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Results for "Lauson Page"

1 - 25 of 61 Records
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Clauson Page - 1851 to 1932

Birth: 21 Sep 1851 South Carolinabirth0

Death: 16 Jun 1932 Marietta, Robeson, North Carolinadeath0


Father: Everett (Averitt) Page

Mother: Obedience Hayes

Alison Pace - 1771 to 1837

Birth: 1771 Sprouston, Roxburghshire, Scotlandbirth1

Death: 1 Jun 1837 Edinburgh, Midlothian, Scotlanddeath1


Father: Daniel Paise (Pace)

Mother: Isobel Turnbull

Lawson Fullerton Page - 1900 to 1984

Birth: 6 Mar 1900 Marietta, Ohiobirth2

Death: Aug 1984 Brooklyn, Kings, New York, USAdeath2


Father: Lyman Walker Page

Mother: Zaidee Ethel Fullerton

Alison Pace - 1771 to 1837

Birth: 1771 Sprouston, Roxburghshire, Scotlandbirth3

Death: 1 Jun 1837 Edinburgh, Midlothian, Scotlanddeath3


Father: Daniel Paise (Pace)

Mother: Isobel Turnbull

Alison Pace - 1771 to 1837

Birth: 1771 Sprouston, Roxburghshire, Scotlandbirth4

Death: 1 Jun 1837 Edinburgh, Midlothian, Scotlanddeath4


Father: Daniel Paise (Pace)

Mother: Isobel Turnbull

Alanson Smith Paige - 1818 to 1862

Birth: 30 Aug 1818 Caledonia Co., Vermontbirth5

Death: 17 Jul 1862 Caledonia Co., Vermontdeath5


Father: John O. Page

Mother: Sarah Sally Heath

Alanson Sumner Page - 1825 to 1905

Birth: 30 Jun 1825 Providence, Saratoga, New York, USAbirth6

Death: 14 Apr 1905 Oswego, Oswego, New York, USAdeath6


Father: David Page

Mother: Elsie Sumner

Alanson Smith Page - 1818 to 1862

Birth: 30 Aug 1818 Ryegate, Caledonia, Vermont, United Statesbirth7

Death: 17 Jul 1862 Ryegate, Caledonia, Vermont, United Statesdeath7


Father: John O. Page


Lawson Gage - 1859 to 1903

Birth: 7 Oct 1859 Chilton, Calumet County, Wisconsin, USAbirth8

Death: 26 May 1903 Hilbert, Calumet, Wisconsindeath8


Father: Richard Jabus Gage

Mother: Elizabeth A Simmons

Lawson Anthony Page - 1883 to 1944

Birth: 27 Jul 1883 Newport, Sullivan, New Hampshirebirth9

Death: 22 Aug 1944 Newport, Sullivan, New Hampshire, USAdeath9


Father: Orison W Page

Mother: Jael Mores Fletcher

Kauson Page - 1865 to 1925

Birth: 1865 Lincoln Co, NCbirth10

Death: 19 Dec 1925 Morganton, Burke, North Carolinadeath10


Father: Lemuel Page

Mother: Ann Lathan Leatherman

Alanson Sumner Page - 1887 to 1961

Birth: 28 May 1887 Oswego, Oswego, New York, USAbirth11

Death: 3 February 1961 Oswego, Oswego County, New York, United States of Americadeath11


Father: David Benson Page

Mother: Cora J. Holbrook

Lawson Everett Gage - 1908 to 1979

Birth: 27 Dec 1908 Texas, USAbirth12

Death: 14 Dec 1979 Dallas, Dallas, Texas, USAdeath12


Father: George William Gage

Mother: Dora Everett Boyette

Lawson Page - 1913 to 1992

Birth: 16 Mar 1913 Dudley, Staffordshire, Englandbirth13

Death: 1992 Kettering, Northamptonshire, Englanddeath13


Father: William Henry Page

Mother: Edith Siviter

Lason Page - 1890

Birth: abt 1890 Ontariobirth14

Death: Not Available


Father: James Page

Mother: Ellen Helen McPhadden

Lawson Fullerton Page - 1900 to 1984

Birth: 6 Mar 1900 Marietta, Ohiobirth15

Death: Aug 1984 Brooklyn, Kings, New York, USAdeath15


Father: Lyman Walker Page

Mother: Zaidee Fullerton

Alison Pace - 1841

Birth: abt 1841 Dalkeith, Midlothianbirth16

Death: Not Available


Father: George Pace

Mother: Alison Ambrose

Larson Pace - 1914

Birth: 1914 Mississippibirth17

Death: Not Available


Father: Richmond Benton Pace

Mother: Virgie Ophelia Edwards

Lawson Pace - 1867

Birth: 1867 Arkansasbirth18

Death: Not Available


Father: William Pace

Mother: Ellen Pace

Alison Belfrage Page - 1869

Birth: 13 FEB 1869 Strathmiglo, Fife, Scotlandbirth19

Death: Not Available


Father: George Page

Mother: Helen Rutherford

Alison Page - 1859

Birth: 31 AUG 1859 Dunbarney, Perthshire, Scotlandbirth20

Death: Not Available


Father: John Page

Mother: Jessie Menzies

Female IconMale Icon

Alison Page - 1966

Birth: Jan 1966 Winchester, Hampshirebirth21

Death: Not Available


Father: William John Page

Mother: Not Available

Female IconMale Icon

Alison Pace - 1975

Birth: Jan 1975 Southampton, Hampshirebirth22

Death: Not Available


Father: Roland Alfred Pace

Mother: Not Available

Female IconMale Icon

Alison Page - 1965

Birth: 1965 Staffordshire, Englandbirth23

Death: Not Available


Father: Alan Page

Mother: Not Available

Alanson T. Page - 1806 to 1892

Birth: 15 September 1806 Cavendish, Windsor, Vermont, USAbirth24

Death: 25 Sep 1892 Sigourney, Keokuk, Iowadeath24


Father: Not Available

Mother: Not Available

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