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Results for "Leonarda Paczkowski"

1 - 25 of 56 Records
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Leonard F Raczkowski - 1922 to 1978

Birth: 03/11/1922 East Lake, Manistee, Michigan, USAbirth0

Death: 03/19/1978 Manistee, Manistee, Michigan, USAdeath0


Father: Michael Roszkowski

Mother: Anna Raczkowski

Leonard A. Raczkowski - 1928 to 1996

Birth: 16 Aug 1928 Connecticutbirth1

Death: 21 Oct 1996 Hartford, Hartford, Connecticutdeath1


Father: Meceslaus Raczkowski

Mother: Margaret Miffitt

Leonard A. Raczkowski - 1928 to 1996

Birth: 16 Aug 1928 Connecticutbirth2

Death: 21 Oct 1996 Hartford, Hartford, Connecticutdeath2


Father: Meceslaus Raczkowski

Mother: Margaret Miffitt

Leonard Paczkowski - 1924 to 2002

Birth: 20 Sep 1924 Glen Lyonbirth3

Death: 12/04/2002


Father: John William Paczkowski

Mother: Sophia Wall

Leonard Paczkowski - 1924 to 2002

Birth: 20 Sep 1924 Glen Lyonbirth4

Death: 12/04/2002


Father: John William Paczkowski

Mother: Sophia Wall

Leonard Paczkowski - 1924 to 2002

Birth: 20 Sep 1924 Glen Lyonbirth5

Death: 12/04/2002


Father: John William Paczkowski

Mother: Sophia Wall

Leonard Butch Buczkowski - 1932 to 2013

Birth: 9 August 1932 South Bend, St Joseph, Indiana, USAbirth6

Death: 22 July 2013 Healthwin Specialized Care, Indiana, USAdeath6


Father: Michael J Buczkowski

Mother: Apolonia Latowska


Birth: 17 Oct 1921 Chicago, ILbirth7

Death: 25 Nov 2005 Bristol, WIdeath7




Leonard Arthur Boczkowski

Birth: 05/23/1981 Racine, Racine, Wisconsin, USAbirth8

Death: 11/05/2014 Racine, Racine, Wisconsin, USAdeath8


Father: Leonard A Boczkowski

Mother: Georgette L. Vander Schaegen Redford

Leonard Laczkowski

Birth: Not Available Illinoisbirth9

Death: Not Available


Father: Stanley Laczkowski

Mother: Angeline Woitalewicz

Leonard Peter Baczkowski - 1916 to 1977

Birth: 18 Jun 1916 Chicago, Illinoisbirth10

Death: 6 Jun 1977


Father: Frank Pachowski

Mother: Mary Bledowski

Leonard Buczkowski - 1923 to 1988

Birth: 20 Sept 1923 Baltimore, Maryland, USAbirth11

Death: 3 Jun 1988


Father: Victor Buczkowski

Mother: Rose Piskor Buczkowski

Leonard Raczkowski - 1921 to 1969

Birth: 21 Mar 1921 Pennsylvaniabirth12

Death: 4 Oct 1969


Father: Simon Raczkowski

Mother: Pauline Szaboli

Leonard C Buczkowski - 1923 to 1983

Birth: 27 Jul 1923 Marine City, St Clair, Michigan, USAbirth13

Death: 19 Mar 1983 East China, St. Clair, Michigan, USAdeath13


Father: Anthony Buczkowski

Mother: Eleanor Mary "Lillian" Chmielewski

Leonard Jerome Buczkowski - 1937 to 2001

Birth: 5 Nov 1937 Pennsylvaniabirth14

Death: 9 Sep 2001 Erie, Erie, Pennsylvaniadeath14


Father: Anthony John Buczkowski

Mother: Kunegunda B. Walczak

Leonard J. Boczkowski - 1920 to 2008

Birth: 1 April 1920 Pittsburgh, Allegheny County, Pennsylvania, USAbirth15

Death: 14 May 2008 Pittsburgh, Allegheny County, Pennsylvania, USAdeath15


Father: Joseph Boczkowski

Mother: Jadwiga "Hattie" Nowacki

Leonard Stephen Raczkowski - 1922 to 2004

Birth: 6 Feb 1922 Shamokin Nor, Pennsylvaniabirth16

Death: 20 Jan 2004 South Amboy, Middlesex, New Jersey, USAdeath16


Father: Benjamin A Raczkowski

Mother: Frances Catherine Mroz Raczkowski

Leonard Raczkowski - 1940

Birth: 1940 Michiganbirth17

Death: Not Available


Father: Joseph Raczkowski

Mother: Regina Kruszka

Leonard Anton Baczkowski - 1919 to 1979

Birth: 13 Aug 1919 Cleveland, Ohiobirth18

Death: 24 Feb 1979 Cleveland, Cuyahoga, Ohiodeath18


Father: Ladislaus Baczkowski

Mother: Marie Brozinski

Leonard A Raczkowski - 1923 to 1996

Birth: 16 August 1923 Ashland County, Wisconsin, USAbirth19

Death: 21 October 1996 Tolland, Tolland, Connecticut, USAdeath19


Father: Stanislaus "Stanley" Raczkowski

Mother: Veronica Gucinski

Leonard Kaczkowski - 1926 to 2008

Birth: 15 Dec 1926 Dixon City, Pabirth20

Death: 8 Nov 2008 Keansburg, Monmouth, New Jersey, United States of Americadeath20


Father: Hippalyh Kaczkowski

Mother: Mary Chlastawa

Leonard A. Boczkowski - 1923 to 1994

Birth: 28 Oct 1923 Michiganbirth21

Death: 13 Mar 1994 Fort Lauderdale, Broward, Florida, USAdeath21


Father: Joseph Boczkowski

Mother: Not Available

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