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Results for "Laurea Labonte"

1 - 25 of 61 Records
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Laura La Bonte - 1846 to 1926

Birth: JUN 8 1846 Quebec, Canadabirth0

Death: 2 Sep 1926 Morris, Stevens, Minnesota, United Statesdeath0


Father: Guillaume Végiard

Mother: Julie Guerin Lafontaine

Laura La Monte - 1873 to 1905

Birth: Aug 1873 Eriebirth1

Death: 1905 Hamburg, N.Y.death1


Father: James LaMonte

Mother: Ellen Wells

Laura A Labonte - 1883 to 1970

Birth: 24 Jul 1883 Massachusettsbirth2

Death: 11 Aug 1970 Fitchburg, Worcester, Massachusetts, USAdeath2


Father: Godfrey Labonte

Mother: Malenda Bourgeois

Laura Labonte - 1896 to 1965

Birth: 4 Apr 1896 Québec, Quebec, Canadabirth3

Death: 28 Nov 1965 San Diego, San Diego, Californiadeath3


Father: Theophile Labonte

Mother: Adeline Morin

Laura Labonte - 1896 to 1965

Birth: 4 Apr 1896 Québec, Quebec, Canadabirth4

Death: 28 Nov 1965 San Diego, San Diego, Californiadeath4


Father: Theophile Labonte

Mother: Adeline Morin

Laura R LaBone - 1879 to 1913

Birth: Nov 1879 New Jerseybirth5

Death: 9 Jan 1913 New Brunswick NJdeath5


Father: James Parker LaBone

Mother: Jane Faurot

Laura Labone - 1873 to 1959

Birth: 1873 Middlesex County, New Jersey, USAbirth6

Death: 30OCT1959 Middlesex County, New Jersey, USAdeath6


Father: William "Crackey" Labone

Mother: Mary Elizabeth Coryell

Laura Labone - 1873 to 1959

Birth: 1873 Middlesex County, New Jersey, USAbirth7

Death: 30OCT1959 Middlesex County, New Jersey, USAdeath7


Father: William "Crackey" Labone

Mother: Mary Elizabeth Coryell

Laura R LaBone - 1879 to 1913

Birth: Nov 1879 New Jerseybirth8

Death: 9 Jan 1913 New Brunswick NJdeath8


Father: James Parker LaBone

Mother: Jane Faurot

Laura Anastacia Labonte - 1881 to 1954

Birth: 01 Dec 1881 Canadabirth9

Death: 24 Apr 1954 Los Angeles, Los Angeles, California, USAdeath9


Father: Louis LABONTE

Mother: Christy DEMERES

Laure |* Labonte - 1854 to 1881

Birth: 1854 Mahe | Seychellesbirth10

Death: 01 Apr 1881 Victoria | Mahe | Seychellesdeath10


Father: Victor Labonte

Mother: Virginie Grosse

Laura Anastacia Labonte - 1881 to 1954

Birth: 01 Dec 1881 Canadabirth11

Death: 24 Apr 1954 Los Angeles, Los Angeles, California, USAdeath11


Father: Louis LABONTE

Mother: Christy DEMERES

Laura Lamonte - 1867 to 1870

Birth: calculated 29 October 1867 Voluntown, New London, Connecticutbirth12

Death: 22 Oct 1870 Voluntown, New London, Connecticutdeath12


Father: Pierre Charles Lamothe

Mother: Marie Sophie Bosquet

Laura Lamonte - 1867 to 1870

Birth: calculated 29 October 1867 Voluntown, New London, Connecticutbirth13

Death: 22 Oct 1870 Voluntown, New London, Connecticutdeath13


Father: Pierre Charles Lamothe

Mother: Marie Sophie Bosquet

Laura Labonte - 1870 to 1950

Birth: 14 Jun 1870 Quebec, Quebec, Canadabirth14

Death: 18 Jul 1950


Father: Jean Baptiste Labonte

Mother: Georgianna Lachance

Laura Labonté - 1898

Birth: May 1898 Quebecbirth15

Death: Not Available


Father: Dominique Labonte

Mother: Lumina Leclerc

Laura Laconte - 1925 to 2005

Birth: 30 May 1925 Boston, Massachusettsbirth16

Death: 4 Jul 2005


Father: Frank Laconte

Mother: Mary Cerceri

Laura Laconte - 1915

Birth: abt 1915 Massachusettsbirth17

Death: Not Available


Father: Massimino Laconte

Mother: Elizabeth Maisello

Laura Laconte - 1926

Birth: 1926 Massachusettsbirth18

Death: Not Available


Father: Frank (Francesco) LaConte (Conte)

Mother: Mary Cecere

Laura Labonte - 1899 to 1981

Birth: 21 Aug 1899 Canada Frenchbirth19

Death: 7 Jun 1981 Lake Worth, Palm Beach, Florida, USAdeath19


Father: Not Available

Mother: Not Available

Laura Labonte - 1887 to 1957

Birth: 1887 Quebec, Canadabirth20

Death: 1957


Father: Not Available

Mother: Not Available

Laura Labonte - 1887 to 1957

Birth: 1887 Quebec, Canadabirth21

Death: 1957


Father: Not Available

Mother: Not Available

Laura LaBonte - 1873 to 1953

Birth: 12 Oct 1873 Quebec, Canadabirth22

Death: 28 Feb 1953 Killingly, Windham County, Connecticut, USAdeath22


Father: Not Available

Mother: Not Available

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