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Results for "Lafayette Dallas"

1 - 10 of 10 Records

Lafayette Pierce "FATE" Dallas - 1899 to 1979

Birth: 04 Feb 1899 Macon Co, TNbirth0

Death: 7 Feb 1979 Whites Creek, Davidson, Tennessee, USAdeath0


Father: Lafayette Pierce "LP" Dallas

Mother: Phoebe Leona COOK

Lafayette Pinkney DALLAS - 1838 to 1902

Birth: 18 Apr 1838 Macon Co TN, USAbirth1

Death: 28 Jul 1902 Macon Co TNdeath1


Father: Robert Dallas

Mother: Rebecca Dallas

Lafayette Pierce "LP" Dallas - 1873 to 1951

Birth: 08 May 1873 Lafayette, Macon Co., TNbirth2

Death: 7 Nov 1951 Nashville, Davidson, Tennessee (Mt Sharon Cemetery, Greenbrier, TNdeath2


Father: Lafayette Pinkney DALLAS

Mother: Sarah Adaline TALLEY

Lafayette Jackson Dallas - 1847 to 1917

Birth: 17 May 1847 Port Washington, Tuscarawas, Ohio, USAbirth3

Death: 29 November 1917 Uhrichsville, Tuscarawas, Ohio, USAdeath3


Father: James Alexander Dallas

Mother: Elizabeth 'Betsy' Cross

Lafayette Pinkney DALLAS - 1838 to 1902

Birth: 18 Apr 1838 Lafayette, Macon, Tennessee, United Statesbirth4

Death: 28 Jul 1902 Lafayette, Macon, Tennessee, United Statesdeath4


Father: Robert Dallas

Mother: Rebecca Dallas

Lafayette Pierce Dallas - 1873 to 1951

Birth: 8 May 1873 Tennesseebirth5

Death: 7 Nov 1951 Nashville, Davidson, Tennesseedeath5


Father: Lafayette Pinkney DALLAS

Mother: Sarah Adaline TALLEY

Lafayette Pierce (LP Jr) DALLAS - 1936 to 2011

Birth: 10 Jan 1936 Macon County, Tennesseebirth6

Death: 6 Apr 2011 Holly, Oakland County, Michigan, United States of Americadeath6


Father: Lafayette Pierce "FATE" Dallas

Mother: Bessie Lee

Lafayette Abraham "LA" DALLAS - 1916 to 1917

Birth: 05 Mar 1916 Macon Co, TNbirth7

Death: 28 Jul 1917 Macon Co, TNdeath7


Father: Obadiah Robert 'Obie' DALLAS

Mother: Minnie Bell COOK

Lafayette D Dallas - 1833 to 1854

Birth: 1833 Belmont County, Ohio, USAbirth8

Death: 1854


Father: Robert Armstrong Dallas

Mother: Priscilla Israel

Lafayette Dallas

Birth: Not Available

Death: Not Available


Father: Robert Armstrong Dallas

Mother: Not Available

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