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Results for "Lars Holmberg"

1 - 25 of 244 Records
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Lars Hjalmar Holmberg

Birth: 04/27/1924 Ornskoldsvik, Jämtland, Sweden

Death: 06/04/2012 Seattle, King, Washington, USA


Father: Edvin Holmberg

Mother: Greta Elisabet Iggström

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Lars Arvid Holmberg

Birth: 23 Mar 1873 Piteå stadsförs, Norrbotten, Sverige

Death: 12 Maj 1927 Pitholm, Piteå landsförs, Norrbotten, Sverige


Father: Lars Johan Holmberg

Mother: Sofia Magdalena Björklund

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Lars Arvid Holmberg

Birth: 23 Mar 1873 Piteå stadsförs, Norrbotten, Sverige

Death: 12 Maj 1927 Pitholm, Piteå landsförs, Norrbotten, Sverige


Father: Lars Johan Holmberg

Mother: Sofia Magdalena Björklund

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Lars David Holmberg

Birth: 14 Dec 1912 Pitholm, Piteå landsförs (BD)

Death: 23 Nov 1986 Spånga (AB)


Father: Lars Arvid Holmberg

Mother: HILMA Augusta Lundqvist Holmberg

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Lars Gustaf Holmberg

Birth: 13 Oktober 1825 Sankt Ilian, Västmanland, Sverige

Death: 22.5 1909 Sevalla Västmanland Sverige


Father: Per Holmberg

Mother: Sara Maria Hård

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Lars Gustaf Holmberg

Birth: 13 Oktober 1825 Sankt Ilian, Västmanland, Sverige

Death: 22.5 1909 Sevalla Västmanland Sverige


Father: Per Holmberg

Mother: Sara Maria Hård

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Lars Person Holmberg

Birth: 7 MAR 1863 Alberta No 2 Esarp Malmöhus län

Death: 12 FEB 1907 esarp


Father: Per Nilsson

Mother: Kersti Mårtensdotter

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Lars Holmberg

Birth: 17 OCT 1825 Gransjo, Helgum, Ed, Sweden

Death: 1 FEB 1906


Father: Eric Holmberg Tallja

Mother: Barbro Larsdotter

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Lars Lennart Holmberg

Birth: 15 Maj 1931 Hemsjö, Älvsborg, Sverige

Death: 3 Juni 1994 Tengene, Västra Götaland, Sverige


Father: Viktor Harald Holmberg

Mother: Anna Larsson

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Lars Petter Holmberg

Birth: 11 FEB 1868 Gudmundrå (Y), Dynäs

Death: 5 SEP 1952


Father: Lars Andersson Holmberg

Mother: Anna Brita Andersson Holmberg

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Lars Holmberg

Birth: 11 Jun 1851 Långaryd

Death: 18 Aug 1913 Willstads, Jönköping, Sverige


Father: Andreas Petersson

Mother: Anna Lisa Magnusdotter

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Lars Petter Holmberg

Birth: 11 FEB 1868 Gudmundrå (Y), Dynäs

Death: 5 SEP 1952


Father: Lars Andersson Holmberg

Mother: Anna Brita Andersson Holmberg

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Lars Eric Holmberg

Birth: 10/08/1839 Julita, Sweden

Death: 19 Feb 1924 Wright Co., Minnesota


Father: Erik Andersson (Holmberg)

Mother: Maja Stina Andersdotter

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Lars Emanuel Holmberg

Birth: February 09, 1882 Bollnäs, Gävleborg Lan, Sweden

Death: December 17, 1961 Kandiyohi Co., MN


Father: Per Holmberg

Mother: Karin Hansdotter Gran

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Lars Olof Holmberg

Birth: 23 Maj 1835 Delsbo, Ede

Death: 9 SEP 1902 Kvaras Långede Delsbo


Father: Petrus (Pehr) Eriksson Holmberg

Mother: Maria Uddberg

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Lars Johan Holmberg

Birth: 11 Nov 1833 Piteå, Norrbotten, Sverige

Death: 8 Jun 1892 Piteå, Norrbotten, Sverige


Father: Johan Johansson Holmberg

Mother: Elsa Margareta Larsdotter

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Lars Olof Holmberg

Birth: 4 FEB 1891 Bergsjö, Fiskvik 11

Death: 10 OCT 1971 Bergsjö, Rännsjön


Father: Abraham Erik Holmberg

Mother: Brita Catharina Dahl

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Lars Eric Holmberg

Birth: 15 feb 1844 Staberg, Överlännäs (Y

Death: 11 feb 1896 Västeraspby, Torsåker (Y


Father: Lars Isaksson

Mother: Susanna Israelsdotter

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Lars Adamsson Holmberg

Birth: 30 MAR 1762 Sigfride, Öja (I

Death: 11 FEB 1849 ja (I


Father: Adam ADAMSSON

Mother: Catharina LARSDOTTER

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Lars Gustaf Holmberg

Birth: 19 Augusti 1818 Sankt Ilian, Västmanland, Sverige

Death: 19 Juli 1821 Sankt Ilian, Västmanland, Sverige


Father: Per Holmberg

Mother: Sara Maria Hård

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Lars Roland Holmberg

Birth: 3 maj 1928 Ödeshög

Death: 1974 Karlstads landsforsamling, Värmland, Sverige


Father: Edvin Leonard Johansson Holmberg

Mother: Anna Phil

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lars arne holmberg

Birth: den 7 december 1947 Göteborg, Västra Götaland, Sverige

Death: den 11 0ktober 2008 strömstad


Father: Arne Holmberg

Mother: Anna-Lisa Rehn

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