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Results for "Leonard Batterson"

1 - 10 of 10 Records

Leonard Paul Batterson - 1901 to 1981

Birth: 1 AUG 1901 Coldwater, Branch Co., Mich.birth0

Death: 14 DEC 1981 Coldwater, Branch Co., Mich.death0


Father: Caleb Barney Batterson

Mother: Eva Estella DeMott

Leonard Malici "Gint" Batterson - 1893 to 1969

Birth: 02 Apr 1893 Wellman, Washington, Iowa, USAbirth1

Death: 9 Sep 1969 Akron, Washington, Colorado, United Statesdeath1


Father: Selie Batterson

Mother: Sarah Elizabeth Newland

Leonard Batterson - 1945

Birth: 1945 North Carolinabirth2

Death: Not Available


Father: Leonard Arthur Batterson

Mother: Sue Evans Woods

Leonard Arthur Batterson - 1920 to 1973

Birth: 25 Jun 1920 Keokuk County, Iowa, USAbirth3

Death: 22 Feb 1973 St. Louis, Missouri, USAdeath3


Father: Lee Roy Batterson

Mother: Esther Lolita Given

Leonard Verle ( T-P ) Batterson - 1914 to 1994

Birth: 27 Sep 1914 Burdette, Colorado, USAbirth4

Death: 16 Nov 1994 Selah, Yakima, Washington, United Statesdeath4


Father: Lee David Batterson

Mother: Geneieve "Jenny" Mariah Reynolds

Leonard Malachai Batterson - 1864 to 1944

Birth: August 18, 1864 Washington Co Iowabirth5

Death: May 31, 1944 Memphis, Scotland, Missouri, USAdeath5


Father: DAVID B Batterson

Mother: Nancy Catherine Knotts

Leonard Batterson - 1891 to 1940

Birth: 22 Dec 1891 Iowa, United Statesbirth6

Death: 1940 St Louis, St Louis, Missouri, United Statesdeath6


Father: DAVID B Batterson

Mother: Nancy Catherine Knotts

Leonard Batterson - 1885 to 1887

Birth: 1885

Death: 1887


Father: James Leonard Batterson

Mother: Charlotte M DeBerard

Leonard Slatterly Batterson - 1812 to 1870

Birth: 11 FEB 1812 Pennsylvaniabirth8

Death: June 30 1870 Keokuk Co., Iowa, USAdeath8


Father: Not Available

Mother: Not Available

Leonard Batterson

Birth: Not Available

Death: Not Available


Father: Not Available

Mother: Not Available

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