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Results for "Larses Larsson"

1 - 9 of 9 Records

Larses Olof Larsson - 1793 to 1861

Birth: 17 SEP 1793 Bäsna, Gagnef, Dalarna, Sverigebirth0

Death: 10 mars 1861 Bäsna Gagnef, Dalarna, Sverigedeath0


Father: Lasses Lars Olsson

Mother: Kerstin Andersdotter

Larses JAN Larsson - 1816 to 1893

Birth: 30 Jun 1816 Yttre, Skomsarby, Stora Tuna, Dalarna, Swedenbirth1

Death: 20 Jul 1893 Kårby, Stora Tuna, Kopparbergdeath1


Father: LARS Görsson

Mother: ANNA Ersdotter

Larses Erik Larsson - 1768 to 1843

Birth: 27 SEP 1768 Hångsarvet Stora Tuna Wbirth2

Death: 19 feb 1843 Kölnäs, Stora Tuna, Kopparberg, Swedendeath2


Father: Lars Eriksson Dicander

Mother: Sara Jansdotter

Larses Olof Larsson - 1808 to 1858

Birth: 2 juni 1808 Ingvallsbenning, Dalarna, Sverigebirth3

Death: 13 nov 1858 Ingvallsbenning, Dalarna, Sverigedeath3


Father: Lars Olofsson

Mother: Sara Jansdotter

Larses Erik Larsson - 1808 to 1879

Birth: 25 AUG 1808 Skomsarby, Stora Tuna (W

Death: 7 Mar 1879 Uvberget, Stora Tuna (Wdeath4


Father: LARS Görsson

Mother: ANNA Ersdotter

Larses Eric Larsson - 1784

Birth: 25 Nov 1784

Death: Not Available


Father: Lars Halvarosson

Mother: Chierstin Ersdotter

Larses Per Larsson - 1776 to 1857

Birth: 05 Apr 1776 Bjuråkerbirth6

Death: 23 Jul 1857


Father: Lars Larsson

Mother: Brita Persdotter

Larses Barn Larsson - 1712

Birth: 1712 Habo, Skaraborgs länbirth7

Death: Not Available


Father: Lars Nilsson

Mother: Gunilla Andersdotter

Larses Lars Larsson - 1809 to 1881

Birth: 12 FEB 1809 Hedemora (W)birth8

Death: 11 OCT 1881


Father: Not Available

Mother: Not Available

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