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Results for "L Daniel"

1 - 25 of 120 Records

L D Daniel - 1882 to 1950

Birth: abt 1882 Alabamabirth0

Death: 26 Dec 1950 Eclectic, Elmore, Alabamadeath0


Father: William Daniel

Mother: Nancey Jackson

L D Daniel - 1882 to 1950

Birth: abt 1882 Alabamabirth1

Death: 26 Dec 1950 Eclectic, Elmore, Alabamadeath1


Father: William Daniel

Mother: Nancey Jackson

L G Daniel - 1906 to 1976

Birth: abt 1906 Georgiabirth2

Death: 13 April 1976


Father: Hilliard Rufus Daniel

Mother: Eunice Idel Huckaby

L G Daniel - 1906 to 1976

Birth: abt 1906 Georgiabirth3

Death: 13 April 1976


Father: Hilliard Rufus Daniel

Mother: Eunice Idel Huckaby

L J Daniel - 1919 to 1986

Birth: 6 Jun 1919 Columbus/Muscogee/Box Springs, Geneva, Wilkerson, Juniper, Talbot County, Georgiabirth4

Death: Feb 1986 Columbusdeath4


Father: Columbus Daniel

Mother: Rosa Walton

L J Daniel - 1919 to 1986

Birth: 6 Jun 1919 Columbus/Muscogee/Box Springs, Geneva, Wilkerson, Juniper, Talbot County, Georgiabirth5

Death: Feb 1986 Columbusdeath5


Father: Columbus Daniel

Mother: Rosa Walton

L Perry Daniel - 1919 to 1971

Birth: 3 Oct 1919 North Carolinabirth6

Death: 29 Aug 1971


Father: George William Daniel

Mother: Daisy Lovett Horah

L. C. (Elsie) Daniel - 1906 to 1982

Birth: 30 Aug 1906 Burleson Co, Texas USAbirth7

Death: 21 Oct 1982 Lee Co., TXdeath7


Father: William Jessie Daniel

Mother: Ettie Zane Eddleman

L T Daniel - 1916 to 1964

Birth: abt 1916 Kentuckybirth8

Death: 05 JAN 1964 Ironton, Ohiodeath8


Father: Francis Elcanah Daniels

Mother: Carrie Jane Ramey Daniels

L O Daniel - 1900 to 1966

Birth: 1900 Texasbirth9

Death: 01 Dec 1966 Good Shepherd Hospital - Longivew, Gregg County, Texasdeath9



Mother: Maude E Davenport

L Daniel - 1865 to 1936

Birth: 1865 Georgiabirth10

Death: 23 Apr 1936 Atlanta, Dekalb, Georgia, USAdeath10


Father: Monroe Stanley

Mother: Mary Bailey

L O Daniel - 1900 to 1966

Birth: 1900 Texasbirth11

Death: 01 Dec 1966 Good Shepherd Hospital - Longivew, Gregg County, Texasdeath11



Mother: Maude E Davenport

L A Daniel - 1868 to 1871

Birth: Abt. 1868 , Attala, Mississippi, United Statesbirth12

Death: 1871/1879 MSdeath12


Father: Andrew Jackson Daniel

Mother: Nancy Jane Payne

L D Daniel - 1909 to 1950

Birth: 11 dec 1909 Elmore, Alabama, USAbirth13

Death: 26 Dec 1950 Elmore, Alabamadeath13


Father: Richard Daniel

Mother: Ophelia Weseley

L M Daniel - 1907 to 1992

Birth: abt 1907 Alabamabirth14

Death: 1992


Father: Leonard Daniel

Mother: Belvadore Wood

L M Daniel - 1907 to 1992

Birth: abt 1907 Alabamabirth15

Death: 1992


Father: Leonard Daniel

Mother: Belvadore Wood

L C Daniel - 1937 to 1980

Birth: 17 Nov 1937 Upsom County, Georgiabirth16

Death: Jul 1980


Father: James Daniel

Mother: Sallie M Dorsley

L.V.(Elva) (aka Aunt Bee) Daniel - 1918 to 1999

Birth: November 22, 1918 Moore County, Tennessee, USAbirth17

Death: November 29, 1999 Franklin County, Tennessee, USAdeath17


Father: Robert Whitt Daniel

Mother: Sally Vester Sons

L C Daniel - 1901

Birth: abt 1901 Arkansasbirth18

Death: Not Available


Father: Jerry Daniels

Mother: Virginia Huskey

L C Daniel - 1915 to 1955

Birth: abt 1915 Alabamabirth19

Death: 31 May 1955 Birmingham, Jefferson, Alabamadeath19


Father: Harrison Daniel

Mother: Bertha Richardson

L Ida Daniel - 1881

Birth: Sep 1881 ALbirth20

Death: Not Available


Father: John Daniel

Mother: Malissa Barganier

L. D (Billie) Daniel - 1913 to 1976

Birth: abt 1913 Beat 3, Pontotoc, Mississippi, USAbirth21

Death: 30 October 1976 Haleyville, Winston, Alabama, USAdeath21


Father: Pinkney Louis Daniel

Mother: Allie H Hipp

L Daniel - 1904

Birth: 1904 London, Englandbirth22

Death: Not Available


Father: William Charles Daniel

Mother: Julia Atta Woodrow

L A Daniel - 1904

Birth: 1904 Georgiabirth23

Death: Not Available


Father: E Daniel

Mother: Margaret Daniel

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