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Results for "Laurits Damsgard"

1 - 25 of 26 Records
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Laurits Larsen Damsgård - 1854 to 1894

Birth: 21.03.1854 Damsgård, Egersundbirth0

Death: 20.04.1894 Damsgård, Egersunddeath0


Father: Lars Torson Damsgård

Mother: Marthe Endresdatter

Laurits Larsen Damsgård - 1854 to 1894

Birth: 21.03.1854 Damsgård, Egersundbirth1

Death: 20.04.1894 Damsgård, Egersunddeath1


Father: Lars Torson Damsgård

Mother: Marthe Endresdatter

Laurits Pedersen Damsgaard - 1691

Birth: 28 Jul 1691 Hallundbirth2

Death: Not Available Danmarkdeath2


Father: Peder Nielsen Kjærulf Damsgaard

Mother: Else Madsdatter

Laurits Pedersen Damsgaard - 1691

Birth: 28 Jul 1691 Hallundbirth3

Death: Not Available Danmarkdeath3


Father: Peder Nielsen Kjærulf Damsgaard

Mother: Else Madsdatter

Laurits Jensen "Louis" DALSGAARD - 1881 to 1952

Birth: 16 Dec 1881 Thisted, Thisted, Denmarkbirth4

Death: 16 April 1952 Chicago, Cook, Illinois, USAdeath4


Father: Jens Simonsen Thomsen DALSGAARD

Mother: Kirsten Oddershede Madsen JENSBYE

Laurits Knudsen Damgaard - 1800 to 1877

Birth: 1800 Bostrup, Lyby, Sallingbirth5

Death: 19 JAN 1877


Father: Knud Laundsen Damgaard

Mother: Ane Andersdatter

Laurits Jepsen Damgaard - 1836 to 1880


Death: Bet. 1880–1928 Vejstrup, Sonderjylland, Denmarkdeath6


Father: Jeppe Lauritzen Damgaard

Mother: Inger Erichsdatter Ravn

Laurids Dalsgård - 1769 to 1814

Birth: 1769 Hvejsel Sogn / Nørvang Herred / Vejle Amt Ildved

Death: 1814 Ildved Hvejsel Sogn Nørvang Herred Vejle Amt


Father: Christian Jensen Dalsgård

Mother: Karen Laursdatter

Lauritz Staphansen Ramsgaard - 1677

Birth: 1677 of Sperring, Sjorring, Thisted, Denmark

Death: Not Available


Father: Stephan Ramsgaard

Mother: Mrs._Staphan Ramsgaard

Laurids Anton Dalsgaard - 1899 to 1970

Birth: 1 JUN 1899 Rødding, Viborg, Denmarkbirth9

Death: 16 NOV 1970


Father: Laust Dalsgaard

Mother: Ane Pedersen

Laurits Jensen Damgaard - 1837 to 1911

Birth: 14 JAN 1837

Death: 16 APR 1911


Father: Jens Knudsen Damgaard

Mother: Ane Christensdatter Møller

Laurits Jensen Damgaard - 1837 to 1911

Birth: 14 JAN 1837

Death: 16 APR 1911


Father: Jens Knudsen Damgaard

Mother: Ane Christensdatter Møller

Lauritz Fuglsang Damgaard - 1841

Birth: 16 MAR 1841 Fuglsang, Oksenvad Sogn, Gram Herred, Haderslev Amt, Denmarkbirth12

Death: Not Available


Father: Michel Lauritzen Damgaard

Mother: Anne Marie Hansdatter Skourup

Lauritz Fuglsang Damgaard - 1841

Birth: 16 MAR 1841 Fuglsang, Oksenvad Sogn, Gram Herred, Haderslev Amt, Denmarkbirth13

Death: Not Available


Father: Michel Lauritzen Damgaard

Mother: Anne Marie Hansdatter Skourup

Laurits Knudsen Damgaard - 1800 to 1877

Birth: 1800 Bostrup, Lyby, Salling

Death: 19 JAN 1877


Father: Knud Lauritzen

Mother: Anne ANDERSEN

Lauritz Petersen Damgaard - 1818

Birth: 1 JUL 1818 Vejstrup, Vejle, Danmarkbirth15

Death: Not Available


Father: Peder Lauritsen

Mother: Elisabeth Dall

Laurits Damsgaard - 1908

Birth: 13 SEP 1908 Sundbybirth16

Death: Not Available


Father: Jens Kristian Røjkjaer Larsen Damsgaard

Mother: Elise Poulsen

Laurids Kristian Damgaard - 1903

Birth: 13 JUN 1903 Nørhede, Nr. Omme

Death: Not Available


Father: Jens Kristian Damgaard

Mother: Ane Marie Hansen

Laurits Damgaard - 1876

Birth: 29 DEC 1876

Death: Not Available


Father: Peder Julius Damgaard

Mother: Else Maria Jensen

Laurits Damsgaard - 1877

Birth: 1877 Egebjerg

Death: Not Available


Father: Rasmus Hansen

Mother: Not Available

Lauritz Jenssen DAMGAARD - 1837 to 1911

Birth: 1837

Death: 1911


Father: Not Available

Mother: Not Available

Laurito Hansen Damgaard - 1879

Birth: 20 Jul 1879 Denmarkbirth21

Death: Not Available


Father: Not Available

Mother: Not Available

Lauritz Damgaard

Birth: Not Available

Death: Not Available


Father: Not Available

Mother: Not Available

Lauritz Jenssen DAMGAARD - 1837 to 1911

Birth: 1837

Death: 1911


Father: Not Available

Mother: Not Available

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