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Results for "Leola Patton"

1 - 25 of 37 Records

Leola M Patton - 1897 to 1981

Birth: abt 1897 Michiganbirth0

Death: Jan 1981 Powers, Menominee, Michigan, United States of Americadeath0


Father: James E Patton

Mother: Corneilia Elmira Cota

Leola Patton - 1913 to 1992

Birth: 2 Dec 1913 , , Utah, USAbirth1

Death: 30 July 1992 Utah, Utahdeath1


Father: Marcus Deloss Patten

Mother: Rhoda Blanche (Huber) Patten

Leola Patton - 1913 to 1992

Birth: 2 Dec 1913 , , Utah, USAbirth2

Death: 30 July 1992 Utah, Utahdeath2


Father: Marcus Deloss Patten

Mother: Rhoda Blanche (Huber) Patten

Leola Alberta Patton - 1904 to 1958

Birth: 1904 Texasbirth3

Death: 13 October 1958 Goliad, Goliad County, Texas, USAdeath3


Father: Robert Lee Patton

Mother: Novella Bell Barefield Patton

Leola Alberta Patton - 1904 to 1958

Birth: 1904 Texasbirth4

Death: 13 October 1958 Goliad, Goliad County, Texas, USAdeath4


Father: Robert Lee Patton

Mother: Novella Bell Barefield Patton

Leola Mae Patton - 1927 to 1999

Birth: abt 1927 Alabamabirth5

Death: 27 Dec 1999 Greenville, Butler, Alabama, USAdeath5


Father: Henry Clark Parmer

Mother: Fanie B Parmer

Leola Alice Patton - 1869 to 1940

Birth: April 14, 1869 Louann, Ouachita co, Arkansasbirth6

Death: May 28, 1940 Camden, Ouachita, Arkansas, United Statesdeath6


Father: William Wallace Patton

Mother: Mary Jane Mason

Leola R Patton - 1932 to 2013

Birth: 4 Sep 1932 Mississippibirth7

Death: 16 Apr 2013 Lyon, Mississippideath7


Father: Isaiah Patton

Mother: Safronia Evans

LEOLA PATTON - 1902 to 1985

Birth: 31 Mar 1902 Salina, Mayes County, Oklahoma, United States of Americabirth8

Death: 26 May 1985 Tulsa, Tulsa County, Oklahoma, United States of Americadeath8


Father: Joseph Addison Patton

Mother: Ada Sonora Littlejohn

Leola Patton - 1929 to 1996

Birth: abt 1929 Illinoisbirth9

Death: 29 Jan 1996


Father: Harry Patton

Mother: Hannah Zick

Leola Mildred Patton - 1916 to 1917

Birth: 10 Mar 1916 Wyandotte, Ottawa, Oklahomabirth10

Death: 30 Sep 1917 Wyandotte, Ottawa, Oklahomadeath10


Father: George Oral Patton

Mother: Ora B Green

Leola Patton - 1929 to 1996

Birth: abt 1929 Illinoisbirth11

Death: 29 Jan 1996


Father: Harry Patton

Mother: Hannah Zick

Leola E Patton - 1903 to 1994

Birth: 19 Apr 1903 Fredericksburg, Gillespie, Texas, USAbirth12

Death: 1 Feb 1994 Fredericksburg, Gillespie, Texas, USAdeath12


Father: Emil John Paul Patton

Mother: Hulda Priess

Leola Alberta Patton - 1896 to 1958

Birth: 12 January 1896 Goliad County, Texas, United States of Americabirth13

Death: 13 Oct 1958 Galveston, Galveston County, Texas, United States of Americadeath13


Father: Robert Lee Patton

Mother: Novella Bell Barefield Patton

Leola Katherine Patton - 1922 to 1973

Birth: 17 July 1922 Dickenson, Virginiabirth14

Death: 20 April 1973 Kettering, Montgomery, Ohiodeath14


Father: Berkley Jefferson Patton

Mother: Elizabeth Mae Puckett

Leola Patton - 1901 to 1976

Birth: 10 Nov 1901 Tadmore, Houston County, Texas, USAbirth15

Death: 14 Feb 1976 Crockett, Houston, Texas, United States of Americadeath15


Father: Andrew Jackson Patton

Mother: Lillie Harrison Curry

Leola May Patton - 1896 to 1981

Birth: 25 April 1896 Michiganbirth16

Death: 17 January 1981 Powers, Menominee, Michigandeath16


Father: James E Patton

Mother: Corneilia Elmira Cota

Leola Patton - 1900

Birth: abt 1900 Mississippibirth17

Death: Not Available


Father: Bateast Patton

Mother: Linda Gray

Leola Patton - 1911

Birth: abt 1911 Pennsylvaniabirth18

Death: Not Available


Father: J. Howard Patton

Mother: Addie Marie Backenstose

Leola Patton - 1911 to 1986

Birth: 1911 Noxubee County, Mississippi, USAbirth19

Death: 30 Oct 1986 Cleveland, Ohio, USAdeath19


Father: Charlie Patton

Mother: Rachel Anne Lillie Wright Patton Cosby

Leola Angeline Patton - 1930 to 2007

Birth: 29 Sept 1930 Spokane, WAbirth20

Death: 24 Sept 2007 Pasco, Franklin County, WAdeath20


Father: John A Patton

Mother: Retha "Reta" Inez Horton

Leola Patton - 1918

Birth: abt 1918 Alabamabirth21

Death: Not Available


Father: Not Available

Mother: Addie Bailey

Leola Patton - 1891

Birth: abt 1891 Alabamabirth22

Death: Not Available


Father: Not Available

Mother: Not Available

Leola Patton - 1889

Birth: 1889 Mississippibirth23

Death: Not Available


Father: Not Available

Mother: Not Available

Leola Patton - 1880

Birth: 1880 Georgiabirth24

Death: Not Available


Father: Not Available

Mother: Not Available

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