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Results for "Laura Larson"

1 - 25 of 835 Records

Laura Marie Larson - 1901 to 1995

Birth: 26 Jan 1901 Minnesota, USAbirth0

Death: 31 Aug 1995 Minneapolis, Hennepin, Minnesota, United States of Americadeath0


Father: Peter Herman Larson

Mother: Amanda EDMUNDS

Laura Bertha Larson - 1898 to 1992

Birth: 7 Jan 1898 The Bronx, New Yorkbirth1

Death: 31 Mar 1992 Wolfeboro Falls, Carroll, New Hampshire, USAdeath1


Father: Johan Robert Larsson

Mother: Bertha Maria Almquist

Laura Johanne Larson - 1881 to 1946

Birth: Nov 1881 Norwaybirth2

Death: 28 April 1946 Seattle, King, Washington, USAdeath2


Father: Idius Martin Larsen

Mother: Malene Hermansen

Laura B Larson - 1902 to 1988

Birth: 16 Dec 1902 Perry Township, Hocking, Ohio, USAbirth3

Death: 12 May 1988 Lancaster, Fairfield, Ohio, USAdeath3


Father: Samuel F Moore

Mother: Carry Belle Davis

Laura PEARLE Larson - 1887 to 1975

Birth: 25 Sep 1887 Nebraska, USAbirth4

Death: 1 Jul 1975 Seattle, King, Washington, USAdeath4


Father: William J Larson

Mother: Etta Ora Craige

Laura J Larson - 1907 to 1974

Birth: abt 1907 Wisconsinbirth5

Death: 17 Mar 1974 Madison, Dane Co., Wisconsindeath5


Father: James Larson

Mother: Lena Olson

Laura M Larson - 1857 to 1921

Birth: Jul 1857 Norwaybirth6

Death: abt 24 Jul 1921 Renville County, North Dakota, USAdeath6


Father: Carl G. Larson

Mother: Ingeborg Michalsdotter FRYDENLUND

Laura Carolina LARSON - 1885 to 1950

Birth: 3 Oct 1885 Norwaybirth7

Death: 20 Dec 1950 Crow Wing, Minnesotadeath7


Father: Lars Christiansen

Mother: Christine Kampstad

Laura Marie Larson - 1901 to 1995

Birth: 26 Jan 1901 Minnesota, USAbirth8

Death: 31 Aug 1995 Minneapolis, Hennepin, Minnesota, United States of Americadeath8


Father: Peter Herman Larson

Mother: Amanda EDMUNDS

Laura Marie Larson - 1880 to 1975

Birth: abt 1880 Nevadabirth9

Death: 24 January 1975 Las Vegas, Clark, Nevada, United Statesdeath9


Father: John Christian Larson

Mother: Amelia Jensen

Laura PEARLE Larson - 1887 to 1975

Birth: 25 Sep 1887 Nebraska, USAbirth10

Death: 1 Jul 1975 Seattle, King, Washington, USAdeath10


Father: William J Larson

Mother: Etta Ora Craige

Laura A Larson - 1892 to 1972

Birth: 1892 Wisconsinbirth11

Death: 29 Dec 1972 Darlington, Lafayette County, Wisconsin, USAdeath11


Father: Lars Ringdalen Larson

Mother: Martha Elizabeth Malott

Laura Larson - 1872 to 1953

Birth: abt 1872 Denmarkbirth12

Death: 1953 Sioux Falls, Minnehaha, South Dakotadeath12


Father: Niels Robertson

Mother: Rasmine Louise Nielsen

Laura Eugenie Larson - 1892 to 1974

Birth: 27 Feb 1892 Magna, Salt Lake, Utah, USAbirth13

Death: 27 OCT 1974 Salt Lake City, Salt Lake, UTdeath13


Father: Otto Larson

Mother: Clarissa Reed

Laura Bertha Larson - 1898 to 1992

Birth: 7 Jan 1898 The Bronx, New Yorkbirth14

Death: 31 Mar 1992 Wolfeboro Falls, Carroll, New Hampshire, USAdeath14


Father: Johan Robert Larsson

Mother: Bertha Maria Almquist

Laura Larson - 1886 to 1967

Birth: 30 Aug 1886 McCook County, South Dakota, USAbirth15

Death: 25 Jan 1967 Colton, Minnehaha, South Dakota, United Statesdeath15


Father: Louis Larson

Mother: Ingeborg 'Isabelle' Olsdatter Ellingbøe

Laura Larson - 1885 to 1970

Birth: 10 Jul 1885 Kobenhavn, Denmarkbirth16

Death: Jan 1970 Sioux Falls, Minnehaha, South Dakota, USAdeath16


Father: John Stephenson

Mother: Johanne Larsen

Laura Belle Larson - 1890 to 1961

Birth: 1890 Wisconsinbirth17

Death: 05 Apr 1961 Coos, Oregon, United Statesdeath17


Father: Andrew Peter Larson

Mother: Harriet M Neyman

Laura Caroline Larson - 1856 to 1936

Birth: 1856 Rock Prairie, Wisconsin, USAbirth18

Death: 02 Jul 1936 Waseca, MNdeath18


Father: Berger (Vestfjeld) Larsen

Mother: Caroline "Karen" Larsdatter

Laura Larson - 1890 to 1948

Birth: 3 Sep 1890 McDonough County, Illinois, USAbirth19

Death: 4 Sep 1948 Macomb, McDonough, Illinois, USAdeath19


Father: James Martin Kaiser

Mother: Laura Isabel Johnson

Laura Tomine Larson - 1859 to 1921

Birth: 12 Mar 1859 Norwaybirth20

Death: 02 JUN 1921 Clear Lake, Iowadeath20


Father: Ed Larson

Mother: Inga Grytte

Laura Caroline Larson - 1856 to 1936

Birth: 1856 Rock Prairie, Wisconsin, USAbirth21

Death: 02 Jul 1936 Waseca, MNdeath21


Father: Berger (Vestfjeld) Larsen

Mother: Caroline "Karen" Larsdatter

Laura M. Larson - 1888 to 1971

Birth: abt 1888 Minnesotabirth22

Death: 28 July 1971 Hennepin, Minnesotadeath22


Father: Jens Larsen

Mother: Agnes Mary Hansen

Laura J Larson - 1881 to 1953

Birth: Abt. 1881 Norwaybirth23

Death: 28 Jun 1953 Tacoma, Pierce, Washington, USAdeath23


Father: Peder Johan Larsen

Mother: Amalia Kristine Olsen (Jonsdatter)

Laura Norwanda Larson - 1910 to 1993

Birth: 17 Aug 1910 Iowa, United Statesbirth24

Death: 11 Apr 1993 Northwood, Worth, Iowa, USAdeath24


Father: Walter Wilhelm Larson

Mother: Hilda Jorgine Knutson

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