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Results for "Lavi Daviason"

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Levi Davidson - 1908 to 1998

Birth: 10 Aug 1908 Jacksboro, Jack, Texas, USAbirth0

Death: 28 Sep 1998 Dallas, Dallas, Texas, United States of Americadeath0


Father: Edward Morris Davidson

Mother: Medora Coleman

Levi Davidson - 1908 to 1998

Birth: 10 Aug 1908 Jacksboro, Jack, Texas, USAbirth1

Death: 28 Sep 1998 Dallas, Dallas, Texas, United States of Americadeath1


Father: Edward Morris Davidson

Mother: Medora Coleman

Levi Wood Davidson - 1848 to 1920

Birth: 19 June 1848 Fairport, Ohiobirth2

Death: 26 December 1920 Blue Island, Cook County, Illinois, USAdeath2


Father: John Riley Davison

Mother: Ruth Kightlinger

Levi Davidson - 1908 to 1998

Birth: 10 Aug 1908 Jacksboro, Jack, Texas, USAbirth3

Death: 28 Sep 1998 Dallas, Dallas, Texas, United States of Americadeath3


Father: Edward Morris Davidson

Mother: Medora Coleman

Levi Davidson - 1866 to 1940

Birth: Jan 12, 1866 Marshall County, Tennesseebirth4

Death: Apr 29, 1940 Petersburg, Lincoln County, Tennesseedeath4


Father: Elijah Davidson

Mother: Jane Porter

Levi new Davidson - 1799 to 1851

Birth: 24 Sep 1799 , Perry, Tennesseebirth5

Death: 09 Feb 1851 Georges Branch, Breathitt, Kentucky, USAdeath5


Father: JOHN Davidson

Mother: Rachel Chilton Shelton *

Levi DAVIDSON - 1827 to 1859

Birth: 1827 Harrison, West Virginia, United Statesbirth6

Death: 1859 Edgar, Edgar, Illinois, United Statesdeath6


Father: John Davidson

Mother: Elizabeth Goodbar-Irvine-Davidson

Levi DAVIDSON - 1827 to 1859

Birth: 1827 Harrison, West Virginia, United Statesbirth7

Death: 1859 Edgar, Edgar, Illinois, United Statesdeath7


Father: John Davidson

Mother: Elizabeth Goodbar-Irvine-Davidson

Levi Davidson - 1799 to 1870

Birth: 24 Sep 1799 Perry, Tennessee, USAbirth8

Death: 18 February 1870 Missourideath8


Father: JOHN Davidson

Mother: Rachel Chilton Shelton *

Levi B Davidson - 1857 to 1916

Birth: May 1857 Illinoisbirth9

Death: 20 December 1916 Canton, Stark County, Ohio, USAdeath9


Father: John Mitchell Davidson

Mother: Mary Hull

Levi B Davidson - 1857 to 1916

Birth: May 1857 Illinoisbirth10

Death: 20 December 1916 Canton, Stark County, Ohio, USAdeath10


Father: John Mitchell Davidson

Mother: Mary Hull

Levi B. Davidson - 1853

Birth: 30 May 1853 Fulton County, Illinois, USAbirth11

Death: Not Available Norwalk, Huron, Ohio, USAdeath11


Father: Abraham Davidson

Mother: Mary Ann Hill

Levi B. Davidson - 1853

Birth: 30 May 1853 Fulton County, Illinois, USAbirth12

Death: Not Available Norwalk, Huron, Ohio, USAdeath12


Father: Abraham Davidson

Mother: Mary Ann Hill

Levi Barber Davisson - 1822 to 1870

Birth: 7 Aug 1822 Lawrence, Ohio, United Statesbirth13

Death: 08 Jan 1870 Monongalia County, West Virginiadeath13


Father: Judge Davidson (Civil War)

Mother: Susannah Lambert

Levi Barber Davisson - 1822 to 1870

Birth: 7 Aug 1822 Lawrence, Ohio, United Statesbirth14

Death: 08 Jan 1870 Monongalia County, West Virginiadeath14


Father: Judge Davidson (Civil War)

Mother: Susannah Lambert

Levi Naul Davison - 1858 to 1900

Birth: Dec 1858 Louth, Lincolnshire, Englandbirth15

Death: Jul 1900 Lincolnshire, United Kingdomdeath15


Father: William Ashlin Davison

Mother: Sarah Davison

Levi Davidson - 1832 to 1880

Birth: 1832 , Clay, Kentucky, USAbirth16

Death: 1880


Father: John Davidson

Mother: Mary Polly Campbell

Levi Davison - 1836 to 1910

Birth: 04 Jan 1836 Nova Scotiabirth17

Death: 06 May 1910


Father: Thomas Davison

Mother: Margaret Morrison

Levi Davidson - 1844 to 1916

Birth: 02 Sep 1844 Perry County, Tennesseebirth18

Death: 01 Jan 1916 Chelsea, Rogers, Oklahoma, United Statesdeath18


Father: Levi Davidson

Mother: Sarah Lamberson

Levi Sylvester Davison - 1866 to 1943

Birth: March 13, 1866 Lapeer County, Michigan, USAbirth19

Death: 22 Nov 1943 Benton, Berrien, Michigandeath19


Father: Edwin/Edmund Davison

Mother: Julia A Harvey

Levi Davidson - 1807 to 1869

Birth: 26 Aug 1807 Richmond, Lennox, Ontario, Canadabirth20

Death: Bef. 1869 Bayham, Elgin, Ontario, Canadadeath20


Father: Samuel Davidson

Mother: Flora McDonell

Levi Franklin Davidson - 1869 to 1939

Birth: 20 May 1869 Atwater, Kandiyohi, Minnesota, USAbirth21

Death: 19 Oct 1939 Minneapolis, Hennepin, Minnesota, USAdeath21


Father: August Davidson

Mother: Mathilda Anderson (Andersdotter)

Levi DAVIDSON' - 1811 to 1878

Birth: 13 Jul 1811 ,,Ohio, USAbirth22

Death: 17 Sep 1878 Bushnell, McDonough, Illinois, USAdeath22


Father: Genoah Davidson

Mother: Not Available

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