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Results for "Leonard Labre"

1 - 25 of 58 Records
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Leonard Labrie - 1929 to 2001

Birth: abt 1929 Massachusettsbirth0

Death: 8 Jan 2001 Burkburnett, Wichita, Texasdeath0


Father: Mitchell Joseph LaBrie

Mother: Abbie J. Field

Leonard LaBore - 1924 to 2011

Birth: 24 Jun 1924 Saint Paul, Ramsey, Minnesota, USAbirth1

Death: 04 Jan 2011 Hudson, Saint Croix, Wisconsin, USAdeath1


Father: Mose J Labore

Mother: Leona Marie Charpentier

Leonard Edna Fabre - 1905 to 1940

Birth: 1905 Grand Bois, Terrebonne, LA, USAbirth2

Death: 01 Sep 1940 Bourg, Terrebonne, Louisiana, USAdeath2


Father: Charles Edgar Creppel

Mother: Marie Seraphine Dardar

Leonard Allen Larre - 1953 to 2017

Birth: 20 Apr 1953 New Orleansbirth3

Death: 27 Jun 2017 Mandeville, St Tammany, Louisiana, USAdeath3


Father: Oscar Donald Larre

Mother: Shirley Posecai

Leonard Edna Fabre - 1905 to 1940

Birth: 1905 Grand Bois, Terrebonne, LA, USAbirth4

Death: 01 Sep 1940 Bourg, Terrebonne, Louisiana, USAdeath4


Father: Charles Edgar Creppel

Mother: Marie Seraphine Dardar

Leonard Labrie - 1887 to 1906

Birth: 14 OCT 1887 Waubashene, Ontario, Canadabirth5

Death: 29 AUG 1906 Simcoe, Ontario, Canadadeath5


Father: John Napoleon Labrie

Mother: Mary Louise Chardon DNA Brian

Leonard John Labore - 1949 to 1949

Birth: 18 Feb 1949 Manchester, Hillsborough, New Hampshire, USAbirth6

Death: 18 FEB 1949 Manchester, Hillsborough, New Hampshire, United Statesdeath6


Father: Edmond Walter Labore

Mother: Elaine Jane Dennis

Leonard Latre - 1803

Birth: 1 MAR 1803 Ardooiebirth7

Death: Not Available


Father: Pieter Maximiliaen Latre

Mother: Theresia Sabbe

Leonard Labbe - 1901 to 1901

Birth: 1901 Newport, Vermontbirth8

Death: 25 Aug 1901 Newport, Vermont, USAdeath8


Father: Leon Labbe

Mother: Mary Lafrance

Leonard LABBE - 1684 to 1739

Birth: 21 OCT 1684 Alligny-en-Morvan,,Nievrebirth9

Death: 9 MAR 1739 Alligny-en-Morvan,,Nievredeath9


Father: Gaspard LABBE

Mother: Jacquette PRIMARD

Leonard John "Blackie" LaBore - 1924 to 2011

Birth: 24 Jun 1924 Saint Paul, Ramsey, Minnesota, USAbirth10

Death: 04 Jan 2011 Hudson, Saint Croix, Wisconsin, USAdeath10


Father: Moses Joseph LaBore

Mother: Leona Marie Charpentier

Leonard Charles Labbe - 1921 to 2013

Birth: 9 Feb 1921 Akron, Summit County, Ohio, USAbirth11

Death: 9 Feb 2013 Texas, USAdeath11


Father: Edward George Labbe

Mother: Theresa Marie Klein

Leonard Labrie - 1887 to 1906

Birth: 14 OCT 1887 Waubashene, Ontario, Canadabirth12

Death: 29 AUG 1906 Simcoe, Ontario, Canadadeath12


Father: John Napoleon Labrie

Mother: Mary Chardon

Leonard Joseph LaBree - 1911 to 1912

Birth: 06 Nov 1911 Oak Park, Cook, Illinois, USAbirth13

Death: 5 Mar 1912 Oak Park, Cook, Illinoisdeath13


Father: Frederic Joseph LaBree (Joseph Cyrille Frederic Labrie)

Mother: Nora Veronica Callahan

Leonard J Labbe - 1909 to 1971

Birth: 8 Mar 1909 Wallagrass Plantation, Aroostook, Maine, USAbirth14

Death: 6 November 1971 Bangor, Penobscot, Maine, USAdeath14


Father: Augusta Labbe

Mother: Flavie Lauzier

Leonard Labbe - 1920 to 2000

Birth: 1 Jan 1920 Wallagrass, MEbirth15

Death: 16 Dec 2000 Southington, CTdeath15


Father: Joseph Mack Labbe

Mother: Eulalia Michaud

leonard fabre - 1747

Birth: 03 03 1747 03290 Dompierre-Sur-Besbrebirth16

Death: Not Available


Father: christophe fabre

Mother: francoise perreau perrot

Leonard Henry Fabre - 1901 to 1902

Birth: 31 Oct 1901 Wheatland, Rice, Minnesotabirth17

Death: 23 SEP 1902 Bridgewater, Rice, Minnesotadeath17


Father: Louis Vincent Fabre

Mother: Margaret Albers

Leonardo Lebre - 1903 to 1940

Birth: 20 Mar 1903 Campinas, SPbirth18

Death: 28 Oct 1940 São Paulo, SPdeath18


Father: Alberto Francisco Lebre

Mother: Maria de Jesus Ventura

Lenoard Labbe - 1894

Birth: 23 Mar 1894 Wallagrass, Aroostook, Maine, USAbirth19

Death: Not Available


Father: Magloire (Max) Labbe

Mother: Marie Mary Berbue

Leonardo Labra - 1814

Birth: 1814

Death: Not Available


Father: Mariano Labra

Mother: Maria Sanches

Leonard Fabre - 1803 to 1824

Birth: 11 Aug 1803

Death: Abt 1824 Louisiana, USAdeath21


Father: Joseph Laurent Fabré

Mother: Marie Elizabeth Croizet

Leonard Labbe - 1918 to 1918

Birth: 27 Mar 1918 Van Buren, MEbirth22

Death: 18 May 1918 Van Buren, MEdeath22


Father: Philias Labbe

Mother: Odélie Deschene

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