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Results for "Lawrence Lancour"

1 - 9 of 9 Records

Lawrence Clyde Lancour - 1918 to 2000

Birth: 5 Sep 1918 Perkins, Delta, Michiganbirth0

Death: 6 Jun 2000 Carney, Menominee, Michigan, USAdeath0


Father: James W. Lancour

Mother: Mabel Brumstrom

Lawrence Edward Lancour - 1937 to 2018

Birth: 11 December 1937 Marquette, Marquette County, Michigan, United States of Americabirth1

Death: 9 Sep 2018 Marquette, Marquette County, Michigan, United States of Americadeath1


Father: Lawrence A Lancour

Mother: Florence Delia Vadnais

Lawrence N. Lancour - 1939 to 2000

Birth: 26 Aug 1939 Michigan, USAbirth2

Death: 01 Jun 2000 Champion, Marquette Cty., Michigan, USAdeath2


Father: Clarence Sterling Lancour

Mother: Blanche Evelyn Hobbs

Lawrence Clyde Lancour - 1918 to 2000

Birth: 5 Sep 1918 Perkins, Delta, Michiganbirth3

Death: 6 Jun 2000 Carney, Menominee, Michigan, USAdeath3


Father: James W. Lancour

Mother: Mabel Agnes Brumstrom

Lawrence A Lancour - 1912 to 1976

Birth: 12 DEC 1912 Baldwin, Delta, Michigan, USAbirth4

Death: 21 APR 1976 Marquette, Marquette, MIdeath4


Father: Ferdinand Lancour

Mother: Matilda Beauchamp

Lawrence Lancour - 1904 to 1969

Birth: 21 June 1904

Death: 26 February 1969


Father: William A Lancour

Mother: Mathilda Poirier (Lancour) *

Lawrence Edward Jr Lancour - 1939 to 2008

Birth: 28 Jan 1939 Marquette, Marquette, Michigan, United Statesbirth6

Death: 15 Feb 2008 Marquette, Marquette, Michigan, United Statesdeath6


Father: Lawrence A Lancour

Mother: Florence Delia Vadnais

Lawrence Lancour

Birth: Not Available

Death: Not Available


Father: Not Available

Mother: Not Available

Lawrence Lancour - 1904 to 1969

Birth: 21 June 1904

Death: 26 February 1969


Father: Not Available

Mother: Not Available

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