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Results for "Leendert Datema"

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Riendert Attema - 1869 to 1944

Birth: 1869 Wonseradeel, , Friesland, Netherlandsbirth0

Death: 1944 Sioux, Iowa, USAdeath0


Father: Gerrit Jelles ATTEMA

Mother: Akke Algera

Leander Bateman - 1926 to 2008

Birth: 16 Sep 1926 NCbirth1

Death: 2 Jan 2008 Rockingham, NCdeath1


Father: Ernest William Bateman

Mother: Mary Lou Harris

Leander Bateman - 1926 to 2008

Birth: 16 Sep 1926 NCbirth2

Death: 2 Jan 2008 Rockingham, NCdeath2


Father: Ernest William Bateman

Mother: Mary Lou Harris

Meindert J. Attema - 1911 to 1993

Birth: 13 Apr 1911 Wonseradeel

Death: Feb 1993 Harlingendeath3


Father: Jelle S. Attema

Mother: Liesbeth Jans Westendorp

Meindert J. Attema - 1911 to 1993

Birth: 13 Apr 1911 Wonseradeel

Death: Feb 1993 Harlingendeath4


Father: Jelle S. Attema

Mother: Liesbeth Jans Westendorp

Meindert Jelles Attema - 1846 to 1880

Birth: 21 AUG 1846 Wonseradeel, Friesland, Netherlandsbirth5

Death: 14 MAR 1880 Wonseradeel, Friesland, Netherlandsdeath5


Father: Jelle Piers Attema

Mother: Grietje Gerrits De Vries

Leander B Bateman - 1852 to 1902

Birth: 1852 Macon, North Carolina, United Statesbirth6

Death: 1902


Father: Archibald Bateman

Mother: Mahala Lambert Trammel

Meindert Atema - 1891 to 1892

Birth: Aug 25,1891 , Dantumadeel, Friesland, Netherlandsbirth7

Death: May 11,1892


Father: Ate Atema

Mother: Aafke Meinderts Talma

Leander Bateman - 1889

Birth: Mar 1889 North Carolinabirth8

Death: Not Available


Father: Archibald Bateman

Mother: Mahala Lambert Trammel

Meindert Pieters Datema - 1801 to 1829

Birth: 14.06.1801 Lettelbert, Groningen, Niederlandebirth9

Death: 28.12.1829 Zuidhorn, Groningendeath9


Father: Pieter Arents Datema

Mother: Harmke Meinderts Bakker

Leander Bateman - 1889

Birth: Mar 1889 North Carolinabirth10

Death: Not Available


Father: Jacob Van Buren Bateman

Mother: Cecelia 'Selah' E. Evans

Leenderd DALEMAN

Birth: Not Available

Death: Not Available


Father: Not Available

Mother: Not Available

Leander B. Bateman - 1852 to 1902

Birth: 1852 Caswell, North Carolina, United Statesbirth12

Death: 1902


Father: Not Available

Mother: Not Available

Meindert Dadema

Birth: Not Available

Death: Not Available


Father: Not Available

Mother: Not Available

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