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Results for "Leon Palleau"

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Leone Valleau - 1898 to 1986

Birth: 9 January 1898 Wisconsinbirth0

Death: 26 January 1986 Bothell, Washington, USAdeath0


Father: Mark Moses Valleau

Mother: Eliza Frances Ash

Lenn Valleau - 1907 to 1978

Birth: 17 Jun 1907 Michigan, USAbirth1

Death: Dec 1978 Paw Paw, Van Buren, Michigan, United States of Americadeath1


Father: Harmon David Valleau

Mother: Maria Euretta Scovel

Lenn Valleau - 1907 to 1978

Birth: 17 Jun 1907 Michigan, USAbirth2

Death: Dec 1978 Paw Paw, Van Buren, Michigan, United States of Americadeath2


Father: Harmon David Valleau

Mother: Maria Euretta Scovel

Leon Belleau - 1808 to 1892

Birth: abt 1808 Quebecbirth3

Death: 8 Jul 1892


Father: Gabriel Belleau

Mother: Marie Renée Hamel

Leone Josephine Calteau - 1917

Birth: 04 APR 1917 Etang-Sale, 974, Francebirth4

Death: Not Available Etang-Sale, 974, Francedeath4


Father: Louis Rene Calteau

Mother: Marie Lucie Leperlier

Leona Belleau - 1888

Birth: abt 1888 Ontario, Canadabirth5

Death: Not Available


Father: Laurent Alexandre Belleau

Mother: Helene Paquet

Leon Belleau - 1901 to 1903

Birth: 13 JUN 1901 Oconto, Oconto, Wisconsin, USAbirth6

Death: 15 SEP 1903 Oconto, Oconto, Wisconsin, USAdeath6


Father: Joseph Alphonse Belleau

Mother: Marie Celina Belleau

Leon-Honore BELLEAU - 1864 to 1866

Birth: 11 APR 1864 St-Jean-Baptiste, Québec, Québec-Ville, Qcbirth7

Death: 12 MAY 1866 Notre-Dame, Québec, Québec-Ville, Qcdeath7


Father: Honore BELLEAU

Mother: Marguerite MASSON

Leon-Jean-Guy BELLEAU - 1935 to 1935

Birth: 9 SEP 1935 Notre-Dame-de-Grace, Québec, Québec-Ville, Qc

Death: 23 OCT 1935 Notre-Dame-de-Grace, Québec, Québec-Ville, Qc


Father: Zephirin-Octave BELLEAU

Mother: Yvonne Gilbert

Leona Celeste Galleaud - 1892

Birth: 26 Aug 1892 New Orleans, Louisianabirth9

Death: Not Available


Father: Simon Pierre

Mother: Albertine Pierre

Leona Belleau - 1888

Birth: abt 1888 Ontario, Canadabirth10

Death: Not Available


Father: Alexandre Belleau

Mother: Helene Paquet

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