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Results for "Lars Qvarnström"

1 - 17 of 17 Records
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Lars Qvarnström

Birth: 28 Jun 1766 Bettna, Södermanland, Sverige

Death: 23 FEB 1843 Ulriksdal, Vårdinge Södermanlands län, Södermanland


Father: Lars Qvarnström

Mother: Christina Morling

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Lars Fredrik Qvarnström

Birth: 19 augusti 1862 Bergshammar, Södermanland, Sverige

Death: 20 Maj 1935 Flen, Södermanland, Sverige


Father: Lars Gustav Qvarnström

Mother: Klara Gustava Andersdotter

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Lars Fredrik Qvarnström

Birth: 19 augusti 1862 Bergshammar, Södermanland, Sverige

Death: 20 Maj 1935 Flen, Södermanland, Sverige


Father: Lars Gustav Qvarnström

Mother: Klara Gustava Andersdotter

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Lars Arvid Qvarnström

Birth: 9 juli 1871 Hjulsjö församling, Örebro län, Sverige

Death: 5 okt 1916 Guldsmedshyttan, Örebro, Sverige


Father: Fredrik Kvarnström

Mother: Anna Lovisa Qvarnström f. Eriksson

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Lars Gustav Qvarnström

Birth: 15 JAN 1826 Stigtomta (D

Death: 25 MAY 1898 Bergshammar (D


Father: Johan Erik Qvarnström Johansson

Mother: Brita Kajsa Ersdotter

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Lars Erik Qvarnström

Birth: 22 februari 1926 Borlänge, Dalarna, Sverige

Death: 28 MAR 1996 Borlänge (W


Father: Gustav Edvin Qvarnström

Mother: Anna Emilia Pettersson

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Lars Gustaf Qvarnström

Birth: 28 SEP 1822 Husby Soldattorp 628 Vansö

Death: Not Available


Father: Hans Qvarnström

Mother: Brita Björklund

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Lars Axel Qvarnström

Birth: 24 Jul 1870 Färila, Gävleborg, Sweden

Death: Not Available


Father: Erik Larsson Qvarnström

Mother: Kajsa Larsdotter

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Lars Martin Qvarnström

Birth: 11 nov 1888 Barnarp

Death: 12 okt 1893 Barnarp, Jönköping, Sverige


Father: August Kvarnström

Mother: Fredrika Charlotta Vilhelmina Kahnberg

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Lars Petter Hjalmar Qvarnström

Birth: 5 OCT 1872 Ajvide, Eksta (I

Death: Not Available


Father: Petter Larsson Qvarnström

Mother: Ingrid Brita Söderdahl

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Lars Gustaf Qvarnström

Birth: 11 Apr 1795 Vårdinge, Stockholm, Sverige

Death: Not Available


Father: Lars Qvarnström

Mother: Catharina Hallgren

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Lars Qvarnström

Birth: 25 SEP 1830

Death: 11 NOV 1830


Father: Lars Qvarnström Larsson

Mother: Catarina Jönsdotter

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Lars Qvarnström

Birth: 24 Jan 1861

Death: Not Available


Father: Not Available

Mother: Not Available

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Lars Gustaf Qvarnström

Birth: Not Available

Death: Not Available


Father: Not Available

Mother: Not Available

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Lars Qvarnström

Birth: Not Available

Death: Not Available


Father: Not Available

Mother: Not Available

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Lars Qvarnström

Birth: Not Available

Death: Not Available


Father: Not Available

Mother: Not Available

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