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Results for "Laurine Lauridsen"

1 - 14 of 14 Records

Laurine Kirstine LAURIDSEN - 1841 to 1921

Birth: 11 SEP 1841 Ørslevkloster Hede, Fjends, Viborgbirth0

Death: 18 NOV 1921 Hald, Ørslevkloster, Fjends, Viborgdeath0


Father: Laust TOMASEN

Mother: Kirstine LAURITSDATTER

Laurine Lauridsen - 1875

Birth: 30 Nov 1875 Midstrupbirth1

Death: Not Available


Father: Martin Lauridsen

Mother: Jensine Marie Pedersen

Laurine Lauridsen - 1855 to 1856

Birth: 1855

Death: 29 Apr 1856 Ferring, Ringkøbing, Denmarkdeath2


Father: Laurits Nielsens

Mother: Ane Marie Hansdatter

Laurine Lauridsen

Birth: 29 Aug

Death: 18 Sept 1868


Father: Hans Nielsen Lauridsen

Mother: Mette Nissen

Laurine Johanne Lauridsen - 1856

Birth: 26 DEC 1856 Varde, Ribe, Denmarkbirth4



Father: Laurids Gjerlevsen

Mother: Anne Johanne Nielsen

Laurine Kirstine Lauridsen - 1862

Birth: 1862 Ose, Ribe, Denmarkbirth5

Death: Not Available


Father: Laurids Pedersen

Mother: Kirsten Jørgensdatter

Laurine Thomasine Lauridsen - 1873

Birth: 19 Jul 1873 Grindstedbirth6

Death: Not Available


Father: Knud Kristian Lauridsen

Mother: Ane Marie Nielsen

Laurine Lauridsen

Birth: 29 Aug

Death: Not Available


Father: Hans Nielsen Lauvidsen

Mother: Meta Sandberg

Laurine Lauridsen - 1888

Birth: 31 Jan 1888

Death: Not Available


Father: Jens Lauridsen

Mother: Not Available

Laurine Kirstine Lauridsen - 1880 to 1902

Birth: 1880

Death: 4 Sept 1902 Dahlhuset, Bøvling Sogn Skodborg Herred


Father: Ole Armose Lauridsen

Mother: Not Available

Laurine Lauridsen

Birth: Not Available

Death: Not Available


Father: Not Available

Mother: Not Available

Laurine Kirstine Lauridsen

Birth: Not Available

Death: Not Available


Father: Not Available

Mother: Not Available

Laurine Lauridsen

Birth: Not Available

Death: Not Available


Father: Not Available

Mother: Not Available

Laurine Lauridsen

Birth: Not Available

Death: Not Available


Father: Not Available

Mother: Not Available

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