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Results for "Laura Darnell"

1 - 25 of 135 Records

Laura Darnell - 1864 to 1913

Birth: May 1864 Dubois County, Indianabirth0

Death: Sept 02, 1913 Indianadeath0


Father: Coleman F. Burton

Mother: Eliza Evans

Laura J. Darnell - 1887 to 1969

Birth: 19 May 1887 South Carolinabirth1

Death: 30 Jun 1969 Waynesville, Haywood, North Carolina, USAdeath1


Father: William Perry Darnell

Mother: Elmina Gilliland

Laura Elizabeth Darnell - 1859 to 1926

Birth: 08 DEC 1859 ,Tippecanoe, Indianabirth2

Death: 19 Aug 1926 Canton, Fulton Co, Ildeath2



Mother: Sarah F. Demint

Laura Anna Darnell - 1933 to 2009

Birth: 3 Mar 1933 Bamberg, Bamberg, South Carolina, United Statesbirth3

Death: 10/29/2009 Orangeburg, Orangeburg, South Carolina, USAdeath3


Father: Wade Hampton Darnell

Mother: Kate Hutchins

Laura Elizabeth Darnell - 1859 to 1926

Birth: 08 DEC 1859 ,Tippecanoe, Indianabirth4

Death: 19 Aug 1926 Canton, Fulton Co, Ildeath4



Mother: Sarah F. Demint

Laura Jane Darnell - 1868 to 1948

Birth: 12 November 1868 Franklin County, Illinois, USAbirth5

Death: 20 May 1948


Father: John Harvey McCleskey

Mother: Sarah Jane Summers

Laura Alice Darnell - 1854 to 1934

Birth: Sep 1854 Indianabirth6

Death: 1934


Father: Wilson DARNALL

Mother: Margaret Ann Green

Laura Jane Darnell - 1884 to 1962

Birth: 9 Sep 1884 North Carolina, United Statesbirth7

Death: 29 May 1962 Pinnacle, Stokes, North Carolinadeath7


Father: John Wesley Darnell

Mother: Sarah Ellen Lambert

Laura V Darnell - 1896 to 1993

Birth: abt 1896 Virginiabirth8

Death: 18 Mar 1993 Abingdon, Gloucester, Virginia, United Statesdeath8


Father: Morgan Josiah Darnell

Mother: Mary Catherine Taylor

Laura Darnell - 1879 to 1965

Birth: 1 Jul 1879 Ludlow Champ, Illinoisbirth9

Death: 12 July 1965


Father: James Thomas Darnell

Mother: Anna Elizabeth Rollins*

Laura Hazel Darnell - 1914 to 2000

Birth: 28 Feb 1914 Surry, North Carolinabirth10

Death: 13 Oct 2000 Elkin, Surry, North Carolina, United States of Americadeath10


Father: Martin Luther Darnell

Mother: Mettie Jane Shore

Laura J Darnell - 1880

Birth: Aug 1880 Kentuckybirth11

Death: Not Available


Father: George Washington Darnell

Mother: Belle Corinna Vire

Laura Belle Darnell - 1879 to 1965

Birth: 1 JUL 1879 Illinoisbirth12

Death: 12 July 1965


Father: James Thomas Darnell

Mother: Anna Elizabeth Rollins*

Laura F Darnell - 1854 to 1906

Birth: Aug 1854 Illinoisbirth13

Death: 12 January 1906


Father: Caleb Francis Darnell

Mother: Mary J Trimble

Laura Victoria Levenia Cleopatra Susanna Diadamia Nancy Ann Mar Darnell - 1866 to 1909

Birth: 3 June 1866 Pickens, Georgia, United Statesbirth14

Death: 26 Feb 1909 Nelson, Cherokee Co, GAdeath14


Father: John Darnell

Mother: Elizabeth Lucinda Diadama Waldroup

Laura Alice Darnell - 1914 to 2009

Birth: 3 Nov 1914 Scott County, Virginia, USAbirth15

Death: 1 Jun 2009 Scott County, Virginiadeath15


Father: Hugh Harrison Darnell

Mother: Earnie Elizabeth Edwards

Laura Darnell - 1871 to 1948

Birth: 7 Jan 1871 Tennesseebirth16

Death: 5 Jun 1948 Iron City, Wayne, Tennesseedeath16


Father: William J. Darnell

Mother: Mary Elizabeth Luker

Laura R Darnell - 1888 to 1936

Birth: Jun 1888 Georgiabirth17

Death: 18 Feb 1936 Cisco, Murray, Georgia, USAdeath17


Father: William Joshua Rosencrantz Darnell

Mother: Rachel Sarah Lenora Darnell

Laura Belle Darnell - 1879 to 1929

Birth: 29 May 1879 Pickens County, Georgia, USAbirth18

Death: 25 Jun 1929 Lyman, Anderson, South Carolina, USAdeath18


Father: John Warren Darnell

Mother: Lorinda Jane Cagle

Laura Jane Darnell - 1867 to 1899

Birth: 17 Aug 1867 Ashland, Ashe, North Carolina, USAbirth19

Death: 30 December 1899 West Virginia, United Statesdeath19


Father: Alexander Darnell

Mother: Louisa Sheets

Laura Jane Darnell - 1861 to 1947

Birth: 18 Oct 1861 Taylor County, Kentucky, USAbirth20

Death: 17 Apr 1947 Maple, Taylor, Kentucky, USAdeath20


Father: George Washington Darnell

Mother: Lucinda Gaddie

Laura Elizabeth Darnell - 1896 to 1968

Birth: 17 Sep 1896 Troelick, Iowa, USA

Death: 11 Jan 1968 Boerne,Kendall,Texas,United Statesdeath21


Father: Franklin Benjamin "Frank" Hakes

Mother: Lucia"Lucy" Aldrich Irwin

Laura Allene Darnell - 1912 to 1988

Birth: 18 Sep 1912 Tate, Pickens, Georgia, USAbirth22

Death: 21 Apr 1988 Cartersville, Bartow, Georgia, United States of Americadeath22


Father: Walter Alonzo Darnell

Mother: Tommie Isabelle Chumley

Laura B. Darnell - 1866 to 1942

Birth: 5 Apr 1866 Manchester, Adams, Ohio, USAbirth23

Death: 30 Jan 1942 Manchester, Adams, Ohio, USAdeath23


Father: Isaac Tower DARNELL

Mother: Lucinda Jane Hoover

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