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Results for "Laverne Larson"

1 - 25 of 127 Records

Laverne Larson - 1907 to 1968

Birth: abt 1907 Illinoisbirth0

Death: Nov 1968 Williamsport, Pennsylvaniadeath0


Father: Lewis Olie Larson

Mother: Hattie Marion Lobdell

Laverne G Larson - 1921 to 2010

Birth: abt 1921 New Haven, New Haven, Connecticut, United States of Americabirth1

Death: 7 Oct 2010 Minneapolis, Anoka, Minnesotadeath1


Father: Clarence Leon Longley

Mother: Irene B Tylien

Laverne Larson - 1907 to 1968

Birth: abt 1907 Illinoisbirth2

Death: Nov 1968 Williamsport, Pennsylvaniadeath2


Father: Lewis Olie Larson

Mother: Hattie Marion Lobdell

LaVerne Theryl Larson - 1923 to 2013

Birth: 28 Feb 1923 Galva Township, Ida County, Iowa, United Statesbirth3

Death: 28 Oct 2013 Florida, USAdeath3


Father: Brior Oscar Larson

Mother: Phoebe Esther Higgins

Laverne Larson - 1909 to 1986

Birth: 10 Sep 1909 New Richmond, Wisconsin, USAbirth4

Death: Jun 1986 Canby, Yellow Medicine, Minnesota, USAdeath4


Father: Johan Larson

Mother: Rena Iversdatter

LaVerne Quentin Larson - 1928 to 2011

Birth: Dec. 18, 1928 Bangor, Wisc.birth5

Death: 26 Nov 2011 La Crosse, La Crosse Co, Wisconsin, USAdeath5


Father: Edwin Oscar LARSON

Mother: Eda TEMTE

Laverne Larson - 1909 to 1986

Birth: 10 Sep 1909 New Richmond, Wisconsin, USAbirth6

Death: Jun 1986 Canby, Yellow Medicine, Minnesota, USAdeath6


Father: Johan Larson

Mother: Rena Iversdatter

Laverne G Larson - 1921 to 2010

Birth: abt 1921 New Haven, New Haven, Connecticut, United States of Americabirth7

Death: 7 Oct 2010 Minneapolis, Anoka, Minnesotadeath7


Father: Clarence Leon Longley

Mother: Irene B Tylien

Laverne M Larson - 1912 to 2005

Birth: 02 Mar 1912 Dickey, LaMoure, NDbirth8

Death: 8 Oct 2005 Grand Forks, Grand Forks, North Dakota, USAdeath8


Father: Nels O. Larson

Mother: Little

Laverne M Larson - 1912 to 2005

Birth: 02 Mar 1912 Dickey, LaMoure, NDbirth9

Death: 8 Oct 2005 Grand Forks, Grand Forks, North Dakota, USAdeath9


Father: Nels O. Larson

Mother: Little

Laverne Larson - 1906 to 1983

Birth: 22 SEP 1906 Linden, Iowa Co, Wisconsinbirth10

Death: 6 Feb 1983 Madison, Dane, Wisconsin, USAdeath10


Father: Leonard Larson

Mother: Hilda Berthine Johnson

Laverne Larson - 1906 to 1983

Birth: 22 SEP 1906 Linden, Iowa Co, Wisconsinbirth11

Death: 6 Feb 1983 Madison, Dane, Wisconsin, USAdeath11


Father: Leonard Larson

Mother: Hilda Berthine Johnson

LaVerne Alice Larson - 1917 to 2002

Birth: 6 Oct 1917 Illinoisbirth12

Death: 22 Oct 2002


Father: Louis Leonard Larson

Mother: Rose B Sheldon

LaVerne Alice Larson - 1917 to 2002

Birth: 6 Oct 1917 Illinoisbirth13

Death: 22 Oct 2002


Father: Louis Leonard Larson

Mother: Rose B Sheldon

LaVerne Alice Larson - 1917 to 2002

Birth: 6 Oct 1917 Illinoisbirth14

Death: 22 Oct 2002


Father: Louis Leonard Larson

Mother: Rose B Sheldon

Laverne Larson - 1932 to 2013

Birth: abt 1932 North Dakotabirth15

Death: 2013


Father: Oscar Ludwig Larson

Mother: Brittina (Bertha) Hauge

Laverne Larson - 1932 to 2013

Birth: abt 1932 North Dakotabirth16

Death: 2013


Father: Oscar Ludwig Larson

Mother: Brittina (Bertha) Hauge

LaVerne Victoria Larson - 1913 to 1997

Birth: 12 Jan 1913 Wetaskiwin, Alberta, Canadabirth17

Death: 1997 Hampton, 1653968, New Brunswick, Canadadeath17


Father: Edwin Carl Larson

Mother: Ester Nicolina Pearson

Laverne Larson - 1918 to 2009

Birth: 14 January 1918 Minnesotabirth18

Death: 7 November 2009 Belgrade, Stearns, Minnesotadeath18


Father: Arne Larson

Mother: Belinda Walby

LaVerne Beatrice Larson - 1918 to 1994

Birth: 16 May 1918 Tagus, Mountrail, North Dakota, USAbirth19

Death: 3 Apr 1994 Portland, Clackamas, Oregon, USAdeath19


Father: Alvin Larson

Mother: Frieda Alvina Schultz

Laverne E Larson - 1909 to 1977

Birth: 1909 Washingtonbirth20

Death: Feb 1977 Bellingham, Whatcom, Washington, USAdeath20


Father: Lauritz Larson

Mother: Dorothea Loe

Laverne Larson - 1933 to 2008

Birth: 15 Sep 1933 Chippewa, Minnesota, USAbirth21

Death: aft Aug 2008


Father: Lawrence Clifford Larson

Mother: Florence Ruby Teigen


Birth: 16 Jun 1922 Newman Grove, Madison, Nebraska, United Statesbirth22

Death: 31 Aug 1987 Modesto, Stanislaus, California, United Statesdeath22


Father: Edward Larson

Mother: Caroline Abrahamson

Laverne Aylene Larson - 1927 to 2021

Birth: 1927 South Dakotabirth23

Death: 28 Jan 2021 Cromwell, Middlesex, Connecticut, USAdeath23


Father: Elmer Severin Larson

Mother: Gladys M Strom

Laverne Larson - 1928

Birth: abt 1928 Illinoisbirth24

Death: Not Available


Father: Julius Martin Larsen

Mother: Wilhelmina E. Strautman Larsen

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