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Results for "Leonard Pattenson"

1 - 25 of 537 Records
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Leonard Harden Patterson - 1906 to 1997

Birth: 18 Mar 1906 Cleveland County, North Carolina, USAbirth0

Death: 15 Jan 1997 Clinton, Laurens, South Carolina, USAdeath0


Father: Sylvanus Lee Patterson

Mother: Emma Lenore Ware

Leonard L Patterson - 1886 to 1944

Birth: Jun 1886 Tennesseebirth1

Death: 15 MAY 1944 Dandridge, Jefferson, Tennesseedeath1


Father: William Patterson

Mother: Delitha Cumile Newman

Leonard L Patterson - 1886 to 1944

Birth: Jun 1886 Tennesseebirth2

Death: 15 MAY 1944 Dandridge, Jefferson, Tennesseedeath2


Father: William Patterson

Mother: Delitha Cumile Newman

Leonard Harden Patterson - 1906 to 1997

Birth: 18 Mar 1906 Cleveland County, North Carolina, USAbirth3

Death: 15 Jan 1997 Clinton, Laurens, South Carolina, USAdeath3


Father: Sylvanus Lee Patterson

Mother: Emma Lenore Ware

Leonard R Mattewson - 1830 to 1922

Birth: Jun 1830 Rhode Island, United Statesbirth4

Death: 12 MAR 1922 Coventry, Kent, Rhode Islanddeath4


Father: Olney Mathewson

Mother: Dinah King

Leonard R. Patterson - 1922 to 2002

Birth: 3 Oct 1922 Detroit, Wayne, Michigan, USAbirth5

Death: 21 Mar 2002 Highland, Oakland, Michigan, USAdeath5


Father: Victor Hubert Patterson

Mother: Blanche Loucks

Leonard R Mattewson - 1830 to 1922

Birth: Jun 1830 Rhode Island, United Statesbirth6

Death: 12 MAR 1922 Coventry, Kent, Rhode Islanddeath6


Father: Olney Mathewson

Mother: Dinah King

Leonard PATTERSON - 1810 to 1884

Birth: 1810 Kentuckybirth7

Death: 20 September 1884 Vermilion County Illinois, USAdeath7


Father: John Pattison (Patterson)

Mother: Mary "Polly" SELLERS

Leonard R Patterson - 1911 to 1961

Birth: 1 May 1911 Plainview, Pierce County, Nebraska, USAbirth8

Death: 13 December 1961 Malheur, Oregon, United Statesdeath8


Father: Charles Milton Patterson

Mother: Minnie Francis Plauger

Leonard R Patterson - 1911 to 1961

Birth: 1 May 1911 Plainview, Pierce County, Nebraska, USAbirth9

Death: 13 December 1961 Malheur, Oregon, United Statesdeath9


Father: Charles Milton Patterson

Mother: Minnie Francis Plauger

Leonard Patterson - 1905 to 1983

Birth: abt 1905 Kentuckybirth10

Death: Feb 1983 Columbus, Franklin, Ohio, USAdeath10


Father: Elijah Patterson

Mother: Martha Jane Taylor

Leonard Earl Patterson - 1937 to 2013

Birth: 11 Jan 1937 Henderson, Kentucky, USAbirth11

Death: 2013 Henderson County, Kentucky, USAdeath11


Father: John Patterson

Mother: Mary John McGroarty

Leonard Hidway Patterson - 1908 to 1988

Birth: abt 1908 Illinoisbirth12

Death: 13 AUG 1988 San Pablo, Contra Costa, California, USAdeath12


Father: William Henry Patterson

Mother: Grace Viola Root

Leonard PATTERSON - 1810 to 1884

Birth: 1810 Kentuckybirth13

Death: 20 September 1884 Vermilion County Illinois, USAdeath13


Father: John Pattison (Patterson)

Mother: Mary "Polly" SELLERS

Leonard Gilbert Patterson - 1895 to 1960

Birth: 29 DEC 1895 Petersburg, Pike, Indiana, USAbirth14

Death: 3 May 1960 Aurora illinoisdeath14


Father: Asa Newton Patterson

Mother: Aldah Minnie Elmore

Leonard George Patterson - 1920 to 1992

Birth: 30 juni 1920 Mendocino, California, USAbirth15

Death: 4 Nov 1992 San Jose, Santa Clara, California, USAdeath15


Father: Francis PATTERSON

Mother: Helen May WICKS

Leonard Edward Patterson - 1927 to 2002

Birth: 1927 Salisbury, Chariton, Missouri, USAbirth16

Death: 20 Jun 2002 Omaha, Douglas, Nebraska, USAdeath16


Father: Barton PATTERSON

Mother: Lettie Hughes

Leonard Patterson - 1877 to 1910

Birth: 1877 Boston, Suffolk, Massachusetts, USAbirth17

Death: Aft. 1910 New Jersey, USAdeath17


Father: Thomas Patterson

Mother: Ella Bearce

Leonard Paul Batterson - 1901 to 1981

Birth: 1 AUG 1901 Coldwater, Branch Co., Mich.birth18

Death: 14 DEC 1981 Coldwater, Branch Co., Mich.death18


Father: Caleb Barney Batterson

Mother: Eva Estella DeMott

Leonard Jerome Matterson - 1891 to 1967

Birth: 20 Jul 1891 Chicago, Illinois, USAbirth19

Death: 5 Aug 1967 Mount Vernon, Westchester, New York, United States of Americadeath19


Father: William B. Matteson

Mother: Helen R Matteson

Leonard Alfred Patterson - 1897 to 1968

Birth: 14 Mar 1897 Center, Iowabirth20

Death: 1968


Father: Edward Ross Patterson

Mother: Alma Alice Dillehay

Leonard Alfred Patterson - 1897 to 1968

Birth: 14 Mar 1897 Center, Iowabirth21

Death: 1968


Father: Edward Ross Patterson

Mother: Alma Alice Dillehay

Leonard B Patterson - 1905 to 1967

Birth: 15 Oct 1905 , Fannin, GAbirth22

Death: 12 April 1967


Father: William Patterson

Mother: Laura Brown

Leonard F Patterson - 1882 to 1954

Birth: 9 Mar 1882 Washington County, Pennsylvania, USAbirth23

Death: 16 Jan 1954 Cambridge, Guernsey, Ohio, USAdeath23


Father: James Patterson

Mother: Finetta Boyer Patterson

Leonard I Martenson - 1931 to 1977

Birth: 25 Oct 1931 Pittsfield, Massachusetts, USAbirth24

Death: 1977 Springfield, Hampden, Massachusetts, USAdeath24


Father: Nils H Martensson

Mother: Bertha Johnson

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