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Results for "John Quiggins"

1 - 25 of 44 Records

John T Quiggins - 1868 to 1943

Birth: 09 Mar 1868 Logan Twp., Pike County, Indiana, USAbirth0

Death: 10 Jun 1943 Pike County, Indiana, USAdeath0


Father: James Mitchell Quiggins

Mother: Nancy Jane Barrett

John Adams Quiggins - 1755 to 1814

Birth: 12 Jan 1755 Santon, Isle of Man, Englandbirth1

Death: 09 May 1814 Marion County, KYdeath1


Father: John Quaggin

Mother: Isabel Cubbon

John Adams Quiggins - 1755 to 1814

Birth: 12 Jan 1755 Santon, Isle of Man, Englandbirth2

Death: 09 May 1814 Marion County, KYdeath2


Father: John Quaggin

Mother: Isabel Cubbon

John Adams Quiggins - 1754 to 1814

Birth: 1754 Maryland, USAbirth3

Death: 09 May 1814 Marion County, Kentuckydeath3


Father: William Quiggin

Mother: Margaret Quiggin

John Quiggins - 1937 to 1997

Birth: 1 Jun 1937 Leitchfield, Grayson, Kentucky, USAbirth4

Death: 21 May 1997 Radcliff, Hardin, Kentucky, USAdeath4


Father: Clarence M Quiggins

Mother: Suda White

John Quiggins - 1801 to 1890

Birth: 01 Jan 1801 Nelson County KYbirth5

Death: 03 May 1890 Elizabethtown, Hardin, Kentucky, USAdeath5


Father: John Adams Quiggins

Mother: Ann Killey

John Henry Quiggins - 1866 to 1949

Birth: Sep 1866 Breckinridge County, Kentucky, USAbirth6

Death: 9 Feb 1949 Breckinridge County, Kentucky, USAdeath6


Father: William C. Quiggins

Mother: Emily E. Quiggins

John Washington Quiggins - 1821 to 1884

Birth: Abt. 1821 Ohio County, Kentucky, USAbirth7

Death: Jan 1884 Short Creek, Grayson, Kentucky, USAdeath7


Father: Henry C. Quiggins

Mother: Mary Altivia Nottingham

John Cornelius Quiggins - 1884 to 1972

Birth: 2 Sep 1884 Kentuckybirth8

Death: 10 Nov 1972 Big Clifty, Grayson, Kentucky, United States of Americadeath8


Father: James Russell Quiggins

Mother: Lelia Hoskinson

John Godsey Quiggins - 1919 to 2007

Birth: 04 Dec 1919 White Mills, Hardin, Kentucky, USAbirth9

Death: 01 Mar 2007 Louisville, Jefferson, Kentucky, USAdeath9


Father: James H. QUIGGINS

Mother: Ruth Elizabeth Godsey

John White Quiggins - 1878 to 1931

Birth: Dec 1878 Mississippi, United Statesbirth10

Death: 5 Jun 1931


Father: Oliver Joseph Quiggins

Mother: Caroline Mansker

John Richard Quiggins - 1937 to 1997

Birth: 8 Oct 1937 Owensboro, Daviess, Kentucky, USAbirth11

Death: 24 April 1997 Newburgh, Warrick, Indiana, United States of Americadeath11


Father: Maurice Vincent Quiggins

Mother: Dorothy Lee Norris

John W Quiggins - 1850 to 1878

Birth: 02 Sep 1850 Breckinridge, Kentucky, USAbirth12

Death: 22 May 1878 Grayson, Kentucky, United Statesdeath12


Father: James M Quiggins

Mother: Nancy Cannon

John Cornelius Quiggins - 1884 to 1972

Birth: 2 Sep 1884 Breckinridge, Kentucky, USAbirth13

Death: 10 November 1972 Hardin, Kentuckydeath13


Father: James Russell Quiggins

Mother: Lelia Hoskinson

John Clifton Quiggins - 1937 to 1997

Birth: 1 Jun 1937 Grayson, Kentucky, United Statesbirth14

Death: 21 May 1997 Jefferson, Kentuckydeath14


Father: Clarence McKinley Quiggins

Mother: Suda Mae White

John Washington Quiggins - 1854 to 1928

Birth: 23 May 1854 Grayson County, Kentuckybirth15

Death: 05 Mar 1928 Tousey, Grayson County, Kentuckydeath15


Father: Ely W Quiggins

Mother: Nancy Jane Eskridge

John B Quiggins - 1830 to 1916

Birth: 17 Dec 1830 Elizabethtown, Kentuckybirth16

Death: 24 Aug 1916 Oldham, Kentucky, United Statesdeath16


Father: John Quiggins

Mother: Phoebe Tull

John Paul Quiggins - 1880 to 1944

Birth: 1 October 1880 Elizabethtown, Hardin County, Kentucky, USAbirth17

Death: 15 Nov 1944 Jefferson, Kentucky, United Statesdeath17


Father: Charles Wesley Quiggins

Mother: Fannie Ward Mayhall

John Washington Quiggins - 1877 to 1931

Birth: 12 Dec 1877 Mississippibirth18

Death: 5 June 1931 Mississippi, USAdeath18


Father: Oliver J Quiggins

Mother: Caroline Ada Quiggins

John Quiggins - 1857

Birth: 1857 Micheal, Isle of Man, Isle of Manbirth19

Death: Not Available


Father: William Quiggins

Mother: Margret Quiggins

John Ray Quiggins - 1952 to 2013

Birth: 31 Dec 1952 Jefferson, Kentuckybirth20

Death: 12 Sept 2013 Louisville, Jefferson County, Kentuckydeath20


Father: Robert Lee Quiggins

Mother: Minnie Lovina Gibson

John T. Quiggins - 1879

Birth: Abt 1879 Ohiobirth21

Death: Not Available


Father: John J Quiggin

Mother: Ellen

John J. Quiggins - 1849 to 1903

Birth: Abt 1849 Isle of Manbirth22

Death: before 1 March 1903 Cleveland, Cuyahoga, Ohio, USAdeath22


Father: Not Available

Mother: Not Available

John Henry Quiggins - 1848

Birth: 1848 Isle of Man, Isle of Manbirth23

Death: Not Available


Father: Not Available

Mother: Not Available

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