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Results for "Lenice Dare"

1 - 12 of 12 Records
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Denice Dame - 1917 to 1917

Birth: 9 Apr 1917 Rumsey, McLean, Kentucky, USAbirth0

Death: 4 Oct 1917 Rumsey, McLean, Kentucky, USAdeath0


Father: George Leonard Dame

Mother: Katie Victoria Ellis

Denice Montgomery Dane - 1897 to 1989

Birth: 22 Jan 1897 Lahore, Bengal, Indiabirth1

Death: 28 Jan 1989 Kensington and Chelsea, Londondeath1


Father: Sir Dane

Mother: Edith Norman

Denice Dame - 1917 to 1917

Birth: 9 April 1917 Rumsey, McLean, Kentucky, USAbirth2

Death: 4 October 1917 Rumsey, McLean, Kentucky, Buried Poplar Grove Presbyterian Churchdeath2


Father: George Leonard Dame

Mother: Katie Victoria Ellis

Genice Dark - 1940

Birth: 1940 North Carolinabirth3

Death: Not Available


Father: Joseph Dark

Mother: Patia Dark

Denice Dame - 1917 to 1917

Birth: 9 April 1917 Rumsey, McLean, Kentucky, USAbirth4

Death: 4 October 1917 Rumsey, McLean, Kentucky, Buried Poplar Grove Presbyterian Churchdeath4


Father: George Leonard Dame

Mother: Katie Victoria Ellis

Enice Bare - 1913 to 2001

Birth: 23 Feb 1913 Wilkes, NCbirth5

Death: 2 Mar 2001 Salisbury, Rowan, North Carolina, USAdeath5


Father: Andrew Leander (LEE) Bare

Mother: Polly Ellen Dixon

Glenice Edith Dale - 1943 to 2004

Birth: 29 May 1943 Brisbane, Queensland, Australiabirth6

Death: About 6 May 2004 Brisbane, Queensland, Australiadeath6


Father: Donald Archibald DALE

Mother: Edith May Otto

Glenice Ione DAKE - 1909 to 2000

Birth: 06 Apr 1909 Mountain Grove, MObirth7

Death: 30 Aug 2000 Trail, Jackson, Oregon, United States of Americadeath7


Father: Melrose Hannibal Dake

Mother: Jessie Faye White

Enice Dale - 1916

Birth: abt 1916 Tennesseebirth8

Death: Not Available


Father: Charles Robert Dale

Mother: Betty Garner

Glenice Dake - 1910

Birth: abt 1910 Missouribirth9

Death: Not Available


Father: Jessie Faye White

Mother: Melrose H Dake

Annice Dale - 1900

Birth: May 1900 Texasbirth10

Death: Not Available


Father: Noah T Dale

Mother: Not Available

Denice Joyce Dark - 1979 to 2006

Birth: 10 Nov 1979 Talladega County, Alabama, USAbirth11

Death: 9 March 2006 Talladega, Talladega, Alabamadeath11


Father: Willie Charles Dark

Mother: Not Available

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