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Results for "Lars Landsjo"

1 - 25 of 35 Records
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Lars Sandsjö - 1799 to 1833

Birth: 6 SEP 1799 Leabybirth0

Death: 8 september 1833 Kjellegården, Leaby, Karleby, Skaraborgdeath0


Father: Karl Sandsjo

Mother: Katarina Carlen-Gabrielsdotter

Lark Lands - 1950 to 2019

Birth: 05 Sep 1950 Harris Co., Texasbirth1

Death: 18 Nov 2019 Georgetown, Colo.death1


Father: Liston Dois Lands

Mother: Lyndall Anice Armistead

Lars Landro - 1872

Birth: abt 1872 Norwaybirth2

Death: Not Available Sisseton, Roberts, South Dakota, USAdeath2


Father: Jakob Monsen

Mother: Ragnhild Larsdatter

Lars Ingebrigtson Landsem - 1760

Birth: ABT 1760 Austistua Landsembirth3

Death: Not Available


Father: Ingebrigt Olson (Landsem)

Mother: Gjertrud Larsdotter Løset

Lars Ingebrigtson Landsem - 1760

Birth: ABT 1760 Austistua Landsembirth4

Death: Not Available


Father: Ingebrigt Olson (Landsem)

Mother: Gjertrud Larsdotter Løset

Lars Olson Landsem - 1837 to 1893

Birth: ABT 1837 Ner.Løset, Rindalbirth5

Death: ABT 1893 Austistua Landsem Rindal, Møre og Romsdal, Norwaydeath5


Father: Ole Larsen Løset

Mother: Eli Olsdotter Sæter

Lars Landskog - 1921 to 2002

Birth: 1921 Stockholm/Kungsholmens församlingbirth6

Death: 2002/03/21 Jacobsberg, Stockholmdeath6


Father: John Landskog

Mother: Signy (SIGNE) Lundgren

Lars Sandsto - 1871

Birth: 1871 Hardinger, Norwaybirth7

Death: Not Available


Father: Lars Sandsto

Mother: Anna Feeden

Lars Evenson Landsem - 1880 to 1956

Birth: 06 Mar 1880 Rindalen, Nordmore, Norway

Death: 6 SEP 1956


Father: Even Larssen Landsem

Mother: Brit Toresdatter Bjornaas

Lars Sandsjo - 1735 to 1782

Birth: 30 Nov 1735 Träsåsen, Sandhembirth9

Death: June +06 1782 Saleby, Slötadeath9


Father: Lars Månsson

Mother: Katarina Andersdotter

Lars Jonson Landsem - 1794 to 1880

Birth: ABT 1794 Utistua Landsembirth10

Death: 3 OCT 1880 Rindaldeath10


Father: Jon Ingebrigtson Landsem

Mother: Ildrid Iversdatter Skjølsvoll

Lars Iversen Landsem - 1786

Birth: Dec 1786 Leksvik, Nord-Trondelag, Norwaybirth11

Death: Not Available


Father: Iver Olsen Killingberg

Mother: Giertrud Andersdatter

Lars Iversen Landsem - 1786

Birth: Dec 1786 Leksvik, Nord-Trondelag, Norwaybirth12

Death: Not Available


Father: Iver Olsen Killingberg

Mother: Giertrud Andersdatter

Lars-Erik Landsjö - 1932 to 1999

Birth: 30 sept 1932 Rogberga, Jönköping, Sverigebirth13

Death: 23 dec 1999 Karlsborgdeath13



Mother: Anna Maria Landsjö f.KINDLUND

Lars Ingebrigtson Landsem - 1833

Birth: ABT 1833 Utistua, Landesmbirth14

Death: Not Available


Father: Ingebrigt Jonson Landsem

Mother: Ingeborg Larsdotter Løset

Lars Olsen Landsem - 1788

Birth: 1788 Austistua Landsem Rindal Norway

Death: Not Available Nyberget Bortistua Rindal Norway


Father: Peder Ingebrigtson Landsem

Mother: Marit Larsdotter Sæter

Lara L Lands - 1895

Birth: Jul 1895 Georgiabirth16

Death: Not Available


Father: Stephen Decatur Land

Mother: Sarah Jane Howard

Lars Oleson Landskog - 1766 to 1851

Birth: About 1766 Norwaybirth17

Death: August 3, 1851 Enebakk, Akershus, Norwaydeath17


Father: Not Available

Mother: Not Available

Lars Landsem - 1788

Birth: 1788 Austistua Landsem Rindal Norwaybirth18

Death: Not Available Nyberget Bortistua Rindal Norwaydeath18


Father: Not Available

Mother: Not Available

Lars Lando - 1790 to 1856

Birth: 11 Feb 1790 Börringe, Malmöhus län, Sverigebirth19

Death: 29 Jan 1856 Svedala, Malmöhus län, Sverigedeath19


Father: Not Available

Mother: Not Available

Lars Ingebrigtson Landsem - 1761

Birth: 1761 Austistua

Death: Not Available


Father: Not Available

Mother: Not Available

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