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Results for "Kari Qvale"

1 - 25 of 26 Records
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Kari Larsdatter: Kvale - 1750 to 1830

Birth: 1750

Death: ca 01.1830 Eide, Sogndal, Sogn og Fjordane, Norwaydeath0


Father: Lars Andersen of Kvale

Mother: Anna Rasmusdatter

Karl Anton Qvale - 1898 to 1976

Birth: 17 MAY 1898 Feda, Vest-Agder, Norgebirth1

Death: 2 JAN 1976


Father: Edvard Kristoffersen Qvale

Mother: Anna Asbjørnsdatter

Karl Kvale - 1910

Birth: 27 Mars 1910 Jevnakerbirth2

Death: Not Available


Father: Andreas Eriksen Kvale

Mother: Ingeborg Andersdr Heier

Kari Johanne Kvale - 1942 to 1965

Birth: 25 APR 1942 Haugesund, Rogalandbirth3

Death: 1 AUG 1965 Haugesund, Rogalanddeath3


Father: Erik Øritsland Kvale

Mother: Erna Alise Husebø

Kari Jonsdtr. Vale - 1720

Birth: about 1720 Holla, Telemark, Nwy

Death: Not Available


Father: Jon Arvesen (Vale)

Mother: Kirsti Olsdatter (Gvåle)

Kari Nilsdatter QVALEN - 1838

Birth: 9 DEC 1838 Hafslo, Norwaybirth5



Father: Nils HANSSON

Mother: Anna Sjursdr

Kari Sjursdatter Kvale - 1889

Birth: 04 Apr 1889 Kvåle, Sogndal, Sogn og Fjordane, Norwaybirth6

Death: Not Available


Father: Sjur Erikson Kvale

Mother: Gunhild Eriksdatter Skjeldestad

Karl Kristian Qvade - 1823

Birth: 1823 Smakkerupgaard, Viskinge, Skippinge, Holbæk

Death: Not Available


Father: Claus Henrik Qvade

Mother: Johanne Frantzen

Karl Ulrik Qvale - 1903

Birth: 15 Sept 1903

Death: Not Available


Father: Kristian August Øvale

Mother: Gudny Qvale

Karl Sigurd Kvale - 1908

Birth: 1 Sep 1908

Death: Not Available


Father: Eilif Kvale

Mother: Anna Austad

Kari Eriksdotter Kvale - 1898

Birth: 1898

Death: Not Available


Father: Erik Rolvsen Kvale

Mother: Embjorg Hansdatter Stensgaard

Kari Haraldsdatter Vale - 1790

Birth: abt 1790

Death: Not Available


Father: Harald Arvesen Olsbrygge

Mother: Inger Gundersdatter Saug

Kari Quale - 1858 to 1952

Birth: 1858

Death: 1952


Father: Herborg Davidsdatter

Mother: Svein Sveinson Hakasra

Kari Vale

Birth: Not Available

Death: Not Available


Father: Hans Vale

Mother: Anne Toraldsdr

Kari Hansdatter Kvale - 1868

Birth: 30 Nov 1868

Death: Not Available


Father: Hans Olsen Vigstad

Mother: Marit Persdatter Bakke

Kari Sjurdottar Kvale - 1869

Birth: 14 Aug 1869

Death: Not Available


Father: Sjur Davidsen Kvale

Mother: Marta Malena Johannessdotter Visness

Kari Kvale - 1860

Birth: Abt. 1860

Death: Not Available


Father: Knut H Kvåle

Mother: Sigrid Fodnes

Kari Gjestsdtr Kvale - 1745 to 1773

Birth: Abt. 1745 Kvale, Sogndal, Sogn og Fjord, Norway

Death: 1773 Aaberge, Sogndal, Sogn og Fjord, Norway


Father: Gjert Ellingsen kvale

Mother: Not Available

Female IconMale Icon

Kari Kvale - 1898

Birth: 1898 Skjaak

Death: Not Available


Father: Not Available

Mother: Not Available

Female IconMale Icon

Kari Kvale - 1889

Birth: 1889

Death: Not Available


Father: Not Available

Mother: Not Available

Kari Andersdtr Kvale - 1887 to 1957

Birth: 1887 Valdres, Vestre Slidrebirth20

Death: 1957 Valdres, Vestre Slidredeath20


Father: Not Available

Mother: Not Available

Kari Torsteinsdatter Kvale - 1879

Birth: 1879

Death: Not Available


Father: Not Available

Mother: Not Available

Kari Olsdatter Qaale - 1675 to 1740

Birth: Abt. 1675

Death: 1740


Father: Not Available

Mother: Not Available

Kari Hansdatter Gvale

Birth: Not Available

Death: Not Available


Father: Not Available

Mother: Not Available

Karl A Quale

Birth: Not Available

Death: Not Available


Father: Not Available

Mother: Not Available

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