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Results for "Leenu Pars"

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Leen Pare - 1877

Birth: 17 OCT 1877 Granby, Sheffordbirth0

Death: Not Available Lowell, MA? death0


Father: Louis Paré

Mother: Brigitte LeBlanc

Leena Paas - 1897 to 1961

Birth: 22 MAY 1897 Kaevussaare, Avinurme vald, Torma-Lohusuu kihelkondbirth1

Death: 19 JAN 1961


Father: Jaan Paas

Mother: Anna Kallavus

Leena Paas - 1897 to 1961

Birth: 22 MAY 1897 Kaevussaare, Avinurme vald, Torma-Lohusuu kihelkondbirth2

Death: 19 JAN 1961


Father: Jaan Paas

Mother: Anna Kallavus

Leenu Paas - 1816 to 1861

Birth: 1816 Paadenurme, Avinurme vald, Torma-Lohusuu kihelkond

Death: 13 July 1861 nniksaare, Avinurme vald, Torma-Lohusuu kihelkond


Father: Aabram Paas

Mother: Marie Paas

Leena Paas - 1865 to 1936

Birth: 4 February 1865 Lohusuu-Saare, Avinurme rannavald, Torma-Lohusuu kihelkond

Death: 26 April 1936 Lohusuu kihelkond


Father: Madis Paas

Mother: Ann Kivi

Leena Paas - 1858

Birth: 24 October 1858 Paadenurme, Avinurme vald, Torma kihelkond

Death: Not Available


Father: Karel Paas

Mother: Mari Taberland

Leena Paas - 1886

Birth: 9 July 1886 Adraku, Avinurme vald, Torma-Lohusuu kihelkond

Death: Not Available


Father: Toomas Paas

Mother: Ann Kleband

Leenu Paas - 1891 to 1891

Birth: 19 JUN 1891

Death: 19 JUN 1891


Father: Ado Paas (Neider)

Mother: Viiu Roth

Leen Paas - 1864

Birth: 6 April 1864

Death: Not Available


Father: Jüri Paas

Mother: Kai Pärn

Leena Paas - 1882

Birth: 10 August 1882 Piilsi, Avinurme vald, Lohusuu kihelkond

Death: Not Available


Father: Jüri Paas

Mother: Not Available

Leenu Paas - 1856

Birth: 24 March 1856 Torma, Torma vald, Torma kihelkond

Death: Not Available


Father: Not Available

Mother: Liisu Pukk

Leena Paas - 1888 to 1891

Birth: 1 September 1888 Lohusuu, Avinurme vald, Torma-Lohusuu kihelkond

Death: 5 June 1891 Lohusuu, Avinurme vald, Torma-Lohusuu kihelkond


Father: Madis Paas

Mother: Not Available

Leenu Paas - 1856

Birth: 24 March 1856 Torma, Torma vald, Torma kihelkondbirth12

Death: Not Available


Father: Not Available

Mother: Liisu Pukk

Leena Parm - 1796 to 1879

Birth: ABT 1796 Kambi / Harju-Jaani

Death: 3 MAR 1879


Father: Not Available

Mother: Not Available

Leenu Paas - 1858

Birth: 26 JUL 1858 Raplamaabirth14

Death: Not Available


Father: Not Available

Mother: Not Available

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