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Results for "Karl Qvist"

1 - 25 of 139 Records

Karl August Qvist - 1847 to 1927

Birth: Sep 1847 Swedenbirth0

Death: 26 Mar 1927 Fresno, California, USAdeath0


Father: Carl Rundquist

Mother: Lisa Jonsdotter

Karl Vilhelm QVIST - 1878 to 1918

Birth: 09 Aug 1878 Simonby,Pargas,Abo,Finlandbirth1

Death: 1918 NY,Bronx,NYdeath1


Father: Simon Vilhelm QVIST

Mother: Gustava Sofia SUNDSTROM

Karl Fredrik Qvist - 1853 to 1937

Birth: 11 Okt 1853 Järvsö, Gävleborg, Sverigebirth2

Death: 13 februari 1937 Järvsö, Gävleborg, Sverigedeath2


Father: Jonas Skoglund

Mother: Ella Jonsdotter

Karl August Qvist - 1888 to 1976

Birth: 12 JAN 1888 Grangärde, Kopparbergs länbirth3

Death: 7 NOV 1976 Grangärde, Kopparbergs ländeath3


Father: Carl Johan Qvist

Mother: Maria Lovisa Jansdotter

Karl August Qvist - 1888 to 1976

Birth: 12 JAN 1888 Grangärde, Kopparbergs länbirth4

Death: 7 NOV 1976 Grangärde, Kopparbergs ländeath4


Father: Carl Johan Qvist

Mother: Maria Lovisa Jansdotter

Karl Fritiof Qvist - 1905 to 1952

Birth: 1905 Tanum, Göteborg & Bohuslänbirth5

Death: 1952 Grebbestad, Göteborg & Bohusländeath5


Father: Carl August Olausson-Qvist

Mother: Hilma Alexandersdotter

Karl Anton Qvist - 1883

Birth: 1 DEC 1883 Grangärde, Kopparbergs länbirth6

Death: Not Available USA?death6


Father: Carl Johan Qvist

Mother: Maria Lovisa Jansdotter

Karl Fredrik Qvist - 1853 to 1937

Birth: 11 Okt 1853 Järvsö, Gävleborg, Sverigebirth7

Death: 13 februari 1937 Järvsö, Gävleborg, Sverigedeath7


Father: Jonas Skoglund

Mother: Ella Jonsdotter

Karl Magnus Qvist - 1903 to 1988

Birth: 1903/06/04 Gunnarskog,Arvika,Värmland,Sverigebirth8

Death: 19 DEC 1988 Stora Årbotten, Gunnarskogdeath8


Father: nils Magnusson Kvist

Mother: Selma Dahlbom

Karl Eriksson Qvist - 1792 to 1878

Birth: 20 Mar 1792 Lerbäck, T-länbirth9

Death: 3 Nov 1878 Härryda, Västra Götaland, Sverigedeath9


Father: Erik Jansson

Mother: Catharina Jansdotter

Karl Johan Qvist - 1847 to 1931

Birth: 16 NOV 1847 lme, Värmlands län, Sverigebirth10

Death: 23 MAR 1931 Grangärde, Kopparbergs ländeath10


Father: Petter Qvist

Mother: Johanna Johannesdotter

Karl August Qvist - 1858 to 1894

Birth: 12 okt 1858 Vikingstad, Östergötland, Sverigebirth11

Death: 18 feb 1894 stra Tollstad, Östergötland, Sverigedeath11


Father: Anders Qvist (Landon)

Mother: Helena Katharina Johansdotter

Karl Helge Qvist - 1897 to 1981

Birth: 20 nov 1897 Tranemo, Älvsborg, Sverigebirth12

Death: 21 nov 1981 Tranemo, Älvsborg, Sverigedeath12


Father: Per Johan Johansson Qvist

Mother: Josefina Pettersdotter

Karl Alfred Qvist - 1841 to 1896

Birth: 05 Mar 1841 lem, Kalmar län, Swedenbirth13

Death: 29 Apr 1896 Böle, Ryssby, Kalmar, Swedendeath13


Father: Karl Johan Kvist

Mother: Cajsa Olafsdotter

Karl Simonsson Qvist - 1856 to 1939

Birth: 26 February 1856 Malax, Ostrobothnia, Finlandbirth14

Death: 3 January 1939 Västerhankmo, Kvevlax, Ostrobothnia, Finlanddeath14


Father: Simon Jakobsson Qvist

Mother: Ulrika Wilhelmina Jakobsdotter

Karl Algot Qvist - 1903 to 1991

Birth: 28 jan 1903 Brandstorp, Västergötlandbirth15

Death: 17/11 1991 Ystaddeath15


Father: Johan Viktor Kvist

Mother: Anna Matilda Bengtsson

Karl Qvist - 1795 to 1832

Birth: 9 Mar 1795 Orimattila, Etela-Suomen Laani, Finlandbirth16

Death: 26 Dec 1832 Orimattila, Etela-Suomen Laani, Finlanddeath16


Father: Karl Qvist

Mother: Lena Henriksdotter Lindgren

Karl Arvid Qvist - 1882 to 1882

Birth: 3 juli 1882 Kvillebirth17

Death: 29 Juli 1882 Kvilledeath17


Father: Alexander Kristiansson Qvist Lind

Mother: AUGUSTA Andreasdotter

Karl Edvard Qvist - 1876 to 1917

Birth: Den 21 april 1876 Hosjö, Södermanland, Sverigebirth18

Death: Den 24 december 1917 Säfsnäs, Kopparberg, Swedendeath18


Father: August Qvist

Mother: Eva Holmström

Karl Qvist - 1872 to 1889

Birth: 23 March 1872 , Virserum, Kalmar, Swedenbirth19

Death: 18 September 1889 , Virserum, Kalmar, Swedendeath19


Father: Olaus Qvist Mosesson

Mother: Karolina Qvist Andersdotter

Karl Arvid Qvist - 1882 to 1882

Birth: 3 juli 1882 Kvillebirth20

Death: 29 Juli 1882 Kvilledeath20


Father: Alexander Kristiansson Qvist Lind

Mother: AUGUSTA Andreasdotter

Karl Edvard Qvist - 1876 to 1917

Birth: Den 21 april 1876 Hosjö, Södermanland, Sverigebirth21

Death: Den 24 december 1917 Säfsnäs, Kopparberg, Swedendeath21


Father: August Qvist

Mother: Eva Holmström

KARL AUGUST QVIST - 1872 to 1945

Birth: 28 Apr 1872 Vårdsberg Ebirth22

Death: 20 JUN 1945



Mother: Gustafva Andersson f Ekholm

Karl Erik Qvist - 1867 to 1925

Birth: 24 Jan 1867 Morkarla (Cbirth23

Death: 7 Sept 1925 rebro lasarett, Örebro, Sverigedeath23


Father: Olof Qvist (Öster)

Mother: Julia Carolina Bernhardina Hallberg

Karl Henrik Qvist - 1878 to 1941

Birth: 27 NOV 1878 Göteve, Skaraborg, Sverigebirth24

Death: 3 MAR 1941 Ästorp, Smedegården, Göteve, Skaraborg, Sverigedeath24


Father: Jan Petter Kvist

Mother: Not Available

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