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Results for "Laurianne Labbe"

1 - 15 of 15 Records
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Marianne LAIBE - 1833

Birth: 22 avril 1833 Faverois 90100 Franche Comté Francebirth0

Death: Not Available


Father: Georges LAIBE

Mother: Genereuse Prenat

Lauriano Aldiea Labbe - 1899 to 1912

Birth: 01 Sep 1899 Lawrence, Massachusetts, USAbirth1

Death: 18 Jan 1912 Manchester, New Hampshire, USAdeath1


Father: Alphonse Labbe

Mother: Delvina Corrivean

Laurianne Labbé - 1908

Birth: Décembre 1908 Québecbirth2

Death: Not Available


Father: Amédée Labbé

Mother: Anna Poulin

Marianne Labbe - 1813

Birth: 26 Apr 1813 St-Henri de Lauzon, Levis Co, Quebec, Canadabirth3

Death: Not Available


Father: Francois Germain Labbé

Mother: Marie Anne Dessaint dit St Pierre

Adrianne Theresia Sabbe - 1703 to 1768

Birth: 17 JAN 1703 Oostkampbirth4

Death: 1 JAN 1768 Oostkampdeath4


Father: Judocus Sabbe

Mother: Anna Nieuwenhuijse van Nieuwenhuyse

Marianne Laube - 1863

Birth: ABT 1863 Zbiersk-Kolonia, Kalisz, Wielkopolskie, Polen

Death: Not Available


Father: Johann Friedrich Laube

Mother: Anna Susanne Weigt

Marianne Josèphe Labre - 1789

Birth: 27 Févr 1789

Death: Not Available Francedeath6


Father: Firmin Labre

Mother: Marie Thérsèse Brault

Laurianne Labbé - 1912

Birth: 8 Dec 1912 Winsord Mills, Quebec, Canadabirth7

Death: Not Available


Father: Joseph Jean Baptiste Labbe

Mother: Albertine Lefebvre

Marianne Laube - 1823

Birth: 1823

Death: Not Available


Father: Matthias Laube

Mother: Marie Elisabeth Lubke

Marianne Lambe - 1959 to 1972

Birth: 29 Jul 1959

Death: 15 Mar 1972 Bronx, New Yorkdeath9


Father: Thomas P Lambe

Mother: Cathleen O'conner

Laurance Antonia Labbe - 1893 to 1958

Birth: 20 JAN 1893

Death: 1958


Father: Antoine Adrien Labbé

Mother: Zulma St. Julien

Marianne "Mary" Labbe - 1825 to 1894

Birth: Abt. 1825

Death: 1894 Oregondeath11


Father: Not Available

Mother: Not Available

Marianne Laube

Birth: Not Available

Death: Not Available


Father: Not Available

Mother: Not Available

Marianne Marthe Labbé

Birth: Not Available

Death: Not Available


Father: Not Available

Mother: Not Available

Marianne Labbe

Birth: Not Available

Death: Not Available


Father: Not Available

Mother: Not Available

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