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Results for "Larry Patty"

1 - 10 of 10 Records

Larry Dee Patty - 1936 to 2011

Birth: 10 Sep 1936 Muncie, INbirth0

Death: 10 Sep 2011 Muncie, Delaware, Indiana, USAdeath0


Father: Blaine Devonne Patty

Mother: Vivah E. Simos

Larry D Patty - 1943 to 2021

Birth: 1943

Death: 30 Jul 2021


Father: Obed William Patty

Mother: Wanda Irene Doss

Larry William Patty - 1940 to 1993

Birth: 10 Jan 1940 Californiabirth2

Death: 5 Dec 1993 Santa Clara, Santa Clara, California, United States of Americadeath2


Father: Lester L Patty

Mother: Alberta Anderson

Larry Dewayne Patty - 1937 to 2005

Birth: 30 June 1937 Las Animas, Bent, Coloradobirth3

Death: 4 July 2005 Deming, Luna, New Mexicodeath3


Father: Louis N Patty

Mother: Juanita F. Flinn

Larry Dee Patty - 1936 to 2011

Birth: 10 SEP 1936 Muncie, Delaware Co., INbirth4

Death: 10 SEP 2011 IU Health Ball Memorial Hospital, Muncie, Delaware Co., IN


Father: Blaine D Patty

Mother: Vivah E. Simos

Larry Emmerson Patty - 1936 to 1976

Birth: March 15, 1936 Asheville Buncomb County North Carolina USAbirth5

Death: 21 Oct 1976 Anaheim, Orange, California, USAdeath5


Father: Horace Redin Patty

Mother: Edith Frances Jones

Larry Patty - 1850

Birth: 1850 Gabirth6

Death: Not Available


Father: Charles William Patty

Mother: Nancy Caroline NABORS

Larry Patty

Birth: Not Available

Death: Not Available


Father: Robert Patty

Mother: Alma Lola McGary/PATTY

Larry Micheal Patty - 1940

Birth: after 1940

Death: Not Available Blount Co, TNdeath8


Father: Charles E Patty

Mother: Mary Ruth Carmichael

Larry Dee Patty

Birth: Not Available

Death: Not Available


Father: Not Available

Mother: Not Available

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