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Results for "Kirsti Qvikne"

1 - 21 of 21 Records
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Kerstin Elisaet Vikner - 1931 to 1989

Birth: 20 JUL 1931 Lovstrand, Dorotea, Vasterbotten, Swedenbirth0

Death: 2 nov 1989 Gnesta,Frustuna-Kattnäs,Södemanlands Län, Sverigedeath0


Father: Algot Amandus Vikner

Mother: Rut Jonsson

Kristi Pedersdatter Vike - 1747

Birth: 1747 Vike,,Romsdal,Norwaybirth1



Father: Peder Vik Indre

Mother: Ingeborg Rasmusdatter Marken

Kirsti Larsd. Kvigne - 1787 to 1848

Birth: 1787 Lærdalbirth2

Death: 1848 Lærdaldeath2


Father: Lars Ingebrigtsen

Mother: Jørond Jensdatter

Kerstin Vike - 1897 to 1988

Birth: 04 Nov 1897 Sifferbo,Gagnefs förs

Death: 12 Jul 1988 Hägersten,Stockholms län


Father: Erik Andersson Vike

Mother: Kerstin Olsdotter

Kirsti Ingebrigtsd. Kvigne - 1758 to 1801

Birth: 1758 Lærdalbirth4

Death: 1801 Lærdaldeath4


Father: Ingebrigt Pedersen

Mother: Anna Roarsd. Øvrevoll

Kristi Amundsdatter Viknes - 1703 to 1720

Birth: 1703 Viknes, Ulvik, Hordaland, Norwaybirth5

Death: 1720 Viknes, Ulvik, Hordaland, Norwaydeath5


Father: Aamund Aamundsen

Mother: Kristi Arnfinnsdatter

Kristi Larsdatter Vikno - 1897 to 1897

Birth: 1897 Vikno, Haus Sokn, Hordaland, Norwaybirth6

Death: 1897 Vikno, Haus Sokn, Hordaland, Norwaydeath6


Father: Johannes Johannesson Vikno

Mother: Gitlaug Monsdatter Vikno

Kristi L Viken - 1885 to 1972

Birth: 28 Nov 1885

Death: 17 Juni 1972 Jølster, "Sogn og Fjordane", Norwaydeath7


Father: Lars Rasmusson Gåsmyr fødd Hole

Mother: Marte Byrgedotter Kvila

Kristi Olsdatter Viken - 1822 to 1895

Birth: 1822 Suldal, Rogaland, Norwaybirth8

Death: 1895


Father: Ola Samuelson

Mother: Anna Jonsdatter

Kirsti Kristoffersd. Lærdalsøyri Kvigne - 1757

Birth: 1757 Lærdalbirth9

Death: Not Available


Father: Kristoffer Olsson Lærdalsøyri

Mother: Ingeleiv Roarsd. Øvrevoll

Kirsti Jondotter Vikene - 1719

Birth: 1719

Death: Not Available


Father: Jon Reidarsen Vikene

Mother: Marta Olsdotter

Kristi Larsdatter Vike

Birth: Not Available

Death: Bef 1746 Vike,,Romsdal,Norway


Father: Lars Olson Vike

Mother: Not Available

Kirsty Michelle Vine - 1983 to 2015

Birth: Mar 1983 Chelmsford, Cambridgeshire, Bedfordshire, Huntingdonshire, Essexbirth12

Death: 2015 Chelmsford, Essex, Englanddeath12


Father: Not Available

Mother: Carol Anne Vine

Kristi Iversdsatter Vike - 1812 to 1889

Birth: 1812 Tresfjord,Romsdal,Norwaybirth13

Death: 1889 Eidhammar Oygarn,Tresfjord,Romsdal,Norwaydeath13


Father: Not Available

Mother: Not Available

Kirsti Olesdatter Kvikne - 1713 to 1800

Birth: 1713 Kvikne

Death: 1800 Lonåsmoen (Søndre), Tynsetdeath14


Father: Not Available

Mother: Not Available

Female IconMale Icon

Kirsty Michelle Vine - 1983

Birth: Jan 1983 Chelmsford, Essexbirth15

Death: Not Available


Father: Not Available

Mother: Not Available

Female IconMale Icon

Kirsty Vine - 1999

Birth: Nov 1999 Stourbridge, Worcestershirebirth16

Death: Not Available


Father: Not Available

Mother: Not Available

Kirsti Olsdatter Viken - 1892 to 1978

Birth: 5 Apr 1892

Death: 23 Aug 1978 Lomen, Vestre Slidre, Oppland, Norwaydeath17


Father: Not Available

Mother: Not Available

Kerstin Anna-Lisa Vikner

Birth: Not Available Sveg, Jämtland, Sverigebirth18

Death: Not Available Göteborg och Bohus, Sverigedeath18


Father: Not Available

Mother: Not Available

Kristi Vikane

Birth: Not Available

Death: Not Available


Father: Not Available

Mother: Not Available

Kirsti Viken - 1890

Birth: Abt. 1890

Death: Not Available


Father: Not Available

Mother: Not Available

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