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Results for "Joseph Ingalls"

1 - 25 of 265 Records

Joseph Wellington Ingalls - 1819 to 1912

Birth: 1 May 1819 Butler, Ohio, USAbirth0

Death: 15 Apr 1912 Lincoln Creek, Lewis, Washington, USAdeath0


Father: Israel Ingalls

Mother: Mary "Polly" Lord

Joseph Wellington Ingalls - 1819 to 1912

Birth: 1 May 1819 Butler, Ohio, USAbirth1

Death: 15 Apr 1912 Lincoln Creek, Lewis, Washington, USAdeath1


Father: Israel Ingalls

Mother: Mary "Polly" Lord

Joseph E Ingalls - 1857 to 1911

Birth: 5 February 1857 Peabody, Essex County, Massachusetts, United States of Americabirth2

Death: 19 September 1911 Salem, Essex County, Massachusetts, United States of Americadeath2


Father: Joseph Shaw Ingalls

Mother: Lydia Fowler Ingalls

Joseph Ingalls - 1815 to 1892

Birth: 30 Jul 1815 Vermontbirth3

Death: 26 May 1892 Sheffield, Caledonia, Vermont, USAdeath3


Father: Joseph Hilton Ingalls

Mother: Comfort Weeks

Joseph MacDowell Ingalls - 1855 to 1905

Birth: 1855 Ohiobirth4

Death: 8 Nov 1905 Des Moines, Polk, Iowa, United Statesdeath4


Father: Pearl Parker Ingalls

Mother: Mary Sutton McDowell

Joseph MacDowell Ingalls - 1855 to 1905

Birth: 1855 Ohiobirth5

Death: 8 Nov 1905 Des Moines, Polk, Iowa, United Statesdeath5


Father: Pearl Parker Ingalls

Mother: Mary Sutton McDowell

Joseph Ingalls - 1792 to 1874

Birth: 2/11/1792 Lynn, Essex, Massachusettsbirth6

Death: 2 Dec 1874 Lynndeath6


Father: Edmund Ingalls

Mother: Huldah Sole Bachellor Ingalls

Joseph R Ingalls - 1844 to 1922

Birth: 22 Aug 1844 Mainebirth7

Death: 16 Jul 1922 Mainedeath7


Father: Abel Ingalls

Mother: Sophia Faber March

Joseph R Ingalls - 1844 to 1922

Birth: 22 Aug 1844 Mainebirth8

Death: 16 Jul 1922 Mainedeath8


Father: Abel Ingalls

Mother: Sophia Faber March

Joseph Calvin Ingalls - 1824 to 1881

Birth: 1824 Canterbury, Merrimack, New Hampshire, USAbirth9

Death: 1881 Concord, Merrimack, New Hampshire, USAdeath9


Father: Calvin Ingalls

Mother: Nancy Taylor

Joseph Augustus Ingalls - 1841 to 1900

Birth: 3/10/1841 Swampscott, Essex, Massachusetts, United Statesbirth10

Death: 15 JAN 1900 Boston, Madeath10


Father: Ephraim Ingalls

Mother: Elizabeth Cloon

Joseph Ingalls - 1835 to 1894

Birth: abt 1835 New Yorkbirth11

Death: 21 Aug 1894 New York, USAdeath11


Father: Samuel Ingalls (Stahl) VII

Mother: Gertrude/ Giley Stahl

Joseph Ingalls - 1835 to 1894

Birth: abt 1835 New Yorkbirth12

Death: 21 Aug 1894 New York, USAdeath12


Father: Samuel Ingalls (Stahl) VII

Mother: Gertrude/ Giley Stahl

Joseph "Truman" Ingalls - 1834 to 1903

Birth: Jan 1834 New York, USAbirth13

Death: August 1903


Father: Truman Ingalls

Mother: Abagail Cowell

Joseph Calvin Ingalls - 1824 to 1881

Birth: 1824 Canterbury, Merrimack, New Hampshire, USAbirth14

Death: 1881 Concord, Merrimack, New Hampshire, USAdeath14


Father: Calvin Ingalls

Mother: Nancy Taylor

Joseph Frye INGALLS - 1803 to 1876

Birth: 27 Mar 1803 , , Massachusetts, USAbirth15

Death: 2 February 1876 Methuen, Essex County, Massachusetts, United States of Americadeath15


Father: Alfred Ingalls

Mother: Molly Stickney

Joseph Frye INGALLS - 1803 to 1876

Birth: 27 Mar 1803 , , Massachusetts, USAbirth16

Death: 2 February 1876 Methuen, Essex County, Massachusetts, United States of Americadeath16


Father: Alfred Ingalls

Mother: Molly Stickney

Joseph Ingalls - 1911 to 1941

Birth: 11 March 1911 Washington, Washington, District of Columbia, USAbirth17

Death: 12 NOV 1941 Washington, DC (Home) 5314 Dorsett Place N.W.death17


Father: Henry Edington Ingalls

Mother: Edna Marie Worthmiller

Joseph Ingalls - 1782 to 1860

Birth: abt 1782 New Yorkbirth18

Death: abt 1860 Michigan death18


Father: William Engle

Mother: Mary Thomas

Joseph A Ingalls - 1867 to 1902

Birth: 2 Jun 1867 Lynn, Essex, Massachusetts, USAbirth19

Death: 28 Jan 1902 Lynn, Massachusetts, USAdeath19


Father: Charles Wilson Ingalls

Mother: Mary Webb Dupar

Joseph Lyford Ingalls - 1804 to 1878

Birth: 01 Jan 1804 Canterbury, NHbirth20

Death: 9 Aug 1878 Canaan, Essex County, Vermontdeath20


Father: Rev. Caleb Ingalls

Mother: Elisabeth Clark

Joseph Clark Ingalls - 1832 to 1902

Birth: 9 Sep 1832 Windham Twp, Windham, Vtbirth21

Death: 1902


Father: Abial Ingals

Mother: Mehitabel PERSONS

Joseph Francis Ingalls - 1924 to 2000

Birth: 12 Oct 1924

Death: 1 Jan 2000 Homewood, Cook, Illinois, USAdeath22


Father: Oscar Harry Ingalls

Mother: Mary Ellen Martin

Joseph Francis Ingalls - 1924 to 2000

Birth: 12 Oct 1924

Death: 1 Jan 2000 Homewood, Cook, Illinois, USAdeath23


Father: Oscar Harry Ingalls

Mother: Mary Ellen Martin

Joseph E Ingalls - 1954 to 2011

Birth: 13 Feb 1954 Bedford, Lawrence County, Indiana, USAbirth24

Death: 29 Aug 2011 Indianapolis, Marion, Indiana, USA-Saint Vincent Hospitaldeath24


Father: James Frank Ingalls

Mother: Shirley Ann Babb

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