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Results for "Leander Dawson"

1 - 15 of 15 Records

Leander "Lee" Dawson - 1850 to 1930

Birth: 14 Jun 1850 Connellsville Twp., Fayette Co., Pa.birth0

Death: 21 Mar 1930 Connellsville, Fayette Co., Pa.death0


Father: Robert Dawson

Mother: Nancy Reese

leander perry Dawson - 1875 to 1935

Birth: 15 Jul 1875 Kalona, English River, Washington, Iowabirth1

Death: 10 Mar 1935 Riverside, Jefferson, Iowa, USAdeath1


Father: Leander C Dawson

Mother: Mary Adaline Farley

Leander "Lee" Dawson - 1850 to 1930

Birth: 14 Jun 1850 Connellsville Twp., Fayette Co., Pa.birth2

Death: 21 Mar 1930 Connellsville, Fayette Co., Pa.death2


Father: Robert Dawson

Mother: Nancy Reese

Leander Eckles Dawson - 1873 to 1947

Birth: 6 Dec 1873 Avery, Hancock, Iowa, USAbirth3

Death: 15 November 1947 Denver, Denver County, Colorado, USAdeath3


Father: William E Dawson

Mother: Maria Sparr

Leander C Dawson - 1837 to 1891

Birth: 28 Jul 1837 Burlington, Fayette, Ohio, USAbirth4

Death: 29 Dec 1891 Richmond, Washington, Iowa, USAdeath4


Father: Thomas Benona Dawson

Mother: Anna Wood

Leander Dawson - 1919 to 1919

Birth: 5 Apr 1919 Flemingsburg, Fleming, Kentucky, USAbirth5

Death: 27 Apr 1919 Fleming, Kentucky, USAdeath5


Father: Taylor Leander Dawson

Mother: Anna Hopper

Leander H. Dawson - 1860 to 1920

Birth: 03 Jun 1860 Ohiobirth6

Death: 20 Mar 1920 Hayesville, Keokuk County, Iowadeath6


Father: James D Dawson

Mother: Sarah Shirrow

Leander Lon Dawson - 1851 to 1911

Birth: abt 1851 Bullitt County, Kentucky, USAbirth7

Death: 11 Sep 1911 Shepherdsville, Bullitt, Kentucky, USAdeath7


Father: Thomas Dawson

Mother: Elizabeth Cook

Leander S Dawson - 1932 to 1994

Birth: 12 Oct 1932 Kendrick Oca, Floridabirth8

Death: 4 Jul 1994


Father: Leander Dawson

Mother: Alberta Curry

Leander Dawson - 1836

Birth: abt 1836 East Baton Rouge Parish, Louisianabirth9

Death: Not Available


Father: John W Dawson

Mother: Nancy Dawson

Leander C. Dawson - 1855

Birth: ABT 1855

Death: Not Available


Father: Thomas Benona Dawson

Mother: Not Available

Leander Dawson - 1880

Birth: 1880 Wisconsinbirth11

Death: Not Available


Father: Not Available

Mother: Not Available

Leander Dawson - 1887

Birth: 2 Feb 1887 Fairfield FLbirth12

Death: Not Available


Father: Not Available

Mother: Not Available

Leander Dawson

Birth: Not Available

Death: Not Available


Father: Not Available

Mother: Not Available

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