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Results for "Katarina Qvist"

1 - 10 of 10 Records

Katarina (Kajsa) Qvist - 1769 to 1797

Birth: ?? DEC 1769 Askersund (T)birth0

Death: 1797


Father: Peter Qvist

Mother: Elisabet Sundblad

Katarina (Kajsa) Qvist - 1769 to 1797

Birth: ?? DEC 1769 Askersund (T)birth1

Death: 1797


Father: Peter Qvist

Mother: Elisabet Sundblad

Katarina Albertina Qvist - 1890 to 1891

Birth: 24 APR 1890 Skogen - Älvkarleö, Älvkarleby fs (C)birth2

Death: 29 APR 1891 Skogen - Älvkarleö, Älvkarleby fs (C)death2


Father: Eric Jonsson Qvist

Mother: Karin Qvist, f. Ersdotter

Katarina Augusta Qvist - 1829 to 1888

Birth: 07 Mar 1829 Dannemora (Cbirth3

Death: 8 AUG 1888 sterby bruksförs (Cdeath3


Father: Anders Qvist

Mother: Katarina Maria Gille

Katarina Margareta Qvist - 1724

Birth: 20 OCT 1724 mot (Xbirth4

Death: Not Available


Father: Andreas Qvist

Mother: Anna Elisabet Salner Schalner

Katarina Margareta Qvist - 1778

Birth: 07 Jun 1778 Skullersta, Nora, Västernorrland, Swedenbirth5

Death: Not Available


Father: Daniel Qvist

Mother: Katarina Kristina Löfmarck

Katarina Pauli Qvist - 1782 to 1824

Birth: 12 May 1782

Death: 17 Jan 1824 Pajujärvi, Ryhälänmäki, Iisalmen maaseurakunta, Kuopio, Finland


Father: Paul Qvist

Mother: Anna Mansk

Katarina Margareta (Greta) Qvist - 1897 to 1902

Birth: 18 DEC 1897

Death: 28 JAN 1902


Father: Anton Aloys Qvist

Mother: Anna Kristina Magdalena Olsoni

Katarina Margareta Qvist - 1724

Birth: 20 OCT 1724 Åmot (X)birth8

Death: Not Available


Father: Not Available

Mother: Not Available

Katarina Margareta Qvist - 1829

Birth: 18 sept 1829

Death: Not Available


Father: Not Available

Mother: Not Available

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