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Results for "Laszlo Palasthy"

1 - 19 of 19 Records
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László Platthy - 1790 to 1863

Birth: 1790

Death: 1863.06.15. Vieszka,,Bars,Hungarydeath0


Father: László Platthy

Mother: Zsuzsanna Plachy

László Platthy - 1790 to 1863

Birth: 1790

Death: 1863.06.15. Vieszka,,Bars,Hungarydeath1


Father: László Platthy

Mother: Zsuzsanna Plachy

László Palásthy - 1754

Birth: 14.08.1754 Olcsvár

Death: Not Available


Father: Ignác I. Palásthy

Mother: Katalin Rajcsányi

László Palásthy - 1796

Birth: Bef. 24.08.1796 Ivánka, Nyitra vm

Death: Not Available


Father: József Palásthy

Mother: Julianna Csánky

László Platthy - 1700

Birth: 1700 Szobráncbirth4

Death: Not Available


Father: László Platthy

Mother: László Platthy

László Platthy - 1716 to 1766

Birth: 01.10.1716

Death: 1766.11.13.


Father: Sándor Platthy

Mother: Borbála Vay

László Palásthy

Birth: Not Available

Death: Not Available


Father: Tamás Palásthy de Palást et Keszihócz

Mother: Zsófia Bakó

László Palásthy

Birth: Not Available

Death: Not Available


Father: Tamás Palásthy de Palást et Keszihócz

Mother: Zsófia Bakó

László Palásthy - 1722

Birth: 21.05.1722 Toronybirth8

Death: Not Available


Father: Dániel Palásthy

Mother: Erzsébet Szabó

László Palásthy

Birth: Not Available

Death: Not Available


Father: Ágost Palásthy

Mother: Janka Weber

László Palásthy

Birth: Not Available

Death: Not Available


Father: Ágost Palásthy

Mother: Janka Weber

László Platthy

Birth: Not Available

Death: Not Available


Father: Miklós Platthy

Mother: ? Daxner

László Platthy - 1761

Birth: 16.12.1761 Nagypalugya, Liptó vm

Death: Not Available


Father: László Platthy

Mother: Not Available

László Platthy

Birth: Not Available

Death: Not Available


Father: Not Available

Mother: Zsófia Okolicsányi

László Platthy

Birth: Not Available

Death: 31.10.1783 Nagypalugya, Liptó vm


Father: Not Available

Mother: Anna Joób-Fancsaly

László Palásthy

Birth: Not Available

Death: Not Available


Father: Not Available

Mother: Not Available

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