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Results for "Laurette Parsons"

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Lauretta Parsons - 1930 to 2017

Birth: March 1930 Saint Georges, Newfoundland, Canadabirth0

Death: 6 Mar 2017 Happy Valley, Goose Bay, Newfoundland and Labrador, Canadadeath0


Father: Bernard M Parsons

Mother: Ethel B Alexander

Lauretta Parsons - 1930 to 2017

Birth: March 1930 Saint Georges, Newfoundland, Canadabirth1

Death: 6 Mar 2017 Happy Valley, Goose Bay, Newfoundland and Labrador, Canadadeath1


Father: Bernard M Parsons

Mother: Ethel B Alexander

LAURETTA J. PARSON - 1885 to 1953

Birth: JAN 9 1885 Blount, Alabama, United Statesbirth2

Death: 11/9/1953 Springdale, Benton, Arkansas, USAdeath2


Father: William Barrington Pearson

Mother: Frances California McCollum

Lauretta May Parsons - 1891 to 1969

Birth: 8 Jan 1891 Gully Line, New Lambton, NSW, AUSbirth3

Death: 2 May 1969 Hospital, Newcastle, NSW, AUSdeath3


Father: James Charles Parsons

Mother: Jemima James

Lafaette Parsons - 1848 to 1905

Birth: Apr 1848 West Virginiabirth4

Death: 11 Mar 1905 Pllumb Orchard, Jackson, West Virginia, United Statesdeath4


Father: Moses M Parsons

Mother: Mary 'Polly' DeWeese

Lauretta Blanche Parsons - 1912 to 1996

Birth: 1 OCT 1912 Denison, Crawford, Iowa, United Statesbirth5

Death: 15 Apr 1996 Northbrook, Cook, Illinois, USAdeath5


Father: Howard H Parsons

Mother: Elizabeth Adella Bean

Lauretta June Parson - 1924 to 2001

Birth: 20 Jun 1924 Falmouth, Pendelton, Kentuckybirth6

Death: 7 Jul 2001 Covington, Kenton, Kentuckydeath6


Father: Louis T. Parsons

Mother: Mary Catherine Mains

Lauretta M Parsons - 1864

Birth: 1864 Illinoisbirth7

Death: Not Available


Father: Joseph Parsons

Mother: Mary Parsons

Lauretta Parsons - 1878 to 1882

Birth: 17 Jan 1878 Paterson, Passaic, New Jerseybirth8

Death: 6 Feb 1882 Paterson, Passaic, New Jerseydeath8


Father: Francis Frederic Parsons

Mother: Mary A McGuire

Lauretta M Parsons - 1864

Birth: 1864

Death: Not Available


Father: Joseph Fields Parsons

Mother: Mary Faulkner

Female IconMale Icon

Lauretta Parsons - 1881

Birth: 1881

Death: Not Available


Father: Not Available

Mother: Not Available

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