Death: Not Available


Father: Not Available

Mother: Not Available

leonard Causier - 1898 to 1978

Birth: 1898 englandbirth10

Death: 1978


Father: Not Available

Mother: Not Available

Léonarde AUDIER

Birth: Not Available

Death: Not Available


Father: Not Available

Mother: Not Available

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