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Results for "Lea Pattein"

1 - 25 of 35 Records
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Dea Leander Patten - 1807 to 1873

Birth: 11 Dec 1807 West Pittsfield, ME, USAbirth0

Death: 1873 Greene, Androscoggin, Maine, United Statesdeath0


Father: Joseph Patten

Mother: Betsy Southard

LEE ALFRED PATTEN - 1879 to 1956

Birth: 9 February 1879 United States of Americabirth1

Death: 17 Sep 1956 Chilliwack, British Columbideath1



Mother: Emily Louisa Robson

Dea Leander Patten - 1807 to 1873

Birth: 11 Dec 1807 West Pittsfield, ME, USAbirth2

Death: 1873 Greene, Androscoggin, Maine, United Statesdeath2


Father: Joseph Patten

Mother: Betsy Southard

Leah Patten - 1828 to 1899

Birth: 19 Sep 1828 Baptist,Burslem,Stafford,Englandbirth3

Death: January 1899 Rochdale, Lancashiredeath3


Father: William Patten

Mother: Ellen Johnson

Leah Patten - 1886 to 1947

Birth: 13 August 1886 Nephi, Juab, Utah, United Statesbirth4

Death: 27 August 1947 San Diego, San Diego, California, United Statesdeath4


Father: Joseph Cornwall Patten

Mother: Rosa H. Patten

Leah Catherine Mattern - 1896 to 1984

Birth: 12 Mar 1896 Danville, Montour, Pennsylvania, USAbirth5

Death: 19 Aug 1984 Houma, Terrebonne, Louisiana, USAdeath5


Father: Edward Mottern

Mother: Anna C. Straub

Lee Oliver PATTEN - 1898 to 1977

Birth: 13 Aug 1898 Oakland Twp., Butler, Pennsylvania, USAbirth6

Death: 18 Dec 1977 Boynton Beach, Palm Beach, Florida, USAdeath6


Father: James Alfred Patten

Mother: Anna Rachel Henry

Leda Charity PATTEN - 1898 to 1984

Birth: 25 Nov 1898 Michigan, USAbirth7

Death: 23 February 1984 Surrey, Clare, Michigandeath7


Father: William Henry Patten

Mother: Mary Angeline Booher

Lee Patten - 1912 to 1960

Birth: 16 Jun 1912 Pennsylvaniabirth8

Death: 11 Mar 1960 Los Angeles, Californiadeath8


Father: Irvin Patton

Mother: Mary Jane Davis

Leah E Patten - 1912

Birth: abt 1912 Michiganbirth9

Death: Not Available


Father: David R Patten

Mother: Veva Maude Traves

Lee Mattern - 1916

Birth: Abt. 1916 Plantersville, Grimes, Texas, USAbirth10

Death: Not Available


Father: Franz Mattern

Mother: Anna Maria Löwenstein

Lee Mattern - 1964

Birth: 29 Nov 1964 Great Falls, Cascade, Montana, USAbirth11

Death: Not Available


Father: Donald Wilmer Mattern

Mother: Crystal Ann Gillette

lee craig patten - 2010 to 2010

Birth: 13 Jul 2010 Bristol, Somerset, Englandbirth12

Death: 16 Jul 2010 Clevedon, Somerset, Englanddeath12


Father: lee craig patten

Mother: lee craig patten

Lee Craig Patten - 1910 to 1910

Birth: 13.7.10 Bristol, Somerset, Englandbirth13

Death: 16.7.10 Clevedon, Somerset, Englanddeath13


Father: Lee Craig Patten

Mother: Lee Craig Patten

Lee Anne Patten - 1945

Birth: 1945

Death: Not Available


Father: Philip Henry Patten

Mother: Elinore Olive Cruse

Leah Patten - 1829

Birth: 1829 Manchester, Lancashire, , Englandbirth15

Death: Not Available


Father: William Patten

Mother: Ellen Patten

Lee Dewey Patten - 1898

Birth: Apr 1898 Binghamton, Broome, New York, USAbirth16

Death: Not Available


Father: Alexander Stephen Patten

Mother: Catherine "Kate" Nanery

Lee Patten - 1906

Birth: abt 1906 Mississippibirth17

Death: Not Available


Father: Standefer Patton

Mother: Rosie Anthony

Lee R Patten - 1884

Birth: May 1884 Kentuckybirth18

Death: Not Available


Father: William Riley Patton

Mother: Laura Belle Wilkinson

Lee Patten - 1880

Birth: 1880 Tennesseebirth19

Death: Not Available


Father: Hardy Patten

Mother: Not Available

Lee Patten - 1912

Birth: 1912 Alabamabirth20

Death: Not Available


Father: Not Available

Mother: Not Available

Lee Patten - 1915

Birth: 1915 Pennsylvaniabirth21

Death: Not Available


Father: Not Available

Mother: Not Available

Lee R Patten - 1904

Birth: 1904 Arkansasbirth22

Death: Not Available


Father: Not Available

Mother: Not Available

Lee PATTEN - 1850 to 1930

Birth: abt 1850 Lafayette County, Mississippibirth23

Death: 1930/1940 Tula, Mississippi (Lafayettedeath23


Father: Not Available

Mother: Not Available

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